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07-21-2014, 04:19 PM
Post: #1
Boris Continuum Complete 9 for Adobe and AVX
[Image: 1405778181-20.jpg]
Boris Continuum Complete 9 for Adobe and AVX | 623MB

Continuum Complete is the Swiss Army Knife of Visual Effects, giving compositors and editors the most complete and useful plug-in suite ever created. Over 200 plug-in filters include 3D Objects, image restoration tools, time-based effects such as Optical Stabilizer, distortion and perspective effects such as UpRez, generators such as Snow, Rain, and Fire, lights such as Glint, Glare, and Glitter, wipe transitions, keys and mattes including Motion Key for automated foreground object removal, colors and blurs, and film, glow, and cartoon effects.
Home Page: _http://www.borisfx.com/bcc/

