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01-11-2012, 04:24 PM
Post: #1
SEO Bookmarklet Tool
really like this as I can perform on the fly SEO even from ipad or iphone. Save this URL as a manual bookmark in any browser. (apple devices: bookmark ANY link, then go back and edit it and then paste in the real URL)

javascript:(function(){var d=document,z=d.createElement('scr'+'ipt'),b=d.body;try{if(!b)throw(0);z.setAttri​bute('src','http://twkm.ca/min/f=gadgets/resources/seo-bookmarklet/seo-0.1.js');z.setAttribute('id','twkmSEOScript');b.appendChild(z);}catch(e){alert('​Please wait until the page has loaded.');}}());

[Image: screenshot20111209at744.jpg]
Don't forget to click on the [Image: postbit_ty_add.gif] button if you liked this thread!
01-20-2012, 12:06 AM
Post: #2
RE: SEO Bookmarklet Tool
Nice find, I installed it and I like it in chrome very much.
Here is more information on it I found here: http://twkm.ca/seo-bookmarklet
02-03-2012, 12:34 AM
Post: #3
RE: SEO Bookmarklet Tool
Nice Information.
