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04-11-2016, 12:10 AM
Post: #1
Can I even freelance yet?
Hey i have skills in programming such as c# sharp, javascript, a little php, and a little python.
I also create several macros using imacros and autoit. I manage to create some http bots, web automation bots, and computer programs such as clock timers, etc. I also did create some macros on android phones with tasker too.
I also try out unity for game development. I mess around with linux and powershell(windows). I also have experience
in open office and Microsoft words. There are other skills I have, but I not a pro in any of them in yet. I been using these languages and skills for years. I just use them when I need them. Each language works best for certain situation. I can say c# sharp is probably my most greatest skill set. I know a lot more of c# then any other languages I know. I just was wondering can I start freelancing for entry technical position or apply for entry technical jobs locally. If I can't what do I need to know and what I need to do? Thanks!
