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01-31-2014, 03:46 PM
Post: #31
really useful
02-10-2014, 04:19 AM
Post: #32
Great Technique.
09-27-2014, 04:03 AM
Post: #33
is this still working?
09-29-2014, 06:36 AM
Post: #34
Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30 Post: #30
09-29-2014, 09:02 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2014 09:04 PM by peterscot423.)
Post: #35
You can post the url of your website in the social bookmarking sites. This will really help to get more back links and traffics to your websites.


You can post the url of your website in the social bookmarking sites. This will really help to get more back links and traffics to your websites.
10-19-2014, 04:28 PM
Post: #36
This is useful, yet there maybe possibilities that this method won't work anymore especially because of the last Big G Penguin 4.0 update. :) I've been in SEO for about a year now and did saw a lot of changes, but trying doesn't hurt though.

One more thing to add, if you want your site to get indexed then better comment it on a top ranked video on YouTube related to your niche, your comment must contain your Naked URL + Your MAIN keyword :)
10-20-2014, 08:52 PM
Post: #37
is it still works ?
10-22-2014, 03:56 PM
Post: #38
Thank you for this splendi information!
10-24-2014, 12:36 AM
Post: #39
Thanks for tip....
10-30-2014, 04:24 PM
Post: #40
I hate to rain on everybody's parade that's all giggles right now about the email method. I've know about this method as well as many others and here's the bottom line. You can't force Google to index anything anymore by laying it in front of the crawl bots path. I'm not saying that the email method doesn't work because I've used it, but it's not always going to work. I have used every possible method for indexing links you can imagine and what I've come to realize is in the last year or two forcing indexing whether it be back links or a new site you built just doesn't work like it used to. It appears they have some kind of hierarchy filter in place now meaning if your link you put in front on them isn't something special it gets thrown to the pile of links waiting to be indexed to whenever they get around to it. One of the fastest methods I used to use was I'd throw up a quick pic video into youtube that took me a min to make and drop links in the description, then comment, share on Google plus and 5 min later my video is ranking in Google Search and I can see the links in the description but if you " " the links in Google Search it says no results. I have done so many indexing methods from quick index sites that there webpage would show up in the Google search results for my link I'm trying to get crawled and I can see my link in the description there as well but still nothing. I've worked online 7 days a week now 10-12 hours a day for the past 7 years I know what I'm talking about. I do affiliate marketing and I have 8 Local SEO clients. I'm going to tell you what I believe is the fastest, smartest way to get a website indexed today 2014 and that's drop the link off at Google's door step and ask them to crawl it here https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/...-url?pli=1 As for getting back links indexed I'll upload the file to Ping farm once and let it run through that's it. Oh yea @ Sledge Google does crawl Gmail how do you think they know what ads to post next to you mail? That was a big uproar a while back that people were bitching about.
