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07-05-2020, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2020 05:10 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #1
Are you stoic too ??
I ask because my own stoicism seems to be a bit of a hindrance to MMO.

Being retirement aged - and hearing over and over again how it is important to use one's PASSION to chose subject matter that is all about what you LOVE.

Sure. OK. Whatever.
Could be that the older I've gotten, the less I get fired up about...pretty much anything anymore.

To be clear - I still have a small biz that I've done for 20+ years and don't even make enough to pay the rent with it.
Anyhow, it is in its twilight time as my few clients are even older than I am so at some point they will no longer need my services anymore - but have stuck with me because we've worked together for all that time.
(I do not seek to expand it either because of some limitations of my own.)

So - doing something to MMO would be great - but frankly if I had a genie grant me a wish of $$$ tomorrow there isn't much I would do for my remaining years - nothing special really.
Just some tinkering of several sorts, lots of reading fiction books, and normal mundane stuff like cooking.

Plain and simply stated:
There just ain't much of anything I give a 1/2 a shit about - and for sure the only thing that gets me fired up at all is terrible injustices like the recent plandemic - but I am not a fighter - just inclined to study things a bit and share what I've found a little at places I like...like here at BBHF.

So here is my question:
If one wishes to MMO - but doesn't have any specific or strong passionate interest - is there a good way around that sort of empty space ??
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
07-06-2020, 08:36 AM
Post: #2
RE: Are you stoic too ??
well it looks like you aren't passionate about posting in the right section either haha

anyway, yes, there is a way around it. sometimes passion or motivation etc... is hidden by distractions. face is, there IS passion but it's just hidden so the secret is to unlock it again.

you see, what i have found is that "life" sometimes just gets in the way of things. maybe as we get older we don't care as much. maybe we have failed for too long and don't care as much. our defenses get put up so we don't get hurt

we haven't really changed deep inside. what HAS changed however is our mindset and the choices we make over time because of that mindset

what i have noticed about you is that you DO care about things. you care about this forum. you care about cleaning some of it up. you care about sharing things with people and you care about sharing your knowledge. maybe the passion has become less over the years because of certain distractions, but it doesn't mean you don't care about things.

personally i believe one of the secrets to life is fulfillment. people want happiness and i understand that but nobody is ever truly happy and never happy constantly. it's just impossible. what IS possible is that we are going to have our good days and bad days. but fulfillment....fulfillment can stick with us daily if we can figure out thing.....like differentiate our wants from our actual need and i've found that the easiest way(but also very hard) is to be on some sort of spiritual journey

to me, a spiritual journey is connecting or reconnecting to who we are deep deep inside ourselves and being open and honest with ourselves. willing to accept our strengths along with our weaknesses. living each day so the next day is a better one for our true selves. once we get on that journey, it's a lot easier to fight for who we are and what we need to be fulfilled which does lead to more happiness and passion over time.

i had two huge stumbling blocks in my life that were distractions to who i was. it was depression and anxiety which stemmed from when i was a kid growing up which gradually got worse over time, and it was alcohol. i started drinking more and more over time to numb what i was constantly feeling to where i became an alcoholic and create a bigger distraction than what i already had with depression.

now you may be thinking that's all fine and good but you don't want to go through all that just to make some money online. i will retort that if you try making money online without getting in the right mindset FIRST, you will make 10x less. although that figure is picked out of nowhere with no basis behind that specific number(ratio), i know enough to know it's somewhere close to that if not even more for some people. maybe it's 20x less or 100x less. whatever the case for the individual, the number is very high and very limiting.

and because it's very high and limiting, we are spending so much time struggling to make money, not only do we find out it's happening too slowly, but it's not enough and we feel we are doing something wrong compared to other people and can't put our finger on it s to why. why is it easier for others......

i wouldn't know specifically your problems and the solutions to them unless we talk and i get to know you more but when i guide people, i remind them that the solutions to any of their problems come from within. NEVER outwardly. never blaming from hurt, anger and/or resentments or the distractions of depression and alcoholism like me. they are all distractions and there are more of them out there that limit us until we figure out what they are so we can combat them.

hope this helps. you can pm me. i doubt you will get much response from this post which is unfortunate. i feel we all can learn from eachother. maybe that is your passion though. maybe LEARNING is your passion and implementing what you learn is not right now for whatever reason. maybe implementing things doesn't push you enough to even be passionate about it. who knows. my point is, there IS passion there, it's just hidden and you have to find out what it is and why it's hidden and what you can do to unleash it.

when we finally do this, what we do to make money which if it's related to this passion becomes easy and rewarding and creates some fulfillment which motivates us to keep doing what we are doing daily.

maybe the solution is right under your nose. because your interest is mmo and you can be passionate about that, maybe you need to be int he mmo niche so you can help others mmo while creating an income for yourself.

getting fired up about injustices tells a story about you as well. there is passion there obviously and it comes from understanding and empathy and an idealistic sense about you. there is a lot you can do with that even if it's to build a site around resources to help those that suffer injustices and become an affiliate for businesses that can help these people by referrals

so those are two examples of places you can start to reflect and think about and determine if it's doable or not. maybe you need more guidance so like i said, my pm box is always open.

hope this helps bud. you're a good person and a great member here and always appreciate seeing you active here even if you post in the wrong section haha
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone that can never repay you
07-06-2020, 01:41 PM
Post: #3
RE: Are you stoic too ??
Sincerest Thanks for your very thoughtful and kind reply California Kid.
I can only show my admiration here in words and Rep - hopefully that is sufficient.

As to 'posting in the right section', there were 3 sections considered by me - and as there may be others realizing the same or similar sort of 'handicap' with regards to MMO, my thought was that maybe (IF anyone bothered with this thread at all...) 1 or 2 others might consider this an opportunity to share efforts of some sort...?

With regard to passion itself - YES mine is hidden quite consciously and knowingly for the sake of remaining amongst the living.

In short form - my life is difficult for others to comprehend due to a few factors, some of which - if exposed publicly will place me at great risk vs. my desires to very simply enjoy whatever few years I have remaining.

One easy fact stream I can reveal openly:
I was crippled by doctors in a 'medical misadventure' at a very young age ~60 years ago, and have needed to work against the challenges of disabilities and endless illnesses my entire life;
2nd to that - my original 'family' died off except for the visibly evil portions while I was quite young, and substance abuse was the rule - least of which was the alcohol, and of course the open violence aimed at the too-many children as easy targets.

I am literally and truthfully the ONLY surviving sibling who has worked successfully at having a life free of addiction as well as deeper self-improvement aimed at happiness and fulfillment.
As such - I am truly about 90% content and if today is my last day in this life, I can say with 100% truthfulness that I've had a very full, varied and complete life.

Only a single item remains that I would -like- to attain, if possible:
Peaceful solitude as a reachable lifestyle choice.

As things stand, she whom I live with brings in 90% of the needed $$ to keep a roof over our heads and I pretty much do all else in support of the household and those within it both domestically and fiscally.

Despite my gratitude for the above - I wish to move on in my remaining time to a simpler and quieter, fully independent situation.

So - you are correct - living as I do does indeed get in the way of attaining forward momentum.

Yes also, in that as I've gotten older I abso-fricken-lutely don't care as much about, well - most everything.

Failed ??
Nope. I know via self-observation that I am very good at all that I do.

Having learned that the greatest strength is to be had via cultivating vulnerability and being open (as you may see here...?)=>
Defensiveness is simply of no use to me.

Those who have aimed any harm at me in the past - right up to the present minute have been deliberately and consciously forgiven, as that is also very powerfully helpful in having a quiet and serene life.

Best of all, the acceptance of all such past figures as teachers in this lifetime has enabled them to be seen with gratitude rather than other, damaging ideas.


Quote:we haven't really changed deep inside. what HAS changed however is our mindset and the choices we make over time because of that mindset

Some of us do take our growth throughout this lifetime very deliberately in hand and have worked to make changes very deeply as well.

Thank you for such wonderfully kind thoughts and observations CK:

Quote:what i have noticed about you is that you DO care about things. you care about this forum. you care about cleaning some of it up. you care about sharing things with people and you care about sharing your knowledge. maybe the passion has become less over the years because of certain distractions, but it doesn't mean you don't care about things.

Again - mere words in return do seem to fall a bit short here, sorry 'bout that.

I do appreciate and enjoy this site - and as such do what I may to bring some truthfulness and/or assistance here as I may.

Most of my important revelations - those which have kept me alive...well - remember when there was a rash of young, healthy, happy natural doctors who suddenly turned up dead in mysterious ways sometime back ??
It is that sort of knowledge which I have gained - which would be totally counter-productive to expose if it would merely draw a target on me by the commercial interests whose profits it might reduce.
(And that risk is many times multiplied during this present time of political control freakism, in which so may folks willingly wear muzzles due to acceptance of the sheerest, totally unproven nonsense.)

Again - my complete admiration for your wisdom shown so brightly here:

Quote:personally i believe one of the secrets to life is fulfillment. people want happiness and i understand that but nobody is ever truly happy and never happy constantly. it's just impossible. what IS possible is that we are going to have our good days and bad days. but fulfillment....fulfillment can stick with us daily if we can figure out thing.....like differentiate our wants from our actual need and i've found that the easiest way(but also very hard) is to be on some sort of spiritual journey

As absurd as it may seem - one may actually accomplish the total opposite of this world's thematic focus upon struggles and sufferings - and I can only assure you in mere words that happiness is easily within reach as well as contentment via acceptances - which, when used together with deliberate deepening (and deliberate detoxifications) can bring one a very fulfilled life - even if one's situation is somewhat disruptive (as mine is).

Connection with Source and the mirror of the true self, yes:

Quote:to me, a spiritual journey is connecting or reconnecting to who we are deep deep inside ourselves and being open and honest with ourselves. willing to accept our strengths along with our weaknesses. living each day so the next day is a better one for our true selves. once we get on that journey, it's a lot easier to fight for who we are and what we need to be fulfilled which does lead to more happiness and passion over time.

My own studies of things metaphysical began in earnest ~35 years ago - and 1 of the biggest bits in all of it has been dedication to full self-honesty, which allows me to easily face pretty much all of this life's challenges without being troubled by fear.
Having been through a couple of NDEs (as they are popularly called) has also been a life-changing aspect.
No fear for dying remains - which does make it difficult to relate with the so many necrophobes all around !!

I admire your courage in revealing such personal things so openly here:

Quote:i had two huge stumbling blocks in my life that were distractions to who i was. it was depression and anxiety which stemmed from when i was a kid growing up which gradually got worse over time, and it was alcohol. i started drinking more and more over time to numb what i was constantly feeling to where i became an alcoholic and create a bigger distraction than what i already had with depression.

Not to diminish the value in all you've shared even the tiniest bit=>
I only add here that I do comprehend such struggles, and that I was fortunate to recognize and leave behind the 'alcohol demon' when I was only a 16 y/o high school dropout, in time to go back to school, etc...

Thank you:

Quote:now you may be thinking that's all fine and good but you don't want to go through all that just to make some money online. i will retort that if you try making money online without getting in the right mindset FIRST, you will make 10x less. although that figure is picked out of nowhere with no basis behind that specific number(ratio), i know enough to know it's somewhere close to that if not even more for some people. maybe it's 20x less or 100x less. whatever the case for the individual, the number is very high and very limiting.

I get what you've aimed at here.
Please accept that when I say my needs are meager, it is true - for me, 15k a year total is quite enough to support my entire, chosen lifestyle easily.
In fact, I could truly be OK with goobermint 'benefits' -if- I was actually eligible for them without big risks - but that is not the case for me.

Reminds me of the beginning of the 'dot com' era, when my little biz was doing great:

Quote:and because it's very high and limiting, we are spending so much time struggling to make money, not only do we find out it's happening too slowly, but it's not enough and we feel we are doing something wrong compared to other people and can't put our finger on it s to why. why is it easier for others......

On call 24/7 and in motion, working 8 days a week with a smile - until...
Serious illness laid me low - killed off most of my client base, and used up all of my savings and then some - actually leaving me homeless for a time.

Sounds harsh, yes ??
In truth, I had about an 8 - 10 year spell of time being so disabled and limited that I benefitted hugely from it - you see, when one cannot do much, it can also be possible to go ever deeper in one's inner journeying, and:
Having lots of pain 24/7 minus the ability to tolerate pain meds at all teaches other means of pain tolerance and...stoicism - if one desires it - and I did.

Thank You Again:

Quote:i wouldn't know specifically your problems and the solutions to them unless we talk and i get to know you more but when i guide people, i remind them that the solutions to any of their problems come from within. NEVER outwardly.

So many times here at BBHF I have admired your brutal honesty and bluntness - and this all is also showing such a wonderful and lovely depth that is so good to see in this present world !!!

Blaming is so very piscean, yes:

Quote:never blaming from hurt, anger and/or resentments or the distractions of depression and alcoholism like me. they are all distractions and there are more of them out there that limit us until we figure out what they are so we can combat them.

One may never out-struggle any struggle;
Examine that as a logical statement of fact - and if/when grasped, it leads one to conclude that the ONLY means past such thinking is that of simply refusing to struggle.
(And there you will find me.)

Yes - you have pegged at least part of it so very accurately here:

Quote:hope this helps. you can pm me. i doubt you will get much response from this post which is unfortunate. i feel we all can learn from eachother. maybe that is your passion though. maybe LEARNING is your passion and implementing what you learn is not right now for whatever reason. maybe implementing things doesn't push you enough to even be passionate about it. who knows. my point is, there IS passion there, it's just hidden and you have to find out what it is and why it's hidden and what you can do to unleash it.

I am a life learner, quite consciously.

Here is another part of it for me=>
I earned 3 college degrees and have been through ~5 career type occupations as well as 3 different businesses, 1 of which is slightly still in motion for now.
There have actually been folks who asked me to detail my work and education history in brief - then looked me in the eyes and told me I had to be lying as nobody could have ever done so many things as I had claimed.
(Good thing I know how to just smile and walk away.)

I have zero desire to do anything that requires a huge learning curve just to get some $$ (think SEO...) or ridiculous endless testing to just see what works at all (think CPA...).


Quote:when we finally do this, what we do to make money which if it's related to this passion becomes easy and rewarding and creates some fulfillment which motivates us to keep doing what we are doing daily.

The fulfillment I seek is a very quiet spot, far enough out or under as to not see my neighbor's house or yard directly - with an internut connection good enough to keep things going, and enough to eat etc. so as to not be hungry when I am merely sitting and reading for a good portion of my days.

I see one small problem - have right along actually:

Quote:maybe the solution is right under your nose. because your interest is mmo and you can be passionate about that, maybe you need to be int he mmo niche so you can help others mmo while creating an income for yourself.

If I put something out at W+ or the like - it would be an expose' of the scumsucker gurus - and maybe a few folks might even shell out a few $ for that, but I think it is thematically too unfriendly a topic to make any ongoing sales from.

Double that estimate based upon the simple fact that I've NOT pushed forward into any of the too-complicated realms of MMO yet - mostly because I know that I seek simplicity and NOT million$.

A very interesting take on all the above, thank you:

Quote:getting fired up about injustices tells a story about you as well. there is passion there obviously and it comes from understanding and empathy and an idealistic sense about you. there is a lot you can do with that even if it's to build a site around resources to help those that suffer injustices and become an affiliate for businesses that can help these people by referrals

Killgates.com ??
Noplandemic4me.org ??
MMOGurussuck.net ??
(Funny, yes ??)

And finally=>

Quote:so those are two examples of places you can start to reflect and think about and determine if it's doable or not. maybe you need more guidance so like i said, my pm box is always open.

hope this helps bud. you're a good person and a great member here and always appreciate seeing you active here even if you post in the wrong section haha

My time here is my 'fun time' of my day, and just for example - due to my own physical limitations, making this reply has taken me, well - longer than most would likely even believe - and has been well worth the effort in the enjoyments of getting such a wonderfully thoughtful reply and being able to make the effort in answering it in kind !!

Again - my sincerest thanks to you California Kid, as well as my Best Wishes to You and Yours !!

I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
07-07-2020, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2020 01:48 AM by Razmataz13.)
Post: #4
RE: Are you stoic too ??
smithnowt you posted -

So here is my question:
If one wishes to MMO - but doesn't have any specific or strong passionate interest - is there a good way around that sort of empty space ??

Well, one thing that comes to mind, after reading this thread, is for you to do some sort of freelance work. Something that PAYS and something you feel comfortable doing. Where you feel SOME passion.


Problem is that the freelance market is saturated with millennial's.that have grown up in that environment. You haven't. What comes to mind is some form of arbitrage with products, materials, etc that you have some experience with. Something with no physical inventory that you can source and see the actual value in and then list it online for a markup.

Something else is your ability to ferret out information. You might be a natural at some form of content curation. Again, you'd need to define the parameters for this. But take for example you wake up and look at many forums in many different arenas of interest.

BBHF is one area you enjoy and not everyone on the planet is aware of the information contained within this forum. Then you have something different, but interesting. Take Crowdsourcing and kickstarter where you could possibly learn about the products and the companies and for percentage bring in interested financial parties.




You would simply scour the internet for interested parties and get a commission for introducing them and I'm writing this on the fly. So, you could brainstorm this and potentially become the goto guy to ferret out and connect these types of parties.

Just thinking out loud.

Free counters!