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11-23-2014, 04:38 AM
Post: #1
PLR Meg@-M@rt, Part 2 of 7 - Themes, Layouts, Templates!
Hey everyone!

So, long time no see! I have been busy at my normal job since it's busy season. I've hardly had time to come home and deal with dishes and showering, let alone touch my laptop for a couple weeks. But, alas, I will trudge on! Here's part 2 of the big dump I'm going to be doing!

This package contains WP themes, HTML templates, websites, mini-sites, and bunch of other neat stuff!

It contains a total of 197 products! Here's a small list of a few of the things included:

20 WP Salespage Themes Pack
100 WP Themes Pack
24 Effective Web Advertising Banners
Christmas and Halloween Seasonal WP Themes
Easy WP Salespages Pack
Video Opt-In Templates Pack

And many, many more combined HTML and WP theme packs on subjects such as acne, divorce, retirement, dogs, cooking, marketing, supplements, weightloss and parenting, just to name a few!

Now, I must add a small disclaimer: As Batmans stated so eloquently in my last thread, YES, these packs you download DO contain promotional material. This promotional material is for internet marketing clubs that the website I ripped all of this from is affiliated with. But the sheer number of things I downloaded from this website is phenomenal. To have personally sifted through EVERY file I downloaded, remove the promotional content, and then re-zip ALL of the packs I downloaded would have taken HOURS. Hours that I don't have considering my busy schedule. But, once you guys download them and un-zip them, deleting the promotional material is as simple as Click+SHIFT, delete. Wink Besides, if you guys would've PAID for any of this stuff, you
would've gotten it anyway. Lol

Alright! Now enough with the formalities, here's the download links! I'm sure there's something stashed in these goodies everyone will find a use for. ^^

Magic Button :
Part 1 - https://mega.co.nz/#!5sMyQRoQ!kej_IgduWOKohgecV3gW1c-mKpw9ov4Mf4uljpwlESA

Part 2 - https://mega.co.nz/#!ppUADBJb!iqKzgAExMnd0wmI7ucgW9pf4zJ1zXU7xy1htUoN24FY

Part 3 - https://mega.co.nz/#!w9NDiTLL!tbAteNbw3MHC0dkBdbM2hBTAR8w0lNkAzQ7dCUT_dzw

Part 4 - https://mega.co.nz/#!1g0GDYxY!1PQEZqIVr3RzJmeZz5pJxTWIHhWldoKzAY6InFy3he4

Part 5 - https://mega.co.nz/#!01NT2Lia!UOr7jlbqNHk_0ZWOMz7Mhaw6PI_7lg1tzALFPMKgCqo

Part 6 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Y4EDGSia!NK0WqRq-5xYzOz7DQPMcbNMsDDHl2uQ_rMpt39fReUE

Part 7 - https://mega.co.nz/#!wwcx0YSR!rbij9ClqxzEceYY6aktE_ZJLEgCsrQea8evcY5ACr08

Part 8 - https://mega.co.nz/#!s0l3xbza!9TBpdlmReLdFxUTo7d9ruW-acSBxPqPdiStB9RWqD1A

Part 9 - https://mega.co.nz/#!1plxRBZD!DUql2lTTTCTitG3jFxCM6EOhG-XVbB6aX9MbA_QkMhw

Part 10 - https://mega.co.nz/#!V5VS0KhL!FXtYPuVrraOEV5BjBdnQyAirTZc5FZlmblRVZ0BwMpA

Part 11 - https://mega.co.nz/#!xwtU3Yxb!tft8rd5jtP8ZsAaeipcjO-QzkRFGlLevW2173lhHZMo

Part 12 - https://mega.co.nz/#!4kVEVQzC!ymg5yCH6BVZUL__d2kiEnun6vGzZMabokPT5Ip8fjxo

Part 13 - https://mega.co.nz/#!JpU2nJqI!aHwFn2sMkFrL3GaC4UreL9BItq-ud9RkNVgvj1Ny1II

Part 14 - https://mega.co.nz/#!xoNDHbhJ!8jW4boSer96S9jEHIURPUamEOoZNrn1vXILvRLhSdaM

Part 15 - https://mega.co.nz/#!gpE0yRoI!56kHPAa5OHeTVfgvSRPLOL3ht2SVJ0g0JOxuqDsOnRQ

Part 16 - https://mega.co.nz/#!YpEiFTDa!rw1wNJH_dAx3EllHEclmNFff63pDatC1499OccXwp_M

Part 17 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Al8gmYSR!sbvHr43ph0foJIFnnhn7e-X25A9xUGtC-ALT9LjCLu4

Part 18 - https://mega.co.nz/#!9td2kQqT!0zlQ3QqCfMlG0U97z5uQ_bCuaz6R3HxyLzuWx8an53c

Part 19 - https://mega.co.nz/#!9lMgkKLB!c6Qx83eqZsUOuhVIz8MgZ2Iz1gmzSP7gVbqiQKBjxwA

Part 20 - https://mega.co.nz/#!o4tXUAiQ!VgnueaNTfp0o3FLvKFB5Y2zMmmDRoNPuz2VQ5AYh6BM

Part 21 - https://mega.co.nz/#!ltVUADCb!Inn6mmXopsIdc97vq8I4tHSXQY3RlDD1sdGR85186Qk

Part 22 - https://mega.co.nz/#!xhEVRDKD!IPwLRMQUYKQM_C_7M4KKqpWFpUPCJRoNMhWXZGz75yE

Part 23 - https://mega.co.nz/#!N80x2IrS!UoZfM8ZoeCZP1R_9W4ZSI_J4UBQe2uEwTXiYYVf0mp0

Part 24 - https://mega.co.nz/#!5pk22bLR!gWCWrrqsLuFS9mFjpxlrBHVU6CrEIQJEamfe-0TTFSU

Part 25 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Iw0QFCaR!AeGcnRtfY4jdEiPjbpAFMsKIlJxEyMj8j4B8iZ1bXxc

Part 26 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Ax1zwTQJ!maGlWtvsgRYzOVZer8NycnqygvUg2Bj64FEX7d5cTjw

Part 27 - https://mega.co.nz/#!0oFmGKoA!unZ27g6m7_EOJeoxngEF98zwgXdZKwGm0BE5hcIUlXc

Part 28 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Yo0BlDpQ!QoeYCQyAvcPJvnQbaBU3dJlBM0MsNDaInShFAqGCIeY

Part 29 - https://mega.co.nz/#!18MVXIYC!TR950FRl48Kj2hSHzs-R5vyfbkni9OGB8CusPtHTD48

Part 30 - https://mega.co.nz/#!JtESkDra!xhNV1Wfm2_vu7DtmJ0DCEw55v3e6U7Fw5L5haYKnk98

Part 31 - https://mega.co.nz/#!lptDmLJA!w62zDuQNcodISwKjEOb291g-jZ9EDQy3AvFL3UIDVLg

Part 32 - https://mega.co.nz/#!k9slWJbZ!FwHVTuF2V8duIY36K3TcokFBjm8xY-YNpUvv-MvciJA

Part 33 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Np0iHRrC!_oOz6KvaNOYfvO9Cw4jjMMcb9Q3NK9Z8uiKTWcIbu14

Part 34 - https://mega.co.nz/#!N4EQXRQL!e2rieSvDdNir5c8JqRKjyGaWYpy0V2RE49dXG7I73G8

Part 35 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Qg0xzaDB!YoZScQPW5vkZeRhwAzTpjbusGP6wrw1C31NxRcdYMTw

Part 36 - https://mega.co.nz/#!1gUFHaiA!QMybjmUbnx-yRDLjIASSZvpNpBrhnI8Vqbnqi6oW88c

Part 37 - https://mega.co.nz/#!tlE1FJZR!LRt4n9kowGLIr4oWnQ0ZwN1n7hCJC8CDXYEnXnTaIoM

Part 38 - https://mega.co.nz/#!NpsyxJqC!2nKe6etN_NdDFTblBP6z6akDjTKhkNdlF106G_wwIIU

Part 39 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Uk8XlKqJ!887Xj2499NDuXZCQeyhcmGo3IUC-DuL6BGb6562k1HY

Part 40 - https://mega.co.nz/#!EsUgiTiQ!xUd5SGcqnbGRfUknlro0vCqpM434MuCntLgGYR70XiA

Part 41 - https://mega.co.nz/#!5gckGKKL!k5tobrWEM_pCRW1qMr1eceNVoPWf-scSKqDYZ4hSImc

Part 42 - https://mega.co.nz/#!MgtERJCJ!QjtsgNhlb0CkdtU-6T4BmPpQQnh21e9Ceipb13_qtMk

Part 43 - https://mega.co.nz/#!dlcylS6a!cL7Xt72uudgBm-sRvIvX--wShvhrulraApUd1S4dD9c

Part 44 - https://mega.co.nz/#!Aw1AEBzY!uNGyhLjlUlflN8_zxsWmBlP7o_EyfKooawjK4I7G70U

Part 45 - https://mega.co.nz/#!JhswHQyA!dEhgnOh83fBeNLdNcL0faYJWUXkx-5jowEc76jdzE3Q

Part 46 - https://mega.co.nz/#!s0MQAKTT!dWIKLUGwdzPVxrqTAGr3-100LoUTnpC1PL9pK4s5k1M

Part 47 - https://mega.co.nz/#!M0MDTKBD!XuOBA5Ut7p62X3bdIchYKRBEZv2wKh-5Hf1z828Jz6o

Part 48 - https://mega.co.nz/#!F1dGFJDQ!_bNLpj4IDfdw2ehdMPG_t4yHoP5Nj9SWDpx21Mm3KXU

Part 49 - https://mega.co.nz/#!J10T1Tyb!eTqOrPKUVp6866rG_n0ZKWP2me6mfzVFJoTfrK3porw

Part 50 - https://mega.co.nz/#!YlsBGKaY!cP4P2otDuCH9lC0w46FNk5TNYN6GVIl6J60AJSEPTAI

Part 51 - https://mega.co.nz/#!NodklR7b!27_iR7MNtcWkIUoGqDdxVfJyAzloRcNSV4z428_i7vk

Part 52 - https://mega.co.nz/#!k5U1USYC!ZC4q0DwUVTW8d5Fjhk3l4E0yt4pGNla2GwFWnf8LX40

Part 53 - https://mega.co.nz/#!F8EmHRiD!jE2oLp5Vrjb3kP3vxWMKfi49PUo76KSXEirEXDrQf7c

Part 54 - https://mega.co.nz/#!o40TxBwY!CXdoAbNiMTpvFStJfoJkFlCgIrnMYAy--60poMRTshI

Part 55 - https://mega.co.nz/#!c9dEBJIR!COP7zso05IZLM0fEz8nxYTxV5s0904IW6Nkwechktt0

Hope you guys like the stuff!
Add A +Rep If You Like It!
And don't forget to make mirrors! If you don't know how, here's a couple links:
11-23-2014, 08:19 AM
Post: #2
Yeah....good luck with this. 55 links to download and you need them all before you can extract anything? Not gonna even consider downloading this dude. Why don't you just post the download page so people can choose what they want.
11-24-2014, 08:41 AM
Post: #3
You know, I can't believe I didn't think of that. The main problem is this: The website that you download everything from is COMPLETELY unsorted. It's like a box of chocolates, you have NO clue what you're going to get. But, how about I give it all to you guys anyways. ^^

Have fun!

Magic Button :

You'll find everything from stuff about internet marketing, to royalty free music, to templates, to scripts, to god knows what else!
11-24-2014, 08:18 PM
Post: #4
11-28-2014, 09:48 AM
Post: #5
No problem. Have fun sorting through all of the stuff!
01-28-2015, 05:54 PM
Post: #6
Thanks "CaterpillarP" This is a Caterpillar load of Products, no wonder you are CP. +5Repped.
We appreciate this buddy.
01-29-2015, 04:37 AM
Post: #7
I saw online you can use Jdownloader with mega.co.nz now too I need to look in to this more
Loyalty First. Death B4 Dishonor. B.O.S.S Talk.
04-02-2015, 03:23 PM
Post: #8
nice share! thanks! ++rep
