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07-05-2019, 04:44 PM
Post: #1
[ASK] Hvaing Facebook Ads Budget

I have got around $300+ budget in facebook ads.
But currently don't have an idea for what should I do to make some good and quick money.

What I can do with it easily and I hae some expertise in the following.

1. I can generate targeted leads for any brand or product. Like if I get a travelling agency company and they have planned for a trip for peoppe around them, I can get them leads to contact them to get them on board.

2. Driving simple targeted traffic to your whitehat site.

3. Page/Post promotion etc.

Your suggestion and recommandation will be highly appreciated. Thanks !!
04-18-2020, 08:09 AM
Post: #2
RE: [ASK] Hvaing Facebook Ads Budget
Hi SilentSH. If you're talking about the fastest possible way to earn money right now with $300 in Facebook ad credit, I'd suggest asking someone to pay you to access your Facebook advertising account.

I know some people who are trying to promote things like masks. To get around Facebook ad guidelines they are cloaking their links. This works for awhile, but in the end their ad accounts get closed after a few weeks when Facebook catches up to them. Because of this, they pay money for access to their accounts. In your case they would pay $300 for the ad credit and $50 for access to the account. This would give you $50 in profit.

Otherwise, if you're interested in learning how to make money with facebook ads, I'd look into what you know and what you love.
06-12-2020, 12:25 AM
Post: #3
RE: [ASK] Hvaing Facebook Ads Budget
Try fb ads + cpa. It works for many.
