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05-12-2013, 06:42 PM
Post: #1
Please decode the php file for me (ioncube)

Please help me to decode php file.

Thank you in advance :)

05-14-2013, 02:32 PM
Post: #2
May I suggest that in the future you post the actual complete script. Just posting a single file leaves no incentive for people to really want to help out.

decoded: http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/29615705/file.html
06-26-2013, 03:45 PM
Post: #3
Here is the nulled code by OOps Nullers

Magic Button :
/* */
/* bestoops.com */
/* SMH */
/* OOps Nullers */
/* */

if ( $command == "Delete" )
$bw = implode( " or id=", $blog_id );
$query = "delete from mcontent where id={$bw} and owner='{$_SESSION['user']}'";
db_query( $query );
header( "location: ./?module=manualcontent&id={$id}" );
exit( );
echo "<s";
echo "tyle type=\"text/css\">\r\n<!--\r\n.style28 {\r\n\tfont-size: large;\r\n\tfont-weight: bold;\r\n\tcolor: #000000;\r\n}\r\n.style29 {\r\n\tfont-size: large;\r\n\tfont-weight: bold;\r\n}\r\n-->\r\n</style>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n\r\n";
$rs = db_query( "select * from blogs where id='{$id}'" );
if ( $blog = mysql_fetch_array( $rs ) )
echo "\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<table width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"5\">\r\n \r\n <tr valign=\"top\">\r\n <td><form action=\"./?module=manualcontent&id=";
echo $id;
echo "\" method=\"post\" name=\"postform\" id=\"postform\">\r\n <br />\r\n <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\r\n <tr>\r\n <td width=\"3%\" height=\"29\" valign=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/";
echo $blog[engine];
echo ".jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" /></td>\r\n <td width=\"97%\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"style28\">\r\n POST MANUAL CONTENT</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\r\n <tr>\r\n <td height=\"1\" colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F1F8FE\"></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </table>\r\n <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"5\">\r\n <tr valign=\"top\">\r\n <td>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#FEFEFE\">\r\n <tr>\r\n <td width=\"17%\"><div align=\"right\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>BLOG URL</strong></div></td>\r\n <td width=\"83%\">";
echo $blog[blog_url];
echo "</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td><div align=\"right\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>TITLE</strong></div></td>\r\n <td><input name=\"title\" type=\"text\" class='inputtext' id=\"title\" value=\"";
echo $title;
echo "\" size=\"100\" />\r\n *</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td valign=\"top\"><div align=\"right\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>CONTENT</strong></div></td>\r\n <td valign=\"top\">\r\n";
@include( "spaw2/spaw.inc.php" );
$spaw = new SpawEditor( "content", stripslashes( $content ), "th", "standard", "", "630px", "400px" );
$spaw->hideModeStrip( );
$spaw->show( );
echo " <br /></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td><div align=\"right\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Post To Category</strong></div></td>\r\n <td><input name=\"category\" type=\"text\" class='inputtext' id=\"category\" value=\"";
echo $category;
echo "\" size=\"30\" /> \r\n <input name=\"button4\" type=\"button\" class=\"buttonblue\" id=\"button4\" onclick=\"window.open('categorybrowser.php?id=";
echo "&form=postform&obj=category','','status=1,toolbar=1,location=0,menubar=0,resizeable=0,scrol​lbars=auto,height=200,width=350');\" value=\"Browse\" />\r\n * Wordpress Only</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>\r\n <input name=\"bookmark\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"bookmark\" value=\"yes\" ";
if ( $bookmark == "yes" )
echo "checked";
echo "/> \r\n Add To Bookmark\r\n\r\n";
$rsss = db_query( "select * from bookmarks where owner='{$user}' group by profile" );
while ( $cat = mysql_fetch_array( $rsss ) )
$bcats[] = trim( $cat[profile] );
echo " ";
echo "<s";
echo "elect name=\"bookmark_profile\" id=\"bookmark_profile\" class=\"inputtext\" >\r\n ";
foreach ( $bcats as $cat )
if ( $cat == $options[bookmark_profile] )
$sel = "selected";
$sel = "";
echo "<option value='{$cat}' {$sel}>{$cat}</option>\n";
echo " </select>\r\n <br />\r\n <input name=\"bookmark_mode\" type=\"radio\" id=\"radioarticle2\" value=\"all\"";
if ( $options[bookmark_mode] == "all" )
echo "checked";
echo " />\r\n Bookmark ALL\r\n <input name=\"bookmark_mode\" type=\"radio\" id=\"radioarticle3\" value=\"lite\" ";
if ( $options[bookmark_mode] == "lite" || $options[bookmark_mode] == "" )
echo "checked";
echo " />\r\n Bookmark LITE<br />\r\n <br />\r\n <br /></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"command\" value=\"Post To Blog\" class='buttonblue' id=\"command\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"command\" value=\"Add to Queued\" class='buttonblue' id=\"command\" /></td>\r\n ";
echo " </tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n </table></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr valign=\"top\">\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </table>\r\n </form>\r\n <font size=\"-1\"></font><font size=\"-1\"></font></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr valign=\"top\">\r\n <td><hr size=\"1\"> </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n\t";
if ( $command == "Post To Blog" )
require_once( "bookmarks.php" );
if ( $nl2br == "yes" )
$content = ereg_replace( "\n", "<br>", $content );
ob_start( );
echo " <tr valign=\"top\">\r\n <td><p class=\"style29\">";
echo $command;
echo " Results</p>\r\n\t ";
$options = unserialize( $blog[options] );
if ( intval( $options[tags_minchar] ) == 0 )
$options[tags_minchar] = 5;
if ( intval( $options[tags_maxchar] ) == 0 )
$options[tags_maxchar] = 20;
if ( $options[http_user_agent] == "" )
$options[http_user_agent] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1";
define( "FAKE_HTTP_USER_AGENT", $options[http_user_agent] );
$contents[type] = "Manual Content";
if ( $title == "" )
$title = "Untitle";
$contents[title] = $title;
$contents[content] = $content;
$contents[category] = $category;
require( "{$blog['engine']}.php" );
if ( !$contents[post_failed] )
echo "[ {$contents['type']} ] {$title} posted to {$blog['blog_url']}\n";
db_query( "update blogs set posts=posts+1 , lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() , spams=0 where id={$blog['id']} " );
$contents[title] = addslashes( $contents[title] );
if ( !isset( $b ) and& $blog[engine] == "wordpress" )
$b = getlastpost( $blog, $contents[post_id] );
db_query( "insert into history (owner,engine,title,blog_id,post_id,content_type,datepost,logs) values('{$blog['owner']}','{$blog['engine']}','{$contents['title']}','{$blog['id']}','{$contents['post_id']}','{$contents['type']}',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'{$b['link']}')" );
if ( $bookmark == "yes" )
echo "\nBookmark to {$bookmark_profile}.\n";
bookmarkall( $b, $bookmark_profile, $$bookmark_mode );
echo "\n\n<strong>Success - [ <a href='j;' onclick=\"window.open('{$blog['blog_url']}');\">View</a> ]</strong>";
$html = ob_get_contents( );
$html = ereg_replace( "\n", "<br>", $html );
ob_end_clean( );
echo $html;
echo "\t\t</td></tr>\r\n";
else if ( $command == "Add to Queued" )
echo "\t <tr valign=\"top\">\r\n <td><p class=\"style29\">";
echo $command;
echo " Results</p>\r\n\t";
if ( $title == "" )
$title = "Untitle";
db_query( "insert into mcontent (blog_id,owner,title,content,category) values('{$id}','{$_SESSION['user']}','{$title}','{$content}','{$category}')" );
echo "<strong>{$title} has been add to queued.</strong>";
echo "\t\t\t</td></tr>\r\n\t\t\t";
echo " </table>\r\n";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"style28\">Content in Queued</span><br />\r\n";
$rs = db_query( "select * from mcontent where blog_id='{$id}' and owner='{$_SESSION['user']}'" );
if ( 0 < mysql_num_rows( $rs ) )
echo "<form id=\"form1\" name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"./?extmodule=manualcontent&id=";
echo $id;
echo "\">\r\n <table width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"5\" cellpadding=\"5\">\r\n ";
while ( $c = mysql_fetch_array( $rs ) )
echo " <tr>\r\n <td width=\"18%\"><div align=\"center\">\r\n <label></label>\r\n <div align=\"right\">\r\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"blog_id[]\" id=\"blog_id[]\" value=\"";
echo $c[id];
echo "\" />\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div align=\"right\"></div><div align=\"right\"></div></td>\r\n <td width=\"82%\">";
echo $c[title];
echo "</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n \r\n ";
echo " <tr>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"command\" value=\"Delete\" class='buttonblue' id=\"command\" /></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </table>\r\n</form>\r\n";
echo "<p>No Content in Queued.</p>";

06-26-2013, 03:46 PM
Post: #4
i am unable post

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