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07-03-2018, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2018 07:06 AM by Roymega.)
Post: #1
[GET] Space Age Pimp-ing
Be warned this is about pimp-ing and the game

Magic Button :

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review from amazon

Customer Review
5.0 out of 5 starsNothing compares!
ByTruth Seekeron September 19, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Oh boy, where do I start? How do you begin to describe a book that has had such a high impact on your life? A book that is solely responsible from getting me from there to here? A book that was discovered upon desperation after years of frustration, loneliness, turmoil and rejection? A book that shattered my beliefs, shook me to my core and challenged my view and philosophy of life and relationships in particular. A book that went against everything I had been told.

I could literally write a whole book as a review to this magnificent piece of literature but instead I know people do not have that attention capacity so instead I will write some quotes and snippets that I have found interesting and that I have ingrained into my life philosophy.

* I'm only as good as my competitor is bad - Never chase women, let them choose you "ALWAYS". Women get chased and chosen on a daily basis, they really don't appreciate it. How can you appreciate the same car you have driven your whole life? Women have been getting chased and chosen since day one. They want to chase the prize, they want to choose for once. The only thing rarer than a beautiful women is a prince charming that has his life together. Yes that means you! Be the prize and watch them put in all the leg work, watch them come chasing after you, jumping through hoops and making the time to see you.

* Clout is like a smart bomb, it kills off all competition* One of the sad realities of life is that women are natural born consumers. They are not creators, they spend, they are selfish, they are vain and they love attention. Clout or money is what provides them these pleasures and security. Why is money the biggest problem in relationships and marriages? Because most men have NONE and because women always want MORE. Like Paradise says, I don't argue with the Matrix , I learn the rules and operate the best way possible within the Matrix. Stop being in denial. Women want MONEY, ATTENTION and SECURITY more than anything else in this life! To be their best option and have them chasing you and be in the ultimate position of power, it is of the highest order of importance that you get your money game together!
Like Scarface said "First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girl" Stop making women your priority in life.

*A woman must first choose me or lose me* You have to put yourself in the best position to be chosen. Get your life in order, focus on you and make yourself your priority in life. Woman will take notice of a high caliber man because in a world of average joe's, they stick out like a sore thumb. Trust me they will find a way to get your attention. Only when a woman chooses you will she able to really respect you and love you. A woman that choose you opens the door for you and lets you walk right through it. Only when you chase is when women play games, avoid that! You always have to be operating in a position of power by being chosen. You DO NOT want your woman holding all the cards and having that power, she will manipulate that power till no end and make your life miserable.

*Front gets, clout keeps* People get into relationships all the time and yet people breakup and divorce faster than they get involved together. Look at the divorce rate, look at who initiates 70% of those divorces, women. Why? Because they were the prize, not the man. They were chosen when it should have been the man. It's not hard to get a woman, the problem is keeping her, especially nowadays with all the distraction, options and offers that their smartphone, social media and online dating provides. The promise of greener pastures is ruthless and men have never been so thirsty in the history of the world. Remember, sex is on a mans mind all the time. It's that same sex drive that is the reason why man created the world, inventions, art, music, buildings etc. All these creations to impress women and the promise of sex. This same mechanism is what causes women to have sex as a reward to good behavior or material gains. If women were so driven to have sex, why don't they chase men? Why don't they create? because they use it as a reward to a man that has deep pockets, CLOUT! It's the only way to maintain her interest over the long term. Remember money buys vanity and security, the two most important elements in a woman's life. The only question you should be asking yourself on a daily basis is "GOT CLOUT?"

I believe that everything in life is conditional and negotiable but you must remember that humans and in this case women would rather avoid pain than to experience gain or in other words would rather avoid pain than to experience pleasure. When a women cheats on you or *marked as SPAM* you, you better know that it is always for another man. As Paradise says " A monkey doesn't let go of one branch until he has a firm grip on another" When a woman cheats it is very subtle and never in a hurry and always for a better competitor, this is their inherit hypergamous nature. In order to avoid this pain, you ALWAYS have to be their best option which comes to my next point:

*Environment* - If I look like everyone else, and have the same things everyone else has, how can i stand out? How am i different? How can a woman choose me? Outside of clout as being the most important factor, the next is environment. You'll have far more success with less money and a better environment than more money and a bad environment. One of the biggest struggles men have is being in a bad environment, location. You have to give yourself the best chances at succeeding. For example if your Asian why would you date a white girl? If you speak Spanish, what are you still doing living in the US? You should be in Latin America where your success rate will be magnified a thousand fold. You get the idea, a lot of men's struggles is simply about being in the wrong environment. Like a sausage fest for example, you get my point. If money is tight then your focus should be on maximizing your opportunities in a better environment while working on your money game.

Side Note: You should always be studying your woman's behavior. Look for any changes in character, routines, comments, appearance. Like I said, women cheat very subtle. They also try to instigate fights when they are looking to leave a relationship. They try to make their partners mad to the point of him becoming upset and then flipping the problems on him as an easy way out of a relationship. Be careful with your reactions! Pay close attention!

Needless to say, get the book, study it, live it, breathe its philosophy and watch it slowly transform your life. I only wish Paradise would finally release his second book he promised about 5 years ago and that he was more actively involved in the community. The guy is a ghost.
