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12-10-2020, 12:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2020 12:12 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #1
Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
Seems like an important question to answer here - would you agree ??
To start with, here are a few observations I have made regarding many of the members here after several years of being a member here myself: 1 - Most folks find their ways here because they are looking for ways to get started with MMO - very few are actually already making money online; 2 - Most of those folks pointed out in #1 are normal, decent folks who generally intend no real harm towards anyone else; 3 - Many of those folks have already been sadly disappointed by wasting funds on shiny objects that were sold based upon severe exaggerations and/or outright lies. Now, here are some things that DO NOT apply to most members here: 1 - These folks are NOT cybercriminals who get their kicks out of harming others; 2 - They are NOT generally inclined towards any forms of outright thefts; 3 - They have learned (to some degree) NOT to believe the overblown sales pitches of all the shiny objects. In truth, the blackest of black hatters are NOT like the above folks AT ALL. The really, deeply BH actors are 100% fine with outright robbery, absolute deception and cheating others in any form - which actually makes them fit the descriptions of sociopathic and/or psychopathic. So what are most of us who are members here - really ?? To start with - mostly harmless, and beyond that=> We can easily and truthfully be labeled as 'w*r*z traders' - which in other words means that we grab whatever things we can that are made of bits and bytes and shuffle them around amongst the membership. Now before anyone gets their knickers in a twist over that - let me tell you that I've been doing this w*r*z stuff for decades already and that I hold no harm against anyone who does it too, and this is because: - It is NOT possible to 'steal' software; - The concepts of 'piracy' are purely based upon BS; - The very worst 'pirates' are actually corporate. All the above having been said - it is also true that there ARE some bad actors here, but they are fewer in numbers, and I define them thusly: - Folks who take funds from others without delivering what is promised; - Folks who knowingly deceive others for their own profits at the expenses of others; - Folks who in any manner promote sites, products or software that is sold to bring earnings, while actually hijacking the paying user's data; - Folks wo offer 'lifetime' deals that only continue until the incoming flow of funds slows down. There are other variations of course - as many as can be imagined based upon all the ages-old con games, with new variations coming around daily. Summing up now: For myself - in my very personal opinion - this place is correctly labeled 'BEST' whilst only being slightly 'black hat', and the activities here are more aimed at mutual support than they are at cheating anyone. Lastly: There are those who are likely to chime in here with objections, citing morality or philosophy and to such folks my blanket reply is simply this: Whatever. Information generally wants to be free; It can be (and most often IS...) sold, and=> If anyone DOES actually get high earnings from the goodies shared freely here, then it is up to them and their own consciences whether to then back-track and actually throw some $$$ back at the tools which have most helped them. Aside of that I only say this: Keep on Keepin' on Folks; Be Good and Helpful to One Another !!!
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
12-12-2020, 10:35 AM
Post: #2
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
Not so much as a word from anyone in reply here ?? Amazing.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-10-2021, 05:45 PM
Post: #3
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
I have another bit of info to add here, now...
Some of the most dedicated blackhatters are very clearly those who make overblown claims for dodgy offers whilst refusing to answer even the simplest and most direct queries concerning their offers. Such sellers then quite often try to play the victim card, pointing to those prospective buyers as being the 'bad guys' who are 'picking on' the poor, poor seller This type of seller seems incapable of grasping that other potential buyers are smart enough to see their attempts at lying misdirection and then they are baffled about what may be chasing buyers away from their offers.. A brilliant example of 'mindset' is exposed thereby=> Those bad sellers are just 100% certain that they can fool everyone else who is FOR SURE not as clever as they are. 100% WRONG ANSWER.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-11-2021, 01:36 PM
Post: #4
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
I had asked for clarification of an offer here by a user whose nick resembles 'denval'; This was asked because of his offer being unclear and his sales site also avoided telling potential buyers what they were expected to pay - so I asked. That member merely repeated the same baloney and also reported my (twice repeated) query as 'trolling', for which it was removed. Over time I have noticed which sellers here are evasive and otherwise working to fool too-trusting folks into buying from them; I am very sad to report that there are a bunch of sellers like that. I will NEVER consider buying from such bad sellers and strongly recommend that same caution to everyone so as to avoid being tricked and/or ripped off.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-15-2021, 01:06 PM
Post: #5
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
I'm ok with the outright robbery of software I bring here.
I outright rob it, then share it here, and I'm cool with it, ...and with who I am. A LOT of others here are cool with it as well. I'm not going to take screenshots of my inbox to show how many people contact me to say thanks but I could. There's certainly a LOT of them. I do it because I can, and it saves others from having to learn how to 'get' the stuff they want. The whole reason is to give people the 'sense' of it before deciding to purchase a legal copy or license. That's what we claim here. Yeah, whatever. I've been burned too many times buying crap products that don't work, or as you said, only work until sales dry up, then bye bye baby. I AM a black hatter! |
02-15-2021, 02:49 PM
Post: #6
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
![]() You have pretty much just described my decades as a happy w*r*z sharer and user. Software is a shuck as described in an article which I've shared here before in 2018: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-...pid2398519 I actually do not believe in paying for s/w at all. As a very rare example from my own distant past=> I have only ever paid a total of under $10 for one, single M$ product - EVER - and that was for the direct purpose of sharing it along to folks who wanted it and who didn't happen to find it at that much lower price. Thus I am MOSTLY in agreement with you Kaiser Soze, EXCEPT for the claim of that specific label, because as I've said many times also; Information wants to be free, and s/w IS that. As I've also explained: One cannot 'steal' something that is still sitting at the source and/or being sold as copies over and over again. Therefore=> I have never viewed w*r*z sharing as 'theft' as it is HARMLESS. Those who cause harm are those who knowingly and by intention steal from others by ways of lies and other forms of deception in stealing funds from the unwary via IM, MMO and s/w 'sales'. There are strong differences - and; It has been said many times that the w*r*z sharing (in most cases) actually helps those who profit from s/w sales simply because that free distribution gets more folks to see those things. This is also why many s/w sellers have been offering freebies for so long now - just to help their visibility. In closing, if anyone actually prefers to be referred to as a villain (which is the societal inference of 'black hatter' in this world) - great, congrats. I reserve that labeling for those who have the BLACK HEARTS to match their hats. . . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-16-2021, 06:15 AM
Post: #7
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
Ok, I see what you're saying.
I see what I do as a victimless crime and so do you. You're right, I don't take from 'people' There are definitely levels in the 'hat' world. From black to white. The amount of 'shock and awe' one brings is directly correlated to a person's knowledge, expertise, and experience. What I mean by that is, some people could look at me and see a definite black hatter. I go out and steal software (mostly) and bring it back here for my tribe to enjoy, so they don't have to spend their money to see if something will back the claims it offers. Most people on this forum don't know how to do that. Others, who are as 'dark' as you say, would definitely see me as a 'Robin Hood' type of white hatter. Steal from corporations and share the loot with others, who may not be able to afford it otherwise. Al depends on perspective I suppose. Not everyone on here has the IT background you claim to have. What you and I see as 'victimless' and easy to do, others would never dream of engaging in. They not only lack the knowledge and expertise but the moral inclination as well. Others on here are not even VIP's, have less than 100 reputation points, leach what they want, when they want, ...and are stone-cold killers that not only understand everything you and I can do but can infiltrate and destroy any network on earth easily with a few keystrokes. Again, it all depends on perspective, ...right? |
02-16-2021, 06:27 AM
Post: #8
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
Smith if you use less colors in your posts they would be easier to read and someone may even reply :)
You are one of the few great members here, Kaiser Soze too and some others which if counted will be under 20 people who actually want to contribute and share something with the community. Most of the members here do not want to share either because they are here just to take, either they do not have the time or the inner urge to do so, including myself. I do not think that if someone cares about labeling, most of the people in piracy communities are there/here either for the free knowledge or to fullfill their easy money dream. To judge about moral we need to have the same start - it is one thing a guy to live in a country where the average monthly salary is $3000 and another thing if you live in a country where the average salary is $300 or even less. So moral is definitely an extensive term here. Scamming people I do not like, been lied to alot of times, lost a lot of money and time on the way but everyone makes a choice in life - what goes around, comes around. Cheers bros keep up the good work and be good people! |
02-16-2021, 12:59 PM
Post: #9
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
Sincerest thanks for your thoughtful replies in this thread Kaiser Soze and Academica.
Your kindnesses and efforts in replying are very appreciated. I personally avoid the pitfalls of morals and ethics in the same ways as I avoid politics, religion and other things that tend to ONLY go round and round endlessly...my questions are far simpler: Does it injure or cause harm to any living being ?? Does it damage or destroy the property of any living being ?? (Case in point=> Corpies are NOT living beings and get no such consideration from me.) The world we inhabit currently is very badly broken (and it appears to be getting worse of late) with mostly very psychopathic and sociopathic creatures making ALL the rules vs. 'crazy' notions of decency and goodness being ditched because of the sufferings and fears. That the super wealthy are able to pull off an extermination protocol is definitely worthy of concern; Who gets to eat vs. who gets to starve is also a huge concern; Who has the funds and the credentials to be allowed to do things at all is a very scary thing. (MMO is just another part of the dysfunctions, sadly. ) The aspects of living in 2021 stated above are (IMO) of far more critical importance than any amount of passing around MERE COPIES of some s/w !! Since grabbing some corpy's stuff and passing it around actually neither harms nor deprives nor destroys anything relating to a living being - I regard it as trivial. As for locks and keys vs. skills: Anything invented by members of our species can be undone by someone else as long as they are motivated enough. Speaking as one who is neither any sort of coder nor a database monkey - I know there are many folks who enjoy breaking into and/or breaking down the networks of others. As long as there exist those networks there will be cybercrime - it is as it is. Continuity is pleasant to contemplate - but with this man's world being so badly broken it may also be that the best chance our species has for actual long term survival is for a cataclysm totally beyond our control to wipe out like 90% of our species...rich and poor alike. That may be the ONLY chance for some wiser folks to make a better world from the remains; Or not. (I do not plan or wish to be around to witness any of it, actually.) Best Wishes to All !!
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-16-2021, 10:41 PM
Post: #10
RE: Are you a Blackhatter ?? What is that, really ?!?
Thanks for making it easier to read!
It is already said in the Bible and other places - Apocalypse is going to happen one way or another :) What an individual can do is only to be the best version of himself, but on first place should know who is the real "himself" ... I fully agree with your opinion and can only add to it that what is going to happen even to see bad at the end it will be for good. At least I think so as I believe in reincarnation :D Everything is alright and should be that way - the world is perfect (even most of the time it does not seem so!). |