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09-05-2022, 04:41 PM
Post: #11
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course

Here is a new link to Version 1 for all of you that are looking for this.

Included in this share is a number of PDF files that are not part of Version 2.

Also, I have included the "Express Course" folder that has a number of extra things that you can use to enhance your copywriting skills and business.

I hope you find this useful... But like everything in life, this will only work for you if you watch/read it, then take action with what you have just learned.

There is no doubt John Carlton is one of the best living copywriters around today. He is also a no-nonsense type of guy with a personality that can rub you a bit wrong if you are not open to learning his way of doing things.

If you are set in your ways, unwilling to learn, or just a collector that does nothing but fill up your hard drive, don't bother getting this. But if you are hungry, want to build your business or career , then what John has to teach you can make the difference between failure and success.

This is on Mega. Please COPY to your account BEFORE downloading so it keeps the share alive longer.


Consistency builds momentum... And that’s how dreams become a reality.
09-05-2022, 10:55 PM
Post: #12
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
Great share! Have to come back to grab it!! Thanks mates for share
09-06-2022, 10:46 AM
Post: #13
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
Thanks and max repped OP and daily-rp
Link in post #7 is still active is of today
09-17-2022, 12:26 PM
Post: #14
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
I was able to download version 1 from mega, but the files a bit weird, I can't extract it. Can you re upload please
09-21-2022, 11:30 PM
Post: #15
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
The files look corrupted. Can re-up please.
09-22-2022, 04:55 AM
Post: #16
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
i don't have a mega account anymore

- - - > so i post the notes here :


The Simple Writing System is a series of 17 checklists Carlton goes through
internally whenever he writes.

Your State
Good copywriters are always in a state of awareness.
Why? Storytelling is critical to copywriting, and stories come from observation.
Observation comes from being in an active state of awareness and always
deciphering what's happening around you.
Start thinking about life as a movie where stuff is always happening.

Carlton's Method Of Meditation:
Sit up and close your eyes. Go through your senses. Smells, sounds, etc...

The Simple Writing System
A series of 17 checklists Carlton goes through whenever he writes. It took him 30
years to internalize and then 1-2 years to "find" all the steps he had picked up over
the years.

Whenever you write, handwrite. Why?
- 1) Retention, you learn faster and at a deeper level.
- 2) Can edit-as-you-write and see the history of word changes you've made. ->
Carlton often crosses out and inserts new words, and can quickly brainstorm what
works best. His page often looks like a series of mindmaps.
Carlton started teaching copy because he had written everything down for his
whole career. Had collected huge stack of notes.

Step #1: Market Research
This is the foundation of everything that follows and also what rookies screw up
most. It's the foundation of writing the best copy you're ever gonna write.

Competition / Size Of Market
Your first job as a marketer is to position yourself against the competition.
Is there a market? The internet has leveled the playing field like never before, but
many open markets will not part with their money.

"Your Hot Seat Head Grinder" Exercise
You should be able to describe who you are and what you do in a few short
Who ARE you?
What do you sell?
Why are you in this biz?
What do you do for your customers? (Tip: "You're selling the hole they want, not
the drill.")

Carlton's Gun-To-The Head Tip:
If you had a gun to your head, and someone said: "You'd better come up with a
business or you're gonna be in for the next 5 years". You'd better think about it well
because you'd better bring some passion, you'd better want to get out of bed in the
morning to go to work. What would that business be?

Halbert's Passed-Down Piece Of Advice When You're Stuck:
"Just sell the d*** thing."
Don't make things too complicated. Don't try to be cute/clever at first.

Bring General Phrases Down To A Meaningful Dialogue Where You're
Actually Saying Something
Bad: "step-by-step", "make it easy".
Go from "I'm a parent." -> To "I'm a parent with three children. One in jail and
two in kindergarten..
Make it more specific and you will keep his interest.

Your Prospect's Attitude
No matter who you're writing for: he's skeptical, he doesn't want to hear it, you're
probably an interruption in his life.
He's looking for an out. -> First thing he looks for is a reason not to read what
you have.

In every ad, what you're saying is effectively: "Excuse me, I couldn't help
overhearing that you have this problem, I'm..."
Now what do you say after that if you're talking to a stranger who doesn't
know/trust you, thinks you have a hidden agenda, and will bolt the second he thinks
you're crazy, boring, or gonna try to sell him something.

Step #2: Your Avatar
The manifestation/personification of the person you're selling to. Your "average

How To Create An Avatar
Who are you selling to? -> Try to narrow it down as much as you can by
demographic: country, race, age, gender, etc.
What are her needs? Where does it hurt?
What does she need to hear from you to feel good about buying?

Step #3: USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
How to position yourself...uniquely in your market...in order to sell.

Communicating "Through" Your USP
In info marketing, one of the problems you have when you're trying to get info
across to people, is that (and this is counterintuitive) the more logical you are about
the way you say what you have, the less it will be received.
-> "But I'm telling you how it is!" -You can get very frustrated trying to do this,
because it's like trying to show someone of the opposite sex through logic and
"reasons why" they should marry you.
The relationship you have with your prospect is all about finding the way to
communicate that's gonna flip the sale. (Positioning helps you find it.)

The Company Line Vs. Sales Detective Research
Company line is vague bullshit. Sales detective research uncovers why people
actually buy.
The closer you are to the product, the more vague bullshit you think about it.
Carlton always went to the inventor of the product or the salesman to get the
story on what was really going on from the POV of the person who was going to
need to make a buying decision.

It's Not About You At All
It's about how your USP/personality is a conduit for the person to reach their goal
/ satisfy their desire.
It's not what you sell...but what "what" you sell DOES for your customer.
Aim for the "Id Ticklers": Faster, easier, simpler, a better bargain, an unfair
advantage, inside info, privilege and luxury, bragging rights.
Remember: You will need to PROVE everything immediately. To a VERY
skeptical reader.

How To Write Your USP
Think in terms of a non-clever slogan.
Do not deepen the mystery, solve it with specifics. -> Don't worry about
"wowing" people, just get it down in as clear a way as possible.
Starter formula: "We help [this group of people] ... do [this benefit(s)] ...
-> Positioning addition: "...[better] than [competitor or common wisdom]."

Do not fall in love with your USP. It will not sell on its own. It is merely a way to
SET UP interest and get your foot in the door.
(It is also the foundation of your best headlines.)

Your USP Should Target Your Average Prospect Only
Don't worry about the people who aren't in your target market - you don't care
what they think.
This is a problem many entrepreneurs have when they start letting people(friends
and relatives) read their ads. Their not the target market so they give bad advice,
without meaning to.
Halbert: "Too many people write trying to please the dogs and not go after the
What scares the person coming to me? What are they concerned with? And how
are they going to explain their buying decision to someone else?

Inside Language
This can be a shortcut to talking to your prospects. -> People understand you are
one of them-instant credibility boost.

How To Get Inside Info
Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and apply that to your
interactions with the company's employees. (Carlton calls it "The Salesman's
Call up your competitors and play dumb. Be an invisible spy.

Step #4: Master List Of Features and Benefits
You need to know exactly what benefit your prospects are after. What feature of
your product delivers this benefit?

Features: The physicalness of what you're selling or the statistics.
Benefit: What the thing (or one of it's features) does for someone.

Feature and Corresponding Benefit Example
The pencil having a hunk of rubber on one end is a feature. The fact that you can
make a mistake and the mistake will vanish thanks to this is a benefit.

Exercise: Make A Master List Of Features -> Benefits
Write 3-12 features of what it is you're selling and the benefits that go with them.
After you write a feature, think of "...that means..." and follow with the benefit.

Benefit Writing Tips
Ask yourself: What is the problem? How do you solve it? How do you make his
life better?
When you're stuck, use the 4 horsemen benefits: fast, easy, simple, cheap.
You want to attach benefits that describe what it is that will make the user's life

What Is The Real Benefit Desired?
You need to know exactly what benefit your prospects are after.
Ex: Day traders psychologically resemble gamblers or cocaine addicts. Most
don't care how much money they have in the bank, but how much they "scored".
Saying: "You'll make more money" doesn't appeal nearly as much as: "You're
gonna score big". Except you can't go right out and say it. (See "The One/Two
Punch" for more on emotional vs. rational reasons for buying.)

Find The Weak Point In The Market
Then you can step up and say: "Everyone else says this, and here's what I've got
for you: It's different, it's new, etc..."

Step #5: Bullets
Where you join features and benefits into bullets.

The one-two punch of satisfying practical use ... with a little tweak of shock and
delight ... plus the occasional direct assault on common senses.
Sometimes all it takes to flip the sale is one good bullet.
Paint pleasing pictures in his mind using action verbs. Create mini-stories.
Translate complex details into plain English. -> Can't assume your prospect
knows your market's complex jargon. It's better to over-explain than under-explain.
Make free-standing benefits come alive. -> Show your prospect through
examples or curiosity why the benefit will make their life better.
Remember: He will use your proof as HIS proof to convince himself and others. -
> convincing him is often easy, but he may have to convince somebody else.

Some Bullet Templates:
Very easy tactic to double your profits overnight! (An astoundingly easy
technique well used by smart businessmen ... but ignored by 99% of other
-> Positioning statement is bolded. "How to double your profits overnight!" would
be boring, "very easy tactic" is exciting. Parenthesis are like whispers/nudges. They
explode the meaning.
Move like lightning through the 3 stages of guitar mastery: From "no clue at all"
to "this is easy" in just a few short hours ... and then on through "impress all your
friends to the point you scare them", straight to "ready for the stage". (You'll be
jamming with other musicians before other rookies have even learned their first
The amazing "Lazy Businessman's 3-Step Shortcut" to creating your first
world-class ad. (How to quickly turn your salesmanship skills into white-hot sales
copy ... even if you flunked English!)
The one envelope that no one in the history of civilization has ever NOT
-> Blind, without specific feature.
How to hit ALL of her "long overdue" hot buttons ... at the exact right
moment. (And finally explore NEW spots of intense titillation she never knew she
-> Most writers would stop at "buttons", making it boring.
And guys--once you understand how every woman has slightly different "orgasm
triggers" (which you can finally easily discover) ...
-> Raises curiosity, leaves them hanging.
The "Customized Magic" technique that allows any man to become THE expert
on sex with any specific woman. You'll know her deepest desires and most sensitive
shiver-inducing areas better than she knows them herself!
Are your sexual needs normal? The answer may shock the heck out of you ...
A quickie "Idiot's Guide" to consumer psychology! (Instantly understand
exactly what makes your customer tick ... and learn how to tickle his "consumer hot
buttons" to the point of frenzy.)
How to sell yourself! (Yes, these over-the-top salesmanship secrets will change
every aspect of your life, no matter what you need - be it love, money, respect or a
fresh start.)

Work with a pen/pencil. Write 3 bullets using templates above.

Name Things - Advanced Technique
"The Function of Seduction", "The Lazy Businessman's 3-Step Shortcut"
Adds perceived value to what might just be a short piece of info.

"Giveaway" Bullets
Every few bullets, give away a piece of valuable info to build goodwill.

Step #6: Testimonials
The fundamental proof and support for your Big Promise and your Credibility.

Testimonials that work are short, specific and spicy.
You need at least 3 testimonials, preferably more.

How To Get Testimonials
If it's your own product, and someone tells you something good it's done for
them, get into the ahbit of saying: "Dude, you owe me a testimonial."

Bad Testimonials
Focus on the person/company, not products' benefits. -> "Anne's a great
Not specific, doesn't give the person an idea of what actually happened and you
come away thinking it was their relative/friend.

What Testimonials Do
Offer third-party validation for what you are saying.
"I'm the best." -> If you say it, it's just empty bragging. If somebody else says it,
it's backed up.

The Ideal Testimonial
Somebody who's famous.
Someone who can make a huge claim. (Ex: Over $10 million in one day.)
Has an interesting story.

You don't want to dictate what the person says, you should just write down what
they say how they say it word-for-word.
All your testimonials should have different "voices", the words they use should
be different.

Ways To Make Testimonials Believable
Specific, results-based.
Add a photo.
Consider using audio/video online. -> Very hard to fake.

Step #7: Hooks
The one step that, once you get it down, it will carve out a spot for you in any

First Thing People Do
The first thing people do after you have offered them something they want and
grabbed their attention is look for a reason not to believe you.
You represent a new problem in their life, and they want to get rid of you.
The whole idea of the hook encapsulates bringing them out of their world and
into your world.
The hook must immediately transition to credibility and believability.

How To Find A Hook
Interview your client or yourself. -> When you have to find a hook for yourself,
not a client, it's a lot harder, because you have to step back. May help to ask people
who know you.
You want: gossip, opinions, rumor, common wisdom, competition, myth, legend,
Incongruent juxtaposition of compelling sales elements. -> Ex: "Weak guy beats
strong guy to win the girl", "Poor guy discovers easy way to get stupid rich."

Hook Headline Examples
"How A Skinny Little Golf Genius From
California Accidentally Started
Hitting 425-Yard Tee Shots!"
-> Incongruent: "Skinny Little" and "425-Yard Tee Shots". This juxtaposition
creates the hook. Key word: "Accidentally".

"Your Brain Is Trying To Kill
Your Golf Game!"

Amazing Secret Discovered By
One-Legged Golfer Adds 50
Yards To Your Drives, Eliminates
Hooks and Slices ... And Can
Slash Up To 10 Strokes From
Your Game
Almost Overnight!

"The Naked Girls All Laughed
Behind The Little Pudgy Guy's
Back ... Until He Got Into A
Knife Fight With 3 Enormous
Bad-Ass Bikers ..."
-> "The Naked Girls" grabs target prospect's attention, shocks and delights.

What Women Secretly Wish
You Knew About Sex...
But will never, ever tell you to
your face!

How Does An Out-Of-Shape 55 Year-Old Golfer,
Crippled By Arthritis and 71 Lbs. Overweight, Still
Consistently Humiliate PGA Pros In
Head-To-Head Matches By Hitting Every Tee
Shot Further And Straighter Down The Fairway?

Crippled Golfer Stuns L.A. Open
Crowd By Crawling From Death
Bed to Beat 110 Pro Golfers With a
67 (Using A Short Backswing) And
Qualify For The Last Spot In The
Famous 2002 Tournament!

"How A Blind Golfer Stumbled Onto
The Simple Secret Behind
David Duval's Swing That Can
Give Anyone Unbelievable Distance
With Total Accuracy!"
Hook Exercise
Think about your own hook. You don't need to write a headline or piece of copy,
but think about what the hook might be. Take 5 minutes.

Importance Of The Hook
If your ad is the kind of ad that comes into someone's life and you tell them:
"Kick back, relax, take your shoes off, and listen to a tale." If that's what you're
asking them to do, you're dead in the water. That ain't gonna happen.
You have seconds to bring him in. That's why the hook is so important.

Step #8: Salesmanship Mentality
Have a good product, but know that it won't sell itself.

Carlton's Mindsets:
Do not sell from your heels. Get straight on your goal.
Get your mindset quivering: There is $$$ out there that belongs to you.
If you have the goods, then shame on you if you don't do all you can to get your
message across.

Do Not Sell From Your Heels
What is selling from your heels? People basically sell/write: "Here's what I've
got. Do you want it? Nah, you probably don't." -and they bolt out of there. DON'T
Most people don't like to sell. In America, salesmen are not held in high esteem.
Very few people are natural salespeople. Most have to learn it. -> Halbert learned
it selling vacuum cleaners, living out of the back of his car, working from a script.

Great Products Need Great Marketing

If you have a product or service that the person you're talking to needs or should
have, then you should do everything you can to get that sales message across,
because you're bettering their lives.
Have a good product, but know that it won't sell itself. -> The marketing
graveyard is crammed with great products that died because nobody knew how to
sell them.

Be The Go-To Guy
This is the opposite of selling from your heels.
Say: "I have what you need."
If you don't pay attention to salesmanship, you will naturally not want to sell. ->
You will write/position yourself and do everything with the exit in mind, not with
the sale in mind.

Sales Resistance
There is a natural resistance to doing what somebody else tells you to do, even
somebody you like.
In selling something, don't tell someone: "Buy this". Instead, as Claude Hopkins
said: offer service. Give your prospects something of value, and the law of
reciprocity kicks in.

People's Inherent Greed
We like to think we are different than the animals in the zoo. Some people say
we're only a few steps away from the jungle - in reality, we've still got one foot in it.
We'd like to think it's an exalted sense of civilized behavior, but the only
difference is we're better at deceiving other people that we're not a base animal
wanting things.
Good salesmen know that what you want to tap into is the inherent greed of the
other person. They want more/now/better/better than the neighbor...

The Greased Slide
Carlton often imagines the guy he's talking to is welded to the couch. He's Jabba
the Hutt, he won't move.
You have to get him to move and get his wallet out. Giving money that was once
his to someone else - one of the hardest human interactions to do.
The Greased Slide gets him out of his "Somnambulant Blob" state.

Reverse Attention Grabber Headline:
How to guarantee you're never the guy playing
Butt-Ugly Golf
This Summer!
Can use this template in your "bag of tricks".

Step #9: Develop Your Voice and Story
This is the Million Dollar Step. The way to becoming the go-to guy in your niche.

To stand out from the mob, a lot depends on if people buy into your story.
3 basic elements: setup, plot, punchline.
We are hardwired as a species to listen to stories.
Read Carlton's blog post: "You, The Movie".

Iconic Situation
Something that is easily remembered about your story. A visual element that is
easily recognizable by other people.
"The poor kid who was disadvantaged and got rich." -> Story becomes larger
than life, almost mythical.
Hometown boy makes good ... loser learns to win ... clueless dude gets a clue ...
outsider sneaks inside ... regular guy discovers the secrets of exceptionality.

Avoid "Deadline" Copy
You have to wake people up from their dead, zombie-like state.
Inject some self-help/motivation: "Remember this day. Your life is going to be
different from this day forward."
Make it an experience.

Write In Your Own Voice
Don't try to copy the writing style of an accomplished copywriter. If you're a
beginner, you're just setting up an extra hill to climb.

Writing in your own style makes the copy come across better in every way.

If you're having trouble, drop all adjectives. (Something Hemingway did.)

Handwrite Old Direct Mail Ads
You internalize the rhythm of the words.
Guy in audience thought at first it was something people talked about but no one
did it. -> But all super-successful marketers he's met really really did this.
"I don't know anything that correlates to the guys who are really good at it more
than that.

Voice Example:
How You Can Profit From The
Coming Stock Market Crash and
Financial Bloodbath Caused By
Cash-Rich Drug Dealers and
Other Criminal Scum!

-> "Bloodbath", "Scum" -> Set up expectations in reader's mind.

Your Credibility
Establish - truthfully and forcefully but without hype - why you're the Go-To
Guy in this situation.
Remember: He's in some kind of pain, he's skeptical and ready to bolt, he will
NOT put up with bragging. You must win him over on HIS terms, immediately.

Think about how you are/could be the go-to guy in your situation. -> How can
you intersect it with your life story?

Step #10: Headlines
The headline has only one purpose - to get him to read the first sentence.

(almost) Copy a successful headline. -> Easier than creating originals.
See "Tested Advertising Methods" by John Caples
and "How To Write a Good Advertisement" by Victor Schwab
Eventually you should learn to write originals, because if all you do is rips you're
standing on one leg.

Carlton has written ridiculously large headlines, as well as one-word headlines. -
> Uses long headlines when a short one would cheat the sales message.
Some of the best headlines have been short: "I Quit" (Halbert)

Be The One Thing He Encounters Today That Shocks Him Out of His Zombie
Your attitude should show through your copy.
Use hooks and stories.
The incongruent juxtaposition of common sales elements. (Ex: Poor guy
accidentally learns to make millions.)
"Before-and-after" shockers.
Inside info, top secret.

Create a Visual Hierarchy
If your title is getting too long, consider splitting it up into a headline + subhead.
The series of words that will stop the prospect should stick out or be the headline
by themselves.
World Famous Street Fighter Will
Give You A
Just To Prove He Can Take It Away
From You Bare-Handed As Easy As
Candy From A Baby!

Take what you've learned and write your own headlines.

Step #11: Your Sales Funnel
It determines how to write your copy most effectively.

Type of Campaign
Evergreen -> Doesn't change.
Joint Venture
Affiliate program
Lead generation
Multi-step or single sale

What Are You Trying To Accomplish?
Always write copy with a goal in mind. -> What do you want your prospect to
This tip alone should change your life.

Delivery Systems
Direct mail
Print ads
PR(Public relations)
Blog-o-sphere with social networking

Know Your Delivery Shortcomings
Know the limits and demands of the technology. (Loading time for video, spam
filtering for emails, haiku specifications for adwords, obscure SEO blunders)...
Know the expectations of your prospect for time, length, attitude...
Cost and rules...

Your Offer
"More-than-fair" price. (In the visitors mind.)
Outrageous value. (Perceived value is everything.)
Mooch-pleasing bonuses. Make them worth buying on their own.
Paranoia-Calming Guarantee. See step 14 for more detail.

Step #12: The Simple Basics of a Great Sales
All you really need to sell something right away...

The Formula:
Here's who I am...
Here's what I've got for you...
Here's why it's important for your life right now...
Here's what to do now.

The Starting Point of An Ad
Usually beginners spend too much time "clearing their throat" at the beginning of
a piece of copy.
Carlton often cuts out the first paragraph or even first page of his ads just before
his final draft, realizing what he had written really wasn't all that important.
There's an old saying that direct mail firms take the first two pages of an ad a
copywriter gives them and crumple them up.

The "So What?" Test
This test helps beginners write copy much faster than trying to get it perfect the
first time.
First, get it all down on paper. Leave it for 24 hours, come back and read it. After
every paragraph, ask yourself: "So what?" -> Why should your prospect care about
the particular section of copy?
de2e's note: Frank Kern does something similar, except he uses: "Who gives a

Classic Salesmanship Secrets
People always have two separate sets of reasons for buying almost anything:
- 1) The RATIONAL reasons to explain why he bought ... to his dubious spouse,
nosy neighbours, and arrogant brother-in-law.
- 2) The EMOTIONAL APE-BRAIN reasons that seal the deal deep inside.

The Reasons People Buy (David Garfinkle)
To make money, save money, save time, save effort, reduce pain, increase health,
increase pleasure.
The key thing to do is not to literally write a headline that says: "Increase Your
Pleasure!", but to apply it to a specific situation. -> "Feel like you're getting a foot
massage with a masseuse that has hands like silk."

Your Prospect's Sophistication
Greed is a big reason people buy. -> "No one's ever gone broke underestimating
the intelligence/greed of the American people."
One of the problems businesspeople get into is they start exalting their
prospect/customer base, thinking: "My customers are different." -> "They won't
read long copy. They won't respond to those kinds of things."
People will mask their greed and you have to see through that veneer. -> People
go to charity balls not because they're aching to give money to starving African
children, they're there to be seen, to dress up, to do things.

Example Wording of A Free Trial Offer
Dear friend,
My name is Susan Smith,
With your permission -- and with strict precautions to your privacy -- I'm going to
send you a fascinating package of uncensored "advanced sex class" DVDs...
-> You're not giving them a free trial, you're letting them own the information.

Be Controversial
Find the line, then take 3 steps over it.
If you're writing for a client, they should feel uneasy about running the ad. The
worst thing is for them to say: "I love the copy. I can't wait to run it."

Answer the first four questions in this step somewhat briefly. Don't try to sell or
do anything. Just lay it out.

"I'm Just Like You" Example
"I don't sell a lot of stuff and you may not want it. In fact, if you don't agree when
you get it, that it's the best insight into this that you've ever seen, I insist that you
send it back to me for a full refund."

Step #13: Huge Promise
What can you say - truthfully and comfortably - that will set up unbelievable

Your Promise
What can you say - truthfully and comfortably - that will set up unbelievable
opportunity? -> (Hint: The meek shall NOT inherit the largest market share...)
Fix what's wrong ...
Eliminate fears ...
Fortify the sense of power and confidence among the powerless and unconfident.

Magic Vs. Reality
The more you get to the cold hard reality of something, the less people will be
interested in what you have to say. -> Ex: Weight loss = eat less.
The more you have a magic pill they can take, the more you will sell.

The Marketing Rebel Appeal-O-Meter(de2e's rendition)

Who Else Wants To Learn The Secrets Of Earning
An Extra $96,485 As A Chiropractor This Year
While Working Just 24-Hours A Week (Or Less),
With Minimum Stress And Zero Debt!

Target Your Promise
"Be happier", "Relieve pain" is a general solution to a general problem.
"Be happier as a dad", "Relieve arthritis pain" actually speak to people.

Step #14: Reverse All Risk
This is all about guarantees and overcoming last-minute reservations/objections.

Many beginners make the mistake of using the guarantee to soon, even in the
headline. -> Nobody buys anything because they can get their money back.
You can't just say: "I guarantee it." -> At some point, you have to say: "You are
not risking anything."
Understand the objections you're overcoming. (Fear of getting screwed, of being
a fool, of facing spouse/in-laws/neighbors.) -> It's not the fear of being taken, it's
the fear of other people finding out.

Know Where The Guarantee Goes In Your Funnel

Don't fall in love with your guarantee. It won't sell your product by itself.
But if you're the only one in your market with a strong guarantee, put it

Write your own version of a guarantee - making sure you reverse all risk.
Step #15: Turbulence
The stuff you're gonna need to get people to take action / to get them off the fence.

The Tools of Action:
Take-away -> "Fear of being left out."

What the Tools Do:
Create "turbulence" in the reader's mind, make him unable to sleep. -> Carlton's
been told some people have read his copy, gone to sleep, then woken up in the
middle of the night and bought.
Infomercials (for example) do everything they can to get the person "over the
edge". Once they call, the salespeople can up/down/cross-sell them.

"The 7 Reasons Attractive Women
Choose Other Men Over You"
... and what to do about it, today ...

This is a special privilege I'm offering ONLY to guys like you on our "Hot
List" ... and ONLY in the order you are on that list. By getting this letter, you
have earned a spot up the list, so there's a package here for you.
If you don't want it, do nothing ... and we'll take your name off the package, and
send it to the guy below you on the list ...

People use the word "urgency", but it's really turbulence. -> You're getting a
notion into somebody's head that's not going to let them go until they come around
to your way of thinking.
Don't think about "There's only 15 here. Once they're all gone they're gone." ->
That's the standard stuff.

Digital Products Takeaway
You can't use the old classic physical ways of takeaway, but you do have limits
of time, availability.
The One Time Offer: closest thing there is online - prospect can only see the page
one time, must make a decision.
"The Market Test": "We're just testing the market with this product. Price is
never gonna be less but it could be a lot more. I have a suspicion we put way too
much stuff into this package, we'll probably have to scale it back soon."
If you want an evergreen site that you're not going to have to change, you're
going to need some kind of turbulence.
-> "I may pull this site down at any time."
-> "Price could go up at any time."
Limits on quantity online were never believable, because you can make unlimited

Think about what you can do as a take-away.

Step #16: Knock 'Em Off The Fence
This is the reason why most good direct response ads are loaded up with
value/bonuses/freebies and a lot of stuff. Better, more, bigger, better.

The quickest way to boost response of an old ad is to create some free bonuses.
Sometimes people will order just for a single bonus. -> The stick letter will
convince them they want the whole thing.

Step #17: Your Close
This is where the money hits the fan.

The One-Two Punch Of Selling Effectively (from step 12)
People always have two separate sets of reasons for buying almost anything:
- 1) The RATIONAL reasons to explain why he bought ... to his dubious spouse,
nosy neighbours, and arrogant brother-in-law.
- 2) The EMOTIONAL APE-BRAIN reasons that seal the deal deep inside.

Here's What to Do Now...
What is it that you need them to do now that's going to seal the deal? Walk them
through the process.
Be straightforward. Don't "sell from your heels".
Assume the sale. Of course they're going to buy.
"Are you ready to move on? Good. Get out your wallet / go to Paypal and fill out
the form. I just want you to know you are under no obligation to keep this."

Closing Swipe File
Most people have swipe files of headlines, etc, because that's where beginners
usually get hung up on. -> The money shot's actually in the close. When you come
across a good one, put it into your swipe file.

Write a rough close -> What action do you need them to do next?

Write In First Person
By the close, they should feel like they know you. Write as if you were talking to
them face-to-face.
If you're not writing in first person, there can be a disconnect, where they ask
themselves: who are you? An why should I care about what you have to say?

09-22-2022, 07:17 PM
Post: #17
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
azertyloulou, appreciate it.

Whoever still have the files/links, please share.
09-23-2022, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2022 06:00 PM by Santhu.)
Post: #18
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
I only have the workbook but it's pretty comprehensive. It contains all that you need to know.

Here it is with the usual password.

Magic Button :
01-23-2025, 11:42 AM
Post: #19
RE: [Get] John Carlton Simple Writing System Full Original Course
Reup please

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