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03-24-2014, 10:12 PM
Post: #1
Business Makeover 2014 with Ellen Rohr
Business Makeover 2014 with Ellen Rohr
The Plumbers Wife Presents BUSINESS MAKEOVER 2014 with Ellen Rohr Welcome to Business Makeover 2014! An exclusive event with 21 of the World's Leading Experts on Small Business Success! Create more profits, more energy and a rockin' lifestyle. Your business makeover starts HERE! Sheesh. Can you believe how fast this last year went? As one year wraps up and as we enter 2014, we have an awesome opportunity. This could be the year that you double the size of your company. This could be the year that you multiply profits and stop worrying about cash flow. This could be your time to establish that new venture, the second location, the fresh product launch. This could be the most profitable, the most exciting, and the most rewarding year yet. However, it’s easy to get stuck in patterns and habits that no longer serve us. Day after day, week after week, we get by...but don't break through. I've been there. We all have! And every now and then we have to jump start our lives and our businesses. Time is too precious to waste! It's time for new thought, new action and quantum leap results. How about you? I hope you will join me as I visit with my favorite business mentors - in one lively, powerful interview each day for 21 days. You've heard that it takes 21 days to break an old pattern and create a new habit. So, how about spending 21 days with 21 bright business Experts and immerse ourselves in fresh ways of thinking. The best part is that when we come together, we all get better. Let's spend time in inspiring conversations that allow you to make those personal discoveries, and add the disciplined action that will supercharge your success. Now is the time to pare down and simplify. Get clear on what you really really really want... and be willing to march boldly in that direction. I'm vouching for these Experts... they are the right stuff. In our conversations, we address each area of business and get personal in the process. I'm interviewing these TOP Business Success Experts – my friends and mentors – over 21 days. They will be sharing their strategies and tools for your Business Makeover. (We've got a few surprises lined up, too.) Topics include... • Gaining clarity... real quantum-leap change comes from within. • Creating a lifestyle business – build your business AND have a life. • Building financial power – how to keep score and make more money. • Simple, powerful, business planning and succession planning. • Working from home – or living at work... how to raise a family and a fortune. • Get things done with, through and for others... expand opportunities! • How to get back on track, after you blow it or make a big mistake. • Understanding customers... they’ve changed. Learn LOTS about Marketing! • If you can, should, and how to franchise your business. • How to sell... without selling your soul. • Leadership skills. Becoming the leader you’ve always wanted to be. And soooo much more. 21 diverse and WORLD CLASS business success experts... 21 days. So...ready to say YES to your boldest dreams? Out with the old. In with renewed intention and aligned action! Join us... Business Makeover 2014. These inspiring interviews with our Business Experts are from 30 to 60 minutes long[b/]. And you’ll have lifetime access to every one of these powerful sessions. Every one of these programs will be [b]filled with profound insights and powerful tools to help you transform - Makeover - your business and your life! Join these Top Business and Lifestyle Experts as they bring you Business Makeover 2014! Own this program and make it part of your permanent success library. You won’t have to worry about missing a show and can listen to these transformative recordings over and over to keep you motivated and focused on your business success. You can listen to these sessions anytime. You can listen to these recordings anywhere. Drving to work, on a plane, working out. You get the idea. You won’t want to miss one minute of these valuable calls. Just one nugget of wisdom could change your life, for the better, forever. Wishing you love, peace, prosperity and freedom, Ellen Meet the Experts and take a look at their topics: Social Media - Sick of the Theory and Ready for WHAT TO DO? Don Crowther Listen to the replay and learn how: • Google changes their search methods all the time. What to know NOW. (And what to do if Google ever gets mad at you, or blocks you!) • You may have just a few circles in Google+, however...THIS is the horse to bet on • Learn why you should blog and how often...and what about! • You know Video is the way to go...Don shares how to easily get it done! • I thought Pinterest was just for women. I was wrong. Great info! • and so much more!! How to Create a Profitable, Sellable Business and NOT Kill Your Family in the Process! Jamie and Lisa Carter Listen in as we discuss today... • Jamie and Lisa's story. He started as the plumber son of a plumber, and...she became the plumber's wife (like me!) • Working together with family members is challenging. Discover how they make it work. • Learn how to build a business and sell it. They have done it...and explored franchising as well. • Now they are working with their son..the third generation. How to create niche businesses that manifest a legacy. • and so much more!! Ready to Create a Truly TURNKEY Business? Howard Partridge Listen in as we discuss... • How your Mission drives every decision...and allows you to let go of the reins. • Howard build his company on one no-cash-required marketing tool. You can do it, too! • He shares the 5 Secrets of a Phenomenal Business. (Won't be a secret anymore! Thanks, Howard.) • Do team members begrudge you your success? Not if you approach it the way Howard does. So good! Unleash: 7 Steps To Your Next Breakthough! Darnyelle A Jervey In our interview, we discuss... • Branding starts with mindset. She, too, is a recovering Know It All. • Darnyell shares her Makeover story. Wow...what she has overcome, and created, is inspiring. • 3 Tips for a business branding Makeover. Out with the old...in with the YOU. • Why you can't fix your brand or your business all by yourself. • Why and how to create your Wall of Fame. • An exercise that allows us to recognize - and handle - limiting fear. • and so much more!! How About Running Your Business from Anywhere? Rasmus Lindgren Listen to the replay and learn how: • The definition of a "lifestyle business" • How a "lifestyle business" differentiates from a "regular business" • Using outsourcing to create real results in less time with little energy (or expense!) • How to build and run a business when your spending months at a time traveling. Rasmus spends at least 4 months a year with his family in Thailand. • 4 different lifestyle business models that work! What If You Said YES To Success? Debra Poneman Today we discussed: • At one point, Debra was studying meditation, and meditating for up to 10 hours a day. What she discovered on that journey. • The 3 things that are required to be achieve real success in business... it starts with the IDEA, then with a an action from which there is __ _______ ____. • The worst thing? It's really the best thing. How gratitude transforms every experience. • Why you want to keep your great idea to yourself. (It has NOTHING to do with someone 'stealing' it.) • Debra had a near death experience and has an amazing story about what she learned - about the power of words. So good. Can You BLOW It and Still Bounce Back? Nancy Michaels In the interview we discussed... • Nancy's story...and how to have the ultimate comeback! • Everyone has setbacks...illness, divorce, business crisis...how to find the drive to keep on going. • How to keep a business running during a life crisis, and what you can do NOW to make life much easier then. • What happens when you blow it with customer? How to recover from a PR or customer service disaster. • And LOTS of Off the Wall marketing techniques! Ready to Be Better, Do More, and Have the Results? Kenny Chapman Today we discussed... • What real C.H.A.N.G.E. means...and what it can do for you. • Discover how to become the person you want to be, starting with the person you are today. • The satisfaction of personal and professional growth. (Yep! You first, and the business will follow.) • The secrets to living an exceptional life. • And, of course, training, sales, profits and more money, honey. What's the #1 (of 21.5) Unbreakable Laws of Selling? Jeffrey Gitomer Today we discussed: • Jeffrey doesn't aim for "being of service." For him, it's about _____ _____. • He could be mailing it in at this point in mega successful career. Why retirement is NOT an option. • Why people - your team members? - resist sales...and how to overcome it. • Jeffrey has a family business. He has an inspiring way to make it work. • The MOST important of the 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling. How to Build a Family Friendly Business! Ally Loprete Today Ally and I discussed: • How to get taken seriously as a home-based business owner. Including by family members! • Why bigger isn't necessarily better. • How to manage your time between working, running a household and raising the kids. • Why it's important to frequent small, local businesses, especially home businesses. • Learn the work-at-home etiquette and how it differs from corporate etiquette. (For instance, if your kid is making noise in the background there is NO need to apologize.) In a RUT? Time to Get Unstuck! Barry Moltz Today we discussed... • Step by step processes for focusing on what is important in your life, career and business • How to prepare for your next level of success. The quantum leap level! • How to mitigate fears, eliminate doubts and overcome self-sabotaging beliefs. • Who should be part of your circle of influence to ensure you unleash consistently. How to Turn Social Media into Real SALES and $$$ MONEY $$$ Lena West We'll discuss... • Yellow pages are dead. 411 is over. What's the ONE thing you want to put on your truck? (And it isn't your website address!) • Why BAD Yelp reviews are GOOD for you! • How changing direction makes sense (as opposed to digging your heels in for 'blah' results.) • Vine, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter...which, why and how? • And, Lena shares how to take a big local event - like the Super Bowl for New Yorkers! - and hop on the bandwagon with relevant marketing. The BEST Way to Build your Brand? Clint Arthur Join in as Clint shares... • What it takes to develop a signature brand, and what it means to your business and profits. • More than one business venture? More than one brand? It CAN work...however, what will make the messages confusing. • How to create your unique position in your market...and how to LEVERAGE your brand with Celebrity. • TV is still THE medium for getting famous - fast. And you can get million$ in free exposure. There is a formula for getting on TV. Clint knows it. (AND I can vouch for it. I have 36 TV appearances in the "can.") Do You Wake Up Inspired? Or Full of DREAD? Robin Palmer Today we discussed: • How the most important part of your day is the first 5 minutes. You can leverage it...into an hour of power that impacts the whole day. • Reveal research about waking up positively...and what it means to your health and wealth. • Discover how to put success systems on auto-pilot. • Explore power of the last five minutes of your day. • Learn why sleep is the new sex! How to get drug-free, dreamy sleep. Is Your Company the Next Duck Dynasty? Sheila Conlin Today we discussed: • What casting directors are looking for when it comes to reality shows. • If you get chosen, what should you do to make the most of the experience? • A TV show is a chance to share your story. And your compelling story can connect you with viewers...and opportunities. • Not all reality TV is created equal. What to look for...and what to avoid. • Sheila and I talk about the Duck Dynasty family and other breakout TV stars. Reality TV is a knife that cuts both ways. The Right Message, the Right Customer, and the Right WORDS! Monaica Ledell Today we discussed: • How to court your customers. Date, get to know each other, then close the deal if it feels right. Makes sense, right? • Even after marriage, you want to sustain the courtship. The same applies to marketing. (Thanks, Zig, for the inspiration!) • The "Little White Lies" that don't work in online marketing. • Inbox abuse. It's time to stop it and get relevant. • Can you really sub out your marketing? Who does what? How To Become a Social Media NINJA! Melinda Emerson On this call you'll learn: • Melinda's story is a delicious mix of planning and embracing serendipitous events. Lots to learn from her! • Melinda shares how to get a triple ROI on social media: • Return on Investment • Return on Influence • Return on Identity • She lays out - exactly - how often to tweet, blog, post - and when she fits it all in. (If she can, you can.) • When to get personal, and when you are over-sharing. One of the KEYS to relevance. • How she grew her list bragging on others! Bonus...it makes creating content really easy. • Melinda has monetized her social media reach...with clients who want to reach her clients. Consider what that could do for YOU! How Does YOUR Message Get Through the Noise? Anita Campbell Today we discussed: • Anita's unique business model...a great lesson in filling a need and responding to your customers. • Her best tech tools list. Gauranteed to help you grow your business. • Anita's Best and Worst business experiences. I love hearing how others "Makeover"...themselves and their business. • How to maximize an online press release and get it picked up. • What makes for a good headline, story...and how others will promote your business for you. So good! What the World Needs Now? Better Leaders. Simon Sinek Today we discussed... • Simon's experiences as an entrepreneur. He beat the odds, he built a successful business... and he was miserable... Then, everything changed for him. • His TED.com video, based on his first book, Start With Why, became a viral hit. With no sexy powerpoint, and only a flip chart and a faulty mic, Simon's message has resonated with over 13 million listeners. • How you do things and when you reach your goals are flexible. Good advice for those who tend to stress out. • Simon had a life changing trip to Afghanistan. The trip went wrong, and, the worst thing triggered Simon's refined mission. • Where the title of his latest book, Leaders Eat Last, comes from, and what it means for leadership at all levels. Financial Basics - How to Operate with Financial Power! Ellen Rohr Marlene and I discussed... • My short journey from bitter, broke and broken to successful financial steward. If I can do it, you can do it. • Why you may have to be willing to lose everything to gain anything. • A simple pricing formula that turned our business around. • Why I don't work with my husband, The Plumber, anymore. (Really - family business is optional!) • Balance Sheet 101. Business is easy...Marlene and I break down the basic scorecards. • How to get current and accurate weekly reports...and why you, yes you, just can't delegate financial responsibility. • The math ain't that hard. It's the stuff between your ears that is getting in the way of your financial success. No Money, No Resources? That's Your Competitive Advantage! Mike Michalowicz In our interview today, Mike shared... • The worst drunk-dialing-your-boss story I have heard. It doesn't turn out well. It does propel his next venture. • Why having NO money, experience or resources is your GREATEST strength as an entrepreneur. • His first day in his first business included a lawsuit. (And he just keeps bouncing back! Very inspiring.) • His realization to focus on what he is good at - "very few things" - and to create his business to support that. • His latest book is The Pumpkin Plan...how farmers grow giant pumpkins, and how you can grow loyal customers. Your Customers are HIJACKING Your Brand! Jim Blasingame On this call Jim shares: • Your customers are co-branding your company, whether you like it or not. • Why being a small business gives you a huge advantage over big business. • The power of a great story and how to find, and share, yours. • Has the "handshake" disappeared into the "cloud?" • The three ways to be relevant, or lose relevance, are technology, values and _____. (Tune in to find out!) The End of Bully Management! Peter Shankman Join in as we talk about... • His breakthrough, makeover moments. He started his first business selling T-shirts in Time Square. He started HARO in his bedroom. • Peter wrote a tweet that was voted one of the Top Ten Tweets of the Year by twitter and ABC news. Out of over 120 BILLION tweets! What makes a good share? What's a bad share? Great stuff. • Why nice matters. And, how to be nice...if you have spent the last 10 years being, well, kind of a jerk. About Your Host Ellen Rohr Ellen Rohr – The Plumber’s Wife turned Business Makeover Expert® – teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s plumbing business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies. Ellen is a columnist for Huffington Post, PHC News, and a contributor to many business journals and trade magazines. She provides “in the trenches” insight that business owners can relate to. Ellen is the author of four business basics books: Where Did the Money Go?, How Much Should I Charge?, The Bare Bones Biz Plan and The Weekend Biz Plan. Code: http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/8rprvi35 |
11-21-2015, 04:06 AM
Post: #2
RE: Business Makeover 2014 with Ellen Rohr
Any other links for this please?
Thanks |