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04-22-2019, 04:32 AM
Post: #21
You're welcome, wesley3. Thank you for your post and I hope you enjoy the share.

[Image: Layna-250.png]
04-22-2019, 05:25 AM
Post: #22
Hey! ThankYou for this good remember HappydanceThanks
04-22-2019, 06:10 AM
Post: #23
(04-19-2019 08:20 AM)Killer1998 Wrote:  With all due respect to everyone, why do people believe in this stuff? Is there any scientific proof that listening to some audio from YouTube will magically bring money into your life? Not trying to hate on anyone. Just curious because it sounds like b.s

Because we become what we believe.

Those who know this know that there's no point trying to convince anyone who doesn't because it's unnecessary and ignorance can appear to be bliss.

04-23-2019, 06:16 AM
Post: #24
A simple rule of life in general.

Don't crap on other people's cookies and they won't crap on yours.
04-23-2019, 11:59 AM
Post: #25
Alright so I wasn’t planning on responding back because I got the answer that I was looking for and felt the matter was closed at that point but due to the responses that keep coming on this thread I feel like its about time I also say something.

For starters Tisane I didn’t crap on anybody. I very specifically said “With all due respect to everyone” and “Not trying to hate on anyone”, so how can you say I’m crapping on someone when I’m clearly giving respect and mentioning that I’m not hating. Not sure in what world giving respect and not hating is considered giving crap. I simply asked a question and gave my reasoning for why I was asking.

Moving on Trikuro, shhh, let people enjoy things? Seriously? Back in the day people used to enjoy slavery. Should we have just let them? People used to enjoy that men got paid more then women for doing the exact same job, for the exact same hours. Should we have let them? People used to enjoy the fact that women couldn’t vote. Should we have let them?

Everyone has the right to believe in what ever they want but for some reason if someone questions it, they are immediately dismissed. Theres a thing called freedom of speech and I have the right to ask as long as I’m doing it with respect and thats exactly what I did.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter” - George Washington

layna61524 for starters I just want to thank you for taking your precious time out and giving me such a wonderful, detailed response. I really appreciate that. This is exactly what I was hoping for.

“Which makes me wonder what brought you to the thread” - I came onto this thread because I’ve tried LOA in the past numerous times. Initially it sounded like nonsense but I never dismiss anything until giving it a shot. And thats what I did. I’ve tried vision boards, journaling, visualizing what I want, having full belief that this stuff will work, numerous LOA exercises, you name it. And nothing worked. So I simply came here because I wanted to ask why people choose to believe in LOA, what motivates them to listen to audios like this? Thats all. And your 7th paragraph answered that question for me so I received the answer that I came for.

“If you're not a believer, that's fine. Not everyone is. But sometimes it helps to at least consider something instead of blindly pooh-poohing it altogether.” - I have considered and listened to audios like this in the past with a full open mind, and guess what, nothing happened. If your so confident in this then why don’t you mention (or anyone here in fact) any audio that you’ve listened to over and over and became more wealthy.

“What you think about or spend more focus on (subconsciously) is what you get in life.” - Your absolutely right. Theres a great book on this called Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life by Winifred Gallagher that talks about this.

“Sadly though, your opinion could influence others here from even giving this a try.” - I doubt that. And even if it does, then thats on them for letting a simple forum post affect their decision.

Now once again I just want to thank you for your response. Its really nice to see that you were willing to have a rational discussion. And since I’m here thanks for all the great shares you’ve provided over the years. Seeing them motivates me to also share more often.

Thank you to everyone else as well who responded when I initially submitted my post.
04-24-2019, 02:07 AM
Post: #26
@Killer1998: Thank you for the reply. I also want to thank you for getting back to my head's up PM. I appreciate any opinion that does not offend or otherwise cause someone pain so your take on LOA was certainly welcomed ... you're absolutely right ... we should not take away one's freedom of expression or try to dictate what they should think or believe it. My post was a sneaky way of asking you to reconsider (it's ultimately up to you) trying again.

I just sent you a long-winded (sorry, but I don't know any other way to get my point across) reply that contains a story you may find interesting.

I mentioned this story at least once somewhere in a forum post long-long ago.

For the benefit of everyone on this thread, then, I will repeat it here ...

Many years ago, I got started in a hobby called "sweepstaking." These are simply promotions put on by big and small product and service companies to keep their brand names in the public's attention. Essentially, they run promotional campaigns for several weeks ... sometimes several months ... allowing ordinary people to enter for a chance to win (sometimes fabulous) prizes.

I began entering with a frenzy once I found a good sweepstakes newsletter that regularly printed a listing of all the promotions going on at any particular time. At first, I did not win anything and almost gave up. After all, this hobby was costing me a lot of time and money on stamps and other paper supplies (you have to write out your name, address, phone number and anything else required onto a 3" x 5" index card and mail it in an envelope). I spent a lot of time going to the post office to mail entries week-in and week-out. Before long, I wondered if I would ever get anywhere but I enjoyed the relaxation I got from participating in my little hobby and considered that -- compared to other peoples' hobbies --- this one was cheap (postage was my single biggest expense and I could control how much I mailed to keep the costs down); mobile (I could do it anywhere and at any time); and potentially profitable (I could win anything from free product coupons to huge sums of money, cars, boats, ... even a dream home!).

After a few months with nothing to show for it, I read an article in a magazine about LOA. I was impressed that this woman in CA had been playing the lottery using the same numbers for years with no success. She started "seeing" herself winning by strongly imagining what that would look and feel like. I believe she had some meditation type mantra she would go into but I don't remember that much about it now.

Long-story-short ... she played the same numbers she had been doing for years and in little time after she began LOA, she won the lottery for a huge sum of cash paid out over a long period of time. She was in the news and there were interviews about her everywhere.

I then began to use the same method ... imagining myself in a situation where I had won a coveted prize. At the time, among many sweepstakes I was entering was one by Weight Watchers International where the Grand Prize (top prize of all) was an all-expenses paid round-trip airfare for 2 to Los Angeles that included: 4-day/3-night stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel in a finely appointed suite; a luxury car rental; all meals including $300 for meals on our own; a day of pampering (beauty and spa treatments); a guided limousine tour of the celebrities' homes in the Hollywood Hills and $10,000 in cash.

I kept entering (with a frenzy) and kept my nightly ritual of "seeing" myself the winner. I imagined the feel of being in the limo and being driven around the Hollywood Hills ... down to the sweet smell of the leather interior and the sleek glide of the ride and the tinkling sound of glasses in the "bar" (although neither I nor my husband drank liquor) but I had to keep the feeling real.

Then one day, after work, I come home to check the mail. In a small pile of envelopes was a thickly padded, light lavender colored business envelope from a company whose name looked like a law firm out of Los Angeles. My husband was in the kitchen pouring some juice while I went to the bedroom with the mail and tried to unwind. Going through the envelopes, I tossed the ones I was expecting ... a bill or two and some junk promotional pieces. Then, returning to the light lavender one, I wondered what this was about. Why was I getting mail from some attorney's office?, I thought.

Well, it wasn't from an attorney's office but a promotional judging agency. These agencies are companies handle the details when a consumer enters and wins a sweepstakes promotion. There was a neatly printed letter inside that envelope (light lavender letterhead paper to match the envelope) that read "Congratulations! You're the Grand Prize Winner of the Weight Watcher's Fashion Holiday Sweepstakes!" My blood rushed to my head and I could hear my heart beating as I continued to read ... it listed everything I would receive as part of my prize win and gave me the name and phone number of a specialist I would talk with to get the process started. That extra "padding" in the envelope were several legal forms I needed to complete by a deadline date --- information so they can do a quick background check to make sure I was in no way affiliated with any client agency and won the prize fair-and-square plus liability releases to absolve their client company from blame should any unfortunate thing happened while I was on my trip. They were ready and able to work with me to start making travel and hotel arrangements on my behalf and to cut that beautiful prize check for rapid delivery.

I will never forget the feeling I had holding that letter in my hands and reading those words. It was in November then and when I broke the good news to my husband, he initially scoffed and said "You can't believe everything you get in the mail ... it's a scam!" Despite knowing full well that I entered sweepstakes as a hobbyist, he still did not want to believe that we had finally won ... and a Grand Prize, no less!

So, being who I am, I dialed the phone number, asked him to pick up in another room and I talked to the executive at the company. They were (almost) as excited about the win as I was. They were great and walked me through the steps I needed to take ... and my husband finally began to believe. But I will never forget the look on his face (he was awe-stricken) when a package courier delivered a large plastic-wrapped cardboard envelope to our home that contained additional papers (confirmation of our hotel and other papers) along with 2 checks ... one for $300 and the biggie, for $10K!

But the look on the face of the cashier when I casually deposited those checks is etched in my memory forever.

I went back to work elated that I would soon be asking for vacation time to live it up in Los Angeles. We spent New Year's Eve living it up --- and experience I will never forget.

The Law of Attraction works, my friends.

I share this story as a way to ask everyone reading this post to please give it an honest try.

If you don't believe in it, then that's your prerogative and that's the end of the story.

But I believe if you suspend any thoughts that this won't work and try it with an open mind and strong desire for what you're trying to manifest, you may be very surprised at what happens.

No, you can't do it once or twice and expect a miracle. Make it a part of what you do and it becomes you.

I did notice that, many years later and after the death of my husband, I stopped "practicing" --- not because I no longer believe but I simply got caught up in the hassles of life. Almost instantly, my winning spell dried up and my old life returned.

But remembering how things were after I started with LOA, I will quickly return to it because I vividly remember how I could almost predict prizes I would win (I claimed them as mine when I mailed the entries in) and win them, I did!

I thank you for your time.

That experience opened the door for additional wins. Over the years, I have won trips, lots of cash, travel, appliances and electronic equipment, and more. The hobby is fun, affordable and you can win anything from a fabulous prize to unusual ones. For example, shortly after moving to California for work, I won a beautiful Coca-Cola vending machine ... which I later sold to a man who wanted it for his grocery ... and for a very nice profit.

I must be honest in that sweepstakes is a game of chance with steep competition. So, you're more likely not to win on a regular basis because the odds are stacked so high against you. However, due to my use of Law of Attraction practices when I entered sweepstakes, I won prizes steadily over almost two decades and that is almost unheard of! So it had to be LOA.

@Killer1998: Again, I'm sorry that some of the comments here seemed harsh ... I didn't want that to happen and I certainly cannot control what people post. I also feel that some people here (my forum friends) may have felt the need to come to my 'defense' (which I also appreciate) but I never once felt that you were personally attacking me or my share. You were just stating your opinion.

I just hope you will consider my experiences with LOA and understand why I believe there is definitely "something" there. A whole new life (outside of what we're experiencing today) exists if we just put our mind to it.

I wish you the very best.

for reading!
[Image: Layna-250.png]
04-24-2019, 03:15 AM
Post: #27
Thank You Lanya61524 for this share and your thoughtful comments
.. I believe in the LOA, and have gotten immense value from

The Sedona Method
Mastering Your Inner Game - Dr. Robert Anthony
Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispensa

all of which I found on this forum.

again Many Thanks for this and all your shares
04-24-2019, 03:56 AM
Post: #28
For me the most advanced manifesting technique is Cybernetic Transposition. Try it.
04-24-2019, 04:19 AM
Post: #29
(04-23-2019 11:59 AM)Killer1998 Wrote:  Alright so I wasn’t planning on responding back because I got the answer that I was looking for and felt the matter was closed at that point but due to the responses that keep coming on this thread I feel like its about time I also say something.

Moving on Trikuro, shhh, let people enjoy things? Seriously? Back in the day people used to enjoy slavery. Should we have just let them? People used to enjoy that men got paid more then women for doing the exact same job, for the exact same hours. Should we have let them? People used to enjoy the fact that women couldn’t vote. Should we have let them?

Everyone has the right to believe in what ever they want but for some reason if someone questions it, they are immediately dismissed. Theres a thing called freedom of speech and I have the right to ask as long as I’m doing it with respect and thats exactly what I did.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter” - George Washington

You weren't planning on responding back, yet you did and equated my little cartoon about letting people enjoy something harmless with slavery and women's rights. That could quite honestly be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen posted, and it compels me to leave you with this...

[Image: E1Ti05dd.jpg]
04-24-2019, 05:10 AM
Post: #30
Vadim Zeland's method is the one I would vouch for

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