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12-16-2021, 02:40 AM
Post: #91
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated
"The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS is being misused by anti-vaxxers to terrify the public.
The EXACT same thing is being done to the public by our politicians, doctors and pharmaceutical companies.......misusing the Covid outbreak as a death warrant for everyone (regardless of age or co-morbidities) unless they take the ineffective and untested "vaccine", shut down the world economy and force ineffective mask and other nonsensical and non scientific restrictions that don't work. (and might even be proven to be harmful down the road, i.e. suicides, social issues for kids, learning disabilities and lessor grades, etc.) Not to mention the potential health consequences down the road from the untested (long term) vaccines.

-Anti-vaxxers routinely publicize reports from VAERS as if they are proof that a vaccine is causing clear harm
Again, the EXACT same charge can and SHOULD be made about the fear mongering mandatory vaccers even when the science says covid (especially the new omicron BS) is less deadly then the yearly flu for MOST age groups and the vaccine doesn't stop anyone from getting or giving the virus. Entire states and countries are shutting down and this new variant has killed ONE PERSON IN THE UK.......yes, you read that correct, a total of ONE person has died from this new variant and the politicials are running around STILL like it's the black plague and shutting down entire cities and states over this BS. Come on, you can't see the ridiculousness of this by now?

It's not about helping people, it's not about the science or doing what's right, it's about POWER and MONEY. Plain and simple.

Your examples of anecdotal stories/evidence are good but don't prove anything just as I can give you just as many anecdotal stories/evidence from India and other countries around the world that say the opposite, especially about Ivermectin and the use of lockdowns to stop the spread, etc....
So at this point it is just one side vs the other since NO CONCRETE and long term analysis has been collected and scientifically PROVEN.

Which on it's own isn't a big deal UNTIL the politicians, "Scientists" and Pharm Companies start dictating how people should live and making shots/boosters MANDATORY to those that don't want or need them (based on the science and statistical analysis of who is most at risk to die).

I don't care if you want to jab yourself every month with a new booster shot, more power to you but where the H#LL do you or anyone else get off telling me, no wait DEMANDING and making it MANDATORY that I put something into my body that is experimental, something we have NO long term health data on and something that if it does go wrong I am legally restricted from suing the companies that made this and made BILLIONS of $$$$ off it??? Oh, and these are the same companies that wanted to release the data they had collected and held on these drugs only after 55 YEARS, yes, you read that right.....look it up, yeah, riiiiiiiight it was because they didn't have enough gov't workers to declassify the documents, then it was copyright issues, yeah, okay....keep drinking the cool-aid and taking those boosters. (The lab rats thank you for giving them a break!)

So answer this question:
The one above....Why do you care if I take the vaccine or not?

(oh, and here's a hint. Remember, that whether you do or don't get the shot you can still get it AND infect others, so if that was your argument, science says otherwise.
Also, Yes, I know "they" say it can save lives if you are in certain specific age/health groups and that's great BUT it should STILL be a CHOICE (just like smoking, drinking, being fat, eating fast food, doing drugs, having unprotected sex, doing extreme sports, driving a car, swimming, etc., etc. I think you get the idea and yes, they can ALL kill you as well)...and if they are so concerned about people's health, why are they making people on their death beds in hospitals go to court (their families) in order to be given Ivermectin? Why are they making it mandatory for people that have already had Covid to take the shot, when the science PROVES they are MORE protected from getting Covid a second time then if they were only vaccinated (as it was with all past vaccine protocols). Why is the African continent almost Covid death free compared to the rest of the "vaccinated" world? Why are some countries and states that aren't using masks, lockdowns, etc., have lower infection/death rates?

Just keep these in mind when answering, good luck!
12-16-2021, 09:03 AM
Post: #92
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated
Simply put the money control system is dying and they need all this other chaos to blame as the cause for their not doing anything good. Just selfish control freaks. There new system of control is a digital chip implanted so they control you all.

STOP LISTENING to MSM its government propaganda
12-17-2021, 11:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2021 11:38 PM by mthomas.)
Post: #93
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated
Here is an audio recording of a Joe Rogan podcast (thanks LeggyAnita who posted this in another thead) where he interviews Dr. Peter McCullough about the State and Medical inconsistencies regarding the treatment, rollout of "vaccines" and other Covid related hot topics. (i.e. Ivermectin, Monoclonal antibodies, medical pre-hospital protocols (none exist, why?), statistical inaccuracies, fraudulent published medical papers, concerted efforts to STOP medical treatments, etc.)

It's a little long for just audio (2:47:24 minutes) but well worth it if you really want to hear BOTH sides of this issue and not just from the mainstream media which you are being fed from every day.

Joe Rogan Interview of Dr. McCullough

PS - The link is to Bitchute, because the same video has already been removed from Youtube for "breaking their community guidelines" (aka: any differing opinion against the established narrative/propaganda/BS)....censorship by some companies is alive and well in America!
But the TRUTH will get out (eventually).
12-18-2021, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2021 05:33 AM by jimmythesaint.)
Post: #94
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated

the bottom line is this

YOU and ONLY YOU can make the decision since its YOU and ONLY YOU who assumes all risk and consequences

instead of listening to these im·be·ciles lol



once again I say thank you.. to all the people that took the risk to get vaccine..

you provide the long term data that will be eventually revealed.. so people can make better more rational decisions

thank you

you people are the true heroes

12-18-2021, 02:33 AM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2021 02:37 AM by mthomas.)
Post: #95
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated
Yes, Thank You Lab Ra..., I mean People!

[Image: giphy.gif]
12-18-2021, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2021 02:41 AM by mthomas.)
Post: #96
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated
Sorry I did a duplicate post by mistake....is that a symptom of the new Omicron variant, Oh, NO! Arrrggggghhhhhhh

Just trying to do my little propaganda part in perpetuating the irrational fear and mass psychosis......(You're Welcome, Dr. Death Fauci)
12-24-2021, 05:37 AM
Post: #97
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated

by Lúcia Helena

Anyone would be afraid of the vaccine listening to any of these 9 fake news

Among those people who have not yet been vaccinated against Sars-CoV 2 or who, because of a slight break in the body right after the first dose, are delaying the date of the second injection and fantasizing far worse reactions, there are people who know very well that the Earth is round and that ivermectin is a medicine to get rid of lice. People who, before, were vaccinated against other good diseases, but who got scared. I understand.
To this group, now, are added parents who were vaccinated against covid-19, far from being card-carrying deniers, but who were contaminated by the new wave. From the virus? No! From false news about the immunization of children. And these I understand even more.
As contagious, swift and potentially lethal as the coronavirus variants are the lies that are spreading around. In recent days, I have immersed myself in the parallel universe of those who spread terror. I snooped posts in virulent groups, texts worthy of fictional literature and watched videos made to shake confidence. Spoiler alert: I died.
So, to clarify those who were infected by the evil of rumors, I decided to look for three doctors from the board of SBIm (Brazilian Society of Immunizations). They tell what science really knows in front of the old wives' tales that are being told around. And let's combine the following: omicron is not a Christmas present. In fact, if Santa Claus existed, he would bring vaccines for the children.

1/9 - "What they call the covid-19 vaccine isn't even a vaccine"
This sentence messes up the reasoning implying that everyone is buying a pig in a poke, taking anything but the vaccine. And, presto, the flea will quickly stop behind the ear: what would it be then?
"This question has no place at all", counters Mônica Levi, a physician specializing in pediatric pneumodiatrics and current president of the Technical Committee for Revision of SBIm's Vaccine Calendars.
You know it well: the pandemic generated an accelerated search for vaccines capable of reducing the incidence of severe cases and deaths from covid-19. No way out of this chaos was snubbed by science, which tested several paths. Or rather, various technologies. And, luckily, some of them really work.
"In this way, there are vaccines with inactivated whole virus, such as CoronaVac", exemplifies Mônica. "We have messenger RNA, which is the case with Pfizer's immunizing agent. We also have viral vector ones, which carry information about Sars-CoV 2 inside another virus, AstraZeneca's vaccine, Janssen's and Janssen's vaccine, Russian Sputinik V are like that. And, although this technology does not exist in Brazil for the time being, vaccines made with protein particles, such as Novavax, are emerging."
According to the doctor, they can be quite different, but they all fit the definition of a legitimate vaccine: "In other words, they are substances with the objective of inducing the formation of antibodies and triggering immunity against an infectious agent". Denying this would be like claiming that robotic surgery is not an operation just because it is new in medicine.
12-24-2021, 05:42 AM
Post: #98
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated

by Lúcia Helena

Anyone would be afraid of the vaccine listening to any of these 9 fake news - 2/9

"With vaccines, we've never seen so many people dying from clots"
Mônica Levi clarifies this further: "There is a surveillance of adverse effects. And, after millions and millions of doses have already been applied, rare episodes of a problem in the blood platelets, characterized by the appearance of thrombi, were registered", she recognizes.
Okay, this is the real piece of information. But self-respecting fake news takes real data as a starting point and then distorts it. In this case...
"First, this only happened with viral vector vaccines and with individuals who already had a predisposition to clotting problems. It is worth repeating that these events were very rare", emphasizes the doctor.
It is much more frequent for someone to die of thrombosis because of the covid-19. Be aware, it causes the body to form clots like perhaps no other known disease.
12-24-2021, 05:43 AM
Post: #99
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated

by Lúcia Helena

3/9 "The messenger RNA vaccine alters our genes"

"There is no more erroneous idea than this", guarantees pediatrician Flávia Bravo, president of SBIm - Regional Rio de Janeiro. "Now, messenger RNA does not integrate into our genome and, therefore, there is no way to modify it."
When a cell is seriously infected, it soon starts to make copies and more copies of the coronavirus, which, in this way, takes over the organism. In the case of the messenger RNA vaccine, however, what enters the cell is just this particle, carrying information about what the famous S protein of the coronavirus would be like. This messenger RNA doesn't even go near the nucleus, where the genes are.
With the vaccine, instead of producing the entire virus, the cell will create copies only of that protein S, causing the immune system to generate its antibodies. "In the sequence, the messenger RNA particle disappears", informs Flávia Bravo.
The replicas of viral protein S, produced by the vaccinated organism, are destroyed by newly formed antibodies. There's nothing left but the welcome immunological memory. And, therefore, there is no way you can become something else — alligator or whatever.
12-24-2021, 05:45 AM
Post: #100
RE: [GET] (offtopic): Solid Reasons To Get Vaccinated

by Lúcia Helena

4/9 - "Additional doses cause cumulative adverse effects"

This is a fresh fear, now that everyone is being asked to take the third or, in the case of the immunosuppressed, the fourth dose of vaccine. "But there is no scientific evidence of this," says pediatrician Isabella Ballalai, vice president of SBIm, quickly ending the conversation about yet another lie.

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