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05-19-2021, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2021 01:13 AM by sprawn.)
Post: #1
[GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books

It's intresting to see how close and how far some of these authors are from the Divine. Most focus on YHVH, yet it was wasn't the first, El transliterated into English is the First, it produced two from within itself two Spirits, translated as Force and Intelligence, Father and Mother, note not created but called into activity, in common English that would be Father and Spirit, they breathed and moved in unity and called forth Light into activity. Those three are the YHVH, the three breathed and moved in unity and called forth the seven Spirits, transilterated into common English as Elohim and then creation into infinity, devolved into finite matter, which we are experiencing now, the human body is made in the image of the Elohim.

So Spirits are not made but split off from EL, sort of like how an amoeba propagates, a piece/portion splits off and becomes an amoeba itself. Just like those original Spirits were not created, so it is with your Spirit. If that makes sense. Hope it helps.

EDIT: So what is this all about? Speaking in non religious finite terms, as our Spirit and Soul were given a form (a Human Body) we allowed corruption (the desire to willfully go against the Divine) to enter and because of that we wanted a seperation/Divorce from our Spirit and Soul. Later as Humans we became finite with Death entering in. So the task ahead is to come back into relationship with our Spirit. Your Spirit (btw is Incorruptible) is like a spouse, repair that relationship and you're golden. If you can look at the Bible in a non religious way it become quite clear. Finite words are used to describe an infinte process. Like the book of Malachi says return to the wife of your youth, meaning return to your spouse (your Spirit) before you had a human body (your youth) and return to the Divine, spoken of as the Perfect Dove and Perfect Lamb (Love Joy Peace Patience Gentleness Kindness Faithfulness and Self Control or anything related to those ideals). This process happened over billions and billions and billions of years, from your Spirit becoming active to having a Soul to having a Human body..

The Shi'Ur Qomah_ Liturgy and Theurgy in Pre-Kabbalistic Jewish Mysticism - Martin Samuel Cohen (1983, University Press of America, Inc.).pdf
The Azo‰tia_ A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft - Andrew D. Chumbley (1992, Xoanon Publishers).pdf
A Depth of Beginning_ Notes on Kabbalah - Colin Low (2001).pdf
Roads to Utopia_ The Walking Stories of the Zohar - David Greenstein (2014, Stanford University Press).pdf
Time and Eternity in Jewish Mysticism_ That Which Is Before and That Which Is After - Brian Ogren (2015, Brill Academic Publishers).pdf
Experiencing the Kabbalah_ A Simple Guide to Spiritual Wholeness - Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero (1997, Llewellyn Publications).pdf
The Name of God in Jewish Thought_ A Philosophical Analysis of Mystical Traditions from Apocalyptic to Kabbalah - Michael T. Miller (2016, Routledge).pdf
Kabbalah and Postmodernism_ A Dialogue - Sanford L. Drob (2009, Peter Lang Publishing).pdf
Keys to the Kingdom_ Jesus and the Mystic Kabbalah - Migene Gonz lez-Wippler (2004, Llewellyn Publications).pdf
The Beliefnet Guide to Kabbalah - Arthur Goldwag, Rabbi Lawrence Kushner (2005, Three Leaves).pdf
Qabbalistic Magic_ Talismans, Psalms, Amulets, and the Practice of High Ritual - Salomo Baal-Shem, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (2011, Destiny Books).pdf
The new living qabalah _ a practical guide to understanding the tree of life - Parfitt, Will (1996, Element).pdf
The Greek Qabalah_ Alphabetic Mysticism and Numerology in the Ancient World - Kieren Barry (1999, Weiser Books).pdf
Magic, white and black_ or, The science of finite and infinite life ... - Hartmann, Franz (1888).pdf
Sepher Maphteah Shelomo = Book of the Key of Solomon - Gollancz, Hermann (1914, Oxford Univ. Press).pdf
A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism - Gareth Knight (Two Volumes in One Book) 1(1978, Samuel Weiser, Inc.).pdf
Secret of Secrets_ The Unwritten Mysteries of Esoteric Qabbalah - Michael-Albion MacDonald (1986, Heptangle Books).pdf
A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism - Gareth Knight (Two Volumes in One Book) 2(1978, Samuel Weiser, Inc.).pdf
Kabbalah_ Rosicrucian Digest (2015, Rosicrucian Order, AMORC).epub
Kabbalah_ A Very Short Introduction - Joseph Dan (2005, Oxford University Press).mobi
Tetragrammaton_ Western Christians and the Hebrew Name of God, from the Beginnings to the Seventeenth Century - Wilkinson, Robert J. (2015, Brill).pdf
Forsaken_ The Menstruant in Medieval Jewish Mysticism - Koren, Sharon Faye (2011, Brandeis University Press).pdf
The Cabalistic Bible - Biblia Cabalistica - Walter Begley (2008, TGS Publishing).pdf
The Awakening Ground_ A Guide to Contemplative Mysticism - David Chaim Smith (2016, Inner Traditions).epub
The Essential Zohar_ The Source of Kabbalistic Wisdom - Philip S. Berg (2002, Harmony, Random House LLC).epub
Universal Aspects of the Kabbalah and Judaism - Leo Schaya, Roger Gaetani, Patrick Laude (2015, World Wisdom).epub
Communicating the Infinite_ The Emergence of the Habad School - Naftali Loewenthal (1990, University of Chicago Press).pdf
Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy - Herbert A. Davidson (1987, Oxford University Press).pdf
The Book of Sitra Achra - A Grimoire of the Dragons of the Other Side - N.A-A.218.pdf
The Christian Interpretation of the Cabala in the Renaissance - Joseph Leon Blau (1944, Columbia University Press).pdf
Stranger in a Strange Land - George Prochnik (2017, Other Press).epub
On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead_ Basic Concepts in the Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem (1997, Schocken).pdf
The Way of Kabbalah - Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi (2016, Bet El Trust).pdf
Unlocking the Zohar - Michael Laitman (2011, Bnei Baruch, Laitman Kabbalah).epub
Awakening to Kabbalah_ The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment - Michael Laitman (2016, Jewish Lights Publ.).epub
Origins of the Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem_ R. J. Zvi Werblowsky (ed.) (1991, Princeton University Press).epub
Kabbalah_ A Very Short Introduction - Joseph Dan (2005, Oxford University Press).epub
A Tapestry for the Soul_ The Introduction to the Zohar - Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag, Yedidah Cohen (2010, Nehora Press).epub
The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah_ Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science - Leonora Leet (1999, Inner Traditions).epub
A Kabbalistic Universe - Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi (1977, Weiser Books).epub
A New Oracle of Kabbalah_ Mystical Teachings of the Hebrew Letters - Richard Seidman (2015, White Cloud Press).epub
Psychology and Kabbalah - Z'Ev Ben Shimon Halevi (1992, Weiser Books).epub
Anatomy of the Soul - Chaim Kramer_ Avraham Sutton (1998, Breslov Research Institute).epub
A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism - Gareth Knight (2002, Weiser Books).pdf
Yahoel and Metatron_ Aural Apocalypticism and the Origins of Early Jewish Mysticism - Andrei A. Orlov - (2017, Mohr Siebeck).pdf
The Kabbalah decoded _ a new transl. of the _Ancient of Days_ texts of the Zohar - George Sassoon_ Rodney Dale (1978, Duckworth).pdf
Zohar_ The Book of Splendor_ Basic Readings from the Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem, Moses de Le¢n (1995, Schocken).epub
ecrets of the Hebrew Alphabet - Daniela Abravanel (18 Feb 2018, BlossomingBooks).epub
Kabbalah_ Key to Your Inner Power - Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia R. Spadaro, Murray S. Steinman (18 Oct 2009, Summit University Press).epub
Shamanic Qabalah_ A Mystical Path to Uniting the Tree of Life and the Great Work - Daniel Moler (8 Dec 2018, Llewellyn Publications).epub
Kabbalistic Cycles and the Mastery of Life - Kabbalistic Cycles and the Mastery of Life - Joseph C. Lisiewski_ Christopher S. Hyatt - (2008, Original Falcon Press).pdf
Rabbi Nachman's wisdom - Kaplan, Aryeh_ Nathan of Nemirov (1981, Breslov Research Institute).pdf
The Kabbalah Tree_ A Journey of Balance and Growth_ A Journey of Balance and Growth - Rachel Pollack (8 June 2004, Llewellyn Publications).epub
Gematria and the Tanakh - Brian Pivik (2011, https___studylib.net_doc_18346015).pdf
Total Kabbalah - Whitehouse, Maggy (2008, Chronicle Books).pdf
Blood Passover - Ariel Toaff (2016, Lucchese-Gianetti Editori LLC.).epub
Luciferianism or Satanism in English Freemasonry, an essay Part I and II I and II - L. Fouquet (Leon) O.M.I. (1898, Cadieux and Derome).pdf
The wisdom of the Zohar an anthology of texts - Goldstein, David_ Lachower, Yeru?am Fishel_ Tishby, Isaiah (2008, The Littman Library of Jewish civilization).pdf
Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know_ An In Depth Study of the Kosher Pig and the Gods of Jewish Mysticism - Deanne Loper (2019).epub
The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita_ A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church - VENNARI, John (1999, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc).pdf
Mystic Tales from the Zohar - Aryeh Wineman (1996, Varda Books).pdf
The Zohar_ Pritzker Edition, Vol. 1 (2003, Stanford University Press).pdf
The Zohar_ Pritzker Edition, Vol. 2 - Daniel C. Matt (2003, Stanford University Press).pdf
The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford - DuQUETTE, Lon Milo (2001, Weiser Books).pdf
Beware the World to Come - Christopher Bjerknes (2020).epub

05-19-2021, 11:18 PM
Post: #2
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
Thank you for this collection. Max reps added!!!!
05-20-2021, 07:35 AM
Post: #3
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
Incredible, I just started studying about this. Excellent explanation at the start as well. Spot on! Thanks @sprawn
05-20-2021, 01:43 PM
Post: #4
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
(05-19-2021 11:18 PM)taildive777 Wrote:  Thank you for this collection. Max reps added!!!!

Cool, thanks for the post!

05-20-2021, 01:55 PM
Post: #5
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
(05-20-2021 07:35 AM)wolfman Wrote:  Incredible, I just started studying about this. Excellent explanation at the start as well. Spot on! Thanks @sprawn

I somehow missed Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet - Daniela Abravanel (18 Feb 2018, BlossomingBooks).epub in the list but it's in the rar and is well worth the effort. If I were starting over knowing what I now know the Hebrew Alphabet would be one of my first pursuits and anything connected with Edgar Cayce that I could get my hands on.

John Van Auken the noted Edgar Cayce writer also wrote on the Kabbalah using the Edgar Cayce readings. Just food for thought.

06-17-2021, 09:43 AM
Post: #6
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
Thank you sprawn and max reps.

The engine of evolution is variation. I imagine that to be something more than what evolution would define as "yourself," you'd need something different from yourself.

Therefore, I do my best to understand others by first understanding their beliefs; especially when different from my own.
09-30-2021, 01:26 AM
Post: #7
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
(06-17-2021 09:43 AM)GWMO Wrote:  Thank you sprawn and max reps.

The engine of evolution is variation. I imagine that to be something more than what evolution would define as "yourself," you'd need something different from yourself.

Therefore, I do my best to understand others by first understanding their beliefs; especially when different from my own.

There doesn't have to be belief, return to the Divine Ideals I added to the original post and overwhelming evidence will come in time that one is on the right track. Like the piano analogy, if one places two piano's in a house seperated by rooms, strike the C note on one piano and the other piano in another room C note string will vibrate in sympathy with the first piano C note that was struck. Did you need belief to check this out? The tests are repeatable but are unique to each person, so it's hard to see unless one's awareness is raised. Hope it helps.
10-12-2021, 02:48 AM
Post: #8
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
05-29-2023, 03:27 AM
Post: #9
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
anyone has this file
05-31-2023, 02:36 AM
Post: #10
RE: [GET] Kabbalah eBook Collection 60+ books
lilyanAlix, your mail box is full, it only holds 10 messages, you'll need to delete messages and then delete trash to get your any more messages.


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