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07-08-2013, 02:04 AM
Post: #1
[GET] This is the only thing that affects EVERYONE! The Weather Man Methods. It's Raining AGAIN!
Derek Allen;8249412 Wrote:
[Image: wsoheader.jpg]

"There's Only One Thing That Affects
Every Single Person's Life Every Single
Day And I Want To Show You How To

This Very Well May Be The Only Niche You
Will Ever Need. It Has Every Element Of A Successful Niche.
Pain, Pleasure, And It Can Be Down Right Scary! But Most
Importantly - It Has Massive Search Volume And It's Lucrative!

Warrior Testimonials For The Weather Man Method:

Dear Warrior:

It's a fact:

There's only a few things in this world that affect every single person every single day.

The only one that I know of that affects how our day is going to go. It affects how we are going to dress. We plan our days and vacations around this one single element...because if it's good - life is good!

This is one of the only things that people search for every single day. In fact, you probably searched for this when you woke up this morning.

I'm talking about the WEATHER

Sounds weird doesn't it?

I know... but believe me when I say - it's a great niche to be in and so easy to monetize!

...and if you pick up this course today, you will see what I mean.

But I already Know What You Thinking...

I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing at first. It was:

But doesn't the local news stations have some what of a monopoly on this niche?

Well, yes and no... Truth is, there's plenty of room left for us "little" guys (as you will see in the members area).

I know there's weather.com, wunderground.com, and all the news stations but these sites are NOT even going to be in the same arena as you.

When researching this some months back I was shocked to see all the opportunity there was to be had.

Not only that but year by year the searches for the weather continued to rise.

Here's A Graph From Google Trends To Show You What I Mean:

[Image: 2608p3d.jpg]
*These stats show US search queries only. Although, this method works all over the world!

Now why in the world would these searches continue to rise like this?

It could be because:

A. People are getting more concerned with all the crazy weather we have been having.


B. More and more people are looking for their weather information online?

I think it's answer B...There's really no doubt about it!

That makes it even more important to position your site to be seen by their eyes. Now and in the future!

With searches like that there's really no point in
dealing in niches like solar power, wood shed building,
or anything like that!

That's really just an opinion and not a fact. It's always a good idea to jump into other niches.

I'm just saying that if you never wanted to deal in another niche except the weather, you could.

There's a crazy amount of searches for this niche in every city, state, and country.

...and you can monetize the traffic any way you wish. You'll want to make sure it's targeted offers for that traffic and not some random something. Inside the course I will show a fool proof way to make money from your new site.

Without wasting anymore of your valuable time,
I'm just going to jump straight to what you will learn
and the benefits...

What You Will Learn:

-How To Sell Local Advertising Space On Your Site, Profit From Adsense, And Sell Affiliate Products AT THE SAME TIME! The Trifecta...

-The best way to find those easy keywords to go after and how to research it to see if you can compete. I am providing you 50 great keywords in the package but you will need to know how to do it!

-Step-by-step instructions on how to create your website and make it "super-optimized" for the search engines.

-The best way to set up your website for user engagement. This just keeps your visitor coming back nearly everyday. (what other site can you set up where visitors come back every day?)

-The absolute must have wordpress plugins and gadgets to have on your site.

-I'll show you the absolute best theme in the world for advertisers.

-How to snatch those Google rankings and stay there (backlinks)!

-The best way to monetize these sites are with both adsense and Local Business Advertising. This is a heck of a whole lot easier than setting up websites, doing seo, and all that other jazz for clients. It's super targeted and easy to sell!

-How to contact local business owners to sell your stuff and exactly what to say when they call you! (unique twist to an old method.)

-Inside I will show you which businesses are worth contacting to advertise on your site and which one's aren't. (This is actually very crucial to the whole system)

-How to rinse and repeat this over and over again. Set up your sites easier and faster than the first time so you can set these sites up all over the COUNTRY!


How You Will Learn It:

I have a members area all set up and ready to go. When you log in you will see a ton of videos and all your downloadable content neatly organized inside.

Everything is hosted on my side...but if you need to download the videos for any reason after you get it, just email me and I will send everything to you all nice and pretty like.

The course is laid out in order. All you have to do is follow along and you will be on your way to meteorologist status but for marketers (I don't even think that made sense but i'll leave it in there anyway lol!)...

What You Will Get:

More importantly than just the contents inside the members are - you are going to get all the information you need to dominate the local weather niche. I'm not leaving out a thing. Once you go through this course you will have all the knowledge and tools to set up a serious money making empire.

Keep in mind that:

I Am Giving You 50 Already Researched, Already Approved By Me Keywords To Get You Started!

The Benefits Of Learning This Stuff:

I think it's already pretty clear but allow me to explain...

I am giving you the opportunity to step away from all the same old, same old methods that you see in your inbox and everywhere else. This is fresh, hot, and a proven money-maker!

The niche that that I discuss in the course is as old as time. It's been around before any of us ever were.... and will continue to be around until we are all gone. How's that for an EVERGREEN NICHE!

Plus, this is one of the easier methods for offline marketers to combine their online/offline efforts. You'll get the almost guarantee income from adsense and all the nice chunks of money coming in from local businesses advertising on your site.

To sum it up... It's really a great method. It never takes too long to set it up and it's easy enough to outsource most of it. Once set up and depending on whether or not you want to sell local ad space, can run on complete auto-pilot.

It's a really nice income stream for those who tap into this niche!

I love it. It's great and I'm asking you to give it a try.

I'm Proud To Introduce:
[Image: w87yw3.jpg]

Here's The Deal:

This method is so unique and powerful that I have never seen or heard anyone else talking about this stuff in all my years of being online.

I know the basics work like crazy but sometimes you need to step outside the box to find those hidden gems... and that's exactly what this method is - A Hidden Gem!

Look, this is by far one of the easier things to do because we are dealing in local markets and as we all know by now it's that:

Local Marketing Is HOT!

... and so is this method.

[size=10]But you can also use these new sites for affiliate marketing or strictly for Adsense too!

The traffic is there and everything you need to know about setting up your site, promoting it, getting the rankings and the traffic, and monetizing that site is inside the members area for The Weather Man Method.

I'm so excited to be sharing this with you that I can hardly keep the grin off my face while writing this. I know your going to love it and get just as excited to learn something new and fresh as I am to show it to you.

This is unique, fresh, powerful and it works.

I think that you will love it! I think that you'll get great results if you act on what is being taught! I think you should try it!

This Training Normally Sells For $197 But For This Limited WSO Special It's Available For Only A Small:
[Image: btncmbo_34043.png]

MORE Warrior Testimonials For The Weather Man Method:

Know That You Are Covered - Don't Leave Empty Handed. Grab Access Today Because That Low Price Won't Be The Same Later!

If you're not happy for any reason, just get back to me within 30 days and I will refund every dime you paid for this course. Although, I'm sure you will be totally pleased with the effectiveness and unique approach of this system.

[Image: btncmbo_34043.png]

07-08-2013, 05:58 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013 06:15 AM by ccpp11.)
Post: #2
Error message from the link:

Not Found

Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.

Working direct link below:

07-08-2013, 06:58 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013 07:17 AM by UpdatedAsAlways.)
Post: #3
Please Read These FAQ's Before Posting Your Question. It May Already Be Answered Below:

Q: Are there any OTOs or upsells?

A: No. You get all you need in just one package. There's no need to get anything else to make this work.

Q: What's the extra cost to make this work?

A: Nothing aside from the usual expenses of setting up a site. Things like domain names and hosting should be considered. The traffic generation is backed strictly by SEO and natural organic rankings and as you know, that is free. However, if you know how to generate traffic with paid methods then that is your call to use that.

Q: How's the support?

A: You can ask your questions at anytime and I will answer ASAP. You've got my support the whole way.

Q: Will this work worldwide?

A: This simple answer is yes. The weather has an impact all over the world and most people look it up everyday.

Q: Does this idea strictly need to be developed with one Geo-Location at a time, site by site or can the idea be turned into a single world-wide type of concept, Domain possibly with the use of sub-domaining etc. as per some of the Big Boys like Groupon etc. etc...

A: No it doesn't need to be limited to one geo-location. It's just easier that way.

If you are willing to put in the extra work and effort you could certainly build an authority site like that.

Once you see the inside your mind will be spinning with ideas. From there you can twist it any which way you'd like!

Q: Do people not just use a weather app on their mobile? In my country they also go to one wellknown big weather site.

A: Sure people are still going to use their mobile to check the weather. And they will still visit those big sites but from my experience people still use their computers.

In fact the way I've noticed is that most people Google search their city name+weather and when they do this your site should show up. Then that's where you get your traffic.

Plus, there are places like tourist destinations where people Google the weather (this is all in the course), etc...

My point is this and trust me here, the numbers are there and there's still plenty of room for us little guys to wiggle on in there.

Q: How long does it take to set up?

A: Set up doesn't take long. You can have your first site up in a matter of just a couple of hours.

The SEO part isn't all that much either if you use what I suggest in the course. Just a little waiting is all since we are dealing with SEO.

You have to remember that this is local stuff we are dealing with so the competition isn't super strong and even if you target a "hard" city there are 1,000's more to choose from... but the traffic is there regardless.

Q: How do these sites turn a profit?

A: Adsense, banner ads, sell offline ads, sell affiliate products, sell your own products like city guides, coupon booklets, etc... You can even just collect leads for different things and sell those off to local businesses...

It's really up to you.

Direct Link(s) Smile

Magic Button :
[Image: JYV9NtK.png]
07-08-2013, 07:11 AM
Post: #4
wow think we are crippling their server, extremely slow downloads and or 404's but retry and it will download
07-08-2013, 11:08 AM
Post: #5
I use an earlier version of GetRight Download Manager (6.3e) and I recently discovered it has an option called Accelerated (Segmented) downloading. If this is set to 4 connections per file I get 4x the download speed. I was downloading some of the files for this thread at only say 15/kbs, but with segmented downloading switched on I got around 60/kbs. Just thought this might be of use to someone.
07-08-2013, 11:44 AM
Post: #6
Has anyone made an AIO mirror for this product ?
Unable to download :/
Thanks and rep if deserved 42rock
PS: Never forget to make mirrors !!!
07-08-2013, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013 12:12 PM by Patrick_Bateman.)
Post: #7
Hey guys I managed to download what I believe is all of it before I went to work. Here are some mirrors.


07-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Post: #8
Backup mirrors
All in one

Is Always Appreciated + Rep [Image: cool.gif] Thanks !
07-08-2013, 01:58 PM
Post: #9
Geeze, this dude's servers must be powered by hamsters, lol. BTW, this course is apparently from 2011 because it references Google Farmer, which happened in 2011, and it tells you to use the Google Wonderwheel, which hasn't been available for about 2 years now. Still not a bad strategy though. A good way to start a curation model site where you blog about not only the weather but other events happening in that area too.
07-09-2013, 01:41 PM
Post: #10
Another Mirrors just in case
Magic Button :
I love BBHF and now with MVP i am super in-LOVE!. [Image: heart.gif]
Proud to contribute cause SHARING IS CARING :)
