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07-02-2018, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2018 09:02 PM by cashsafe.)
Post: #1
[REQ] Dropship Club

I am looking for The Dropship Club videos. They are part of Wholesale Ted.

Sales page https://www.thedropshipclub.com/

Thanks in advance
07-02-2018, 08:15 PM
Post: #2
RE: [REQ] Dropship Club
What is the sales page Cashsafe??
"The Success You Seek Does Not Lie In a New Technique or Tool, But In Simple Daily Consistency."

$$$ [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com $$$
07-02-2018, 09:03 PM
Post: #3
RE: [REQ] Dropship Club
Sorry bud. I have added it

(07-02-2018 08:15 PM)show Wrote:  What is the sales page Cashsafe??
07-03-2018, 12:46 AM
Post: #4
RE: [REQ] Dropship Club
@cashsafe Junior Member

Thanks for sales page
this is all I found
I do not have this at all
only what is below sharing it with you

Join The Dropship Club and get access to our premium library of over
30 step-by-step training videos.

Your initial charge will be $67. You will then be charged $67/month until
you cancel your membership


This is Google's cache of https://members.thedropshipclub.com/dashboard/. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Jun 26, 2018 13:15:17 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more.
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Step 1 Select a Niche for Your Store
Phase 3: Pick Your Winning Niche


Step 1.3:
Pick Your Final, Winning Niche

Hi guys! And welcome to Step 1.3.

In this phase, we're going to narrow down and pick our final winning niche that we are going to build our store around.

(If you haven’t already, be sure to watch the last two videos as they are an important prerequisite to phase 3.)

So how are we going to narrow down 5 niches to just 1?

Well the answer is quite simple. We're going to find which niche is the hottest and has the most active buyers.
Why having competition is a good thing

It's funny. A lot of people see competition as a bad thing. When in actuality, competition is a great thing. And you'll want to see that it exists in your niche.

Why? Let me use a little analogy on Sharks to explain . . .

Sharks are very attracted to blood in the water. This is because when they smell it, they KNOW food is nearby . . . so they come along and SNAP it all up!

Competition is like our version of this.

When we see competitors, we know there must be opportunity nearby. Otherwise, our competitors would have gone into other niches.

Now it is true, that if you're able to find an under-served market that simply hadn’t had anyone come in and offer products before, then you could make a huge amount of money by being the 1st initial seller to come in and offer products to the market.

But such a winning combination, is a very hard one.

If there’s no competitors in a niche, then it probably means one of two things.

Nobody has tried to sell in the market before. But if they did, they probably could make a lot of money.
It’s been tried and found a dead "dud". Competitors have tried to come in and advertise in that niche, but found that either there’s not that much money in the niche, or that people aren’t excited by the products that are currently listed on Aliexpress.

Usually, it’s reason number 2.

The safer solution (especially as a beginner), is to 'find the blood in the water', by identifying niches your competitors are already having success selling in.

Here's how . . .
Step 1: Spying on our competitors ads

To find our winning niche, we'll need to spy on our competitors Facebook ads and see how well we’re doing.

If we find they have super popular ads with a lot of engagement, then we know there's a lot of active buyers in that niche.

Whereas if the ad isn't getting any high engagement, chances are that niche is not making any sales - and we can cross that niche off the list.

1. To start, go to your list of 5 niches and pick one off the list to analyse.

2. Next, open up Facebook. In the search bar, type in the following:

“Posts about “50% Off “[ENTER NICHE]””

Remember to replace the words "enter niche here", with the niche you’ve picked off your list.

3. Once you’ve done that hit search, and change your results from All to Posts.

The reason as to why we used the search bar to find words that contain the word “coffee” as well as the phrase “50% off”, is because usually these posts are advertisements.

This will help us narrow down our work, and find competitors a lot faster.

From here, what we want to do is scroll through and find posts that are clearly ads.

When we do find an ad, we want to see that it meets the following criteria:

It has been posted within the last six months. We want to see that the item is hot right now. Not last year August.
It has 25+ shares
It has 30+ comments
Has at least one comment within 3 days of it being posted

As you can see, we didn’t really mention a set number of likes, or post reactions. This is because these things are pretty easy to do.

What truly shows that someone resonates with a post, is whether they comment on it, or even better - share it.

Using this criteria also helps us to identify products that are exciting.

The ultimate goal, is to create an ad so engaging to the point where people just have to share it with their friends. When you do this, your ad starts to spread organically, and bring your store a surge of free traffic from Facebook . . .

. . . and you start to make FREE sales.

Moving on, let's see if our ad meets any of this criteria . . .

5. When you find a post that is clearly an ad, it’s time to analyse it.

Firstly, as you can see, this post clearly clearly meets the criteria of having 30 comments and 25+ shares.

We can also see that at the time, this post was created on the 23 august at 6:29 pm (which at the time this video was created, was within sixmonths).

Finally, over here you can see the ad started bringing in comments well within 3 days of this being posted.

6. When you've found and analysed a post ad that does meet the criteria, it’s important you save it (as you'll be using them later in this course).

To do this, click on the post to open it up, and click Save video.

To view your saved ad, type in the URL: http://www.facebook.com/saved.

And that's how to analyse an ad. Congratulations!

Now it's time for step 2 . . .
Step 2: Use this method to find 10 winning products

While it’s promising to find 1 winning ad in our chosen niche, it's not enough.

To find a winning niche, you’ll want to see a lot more than just 1 add.

As a benchmark, you’ll want to find at least 10 high engaging post ads that meet our criteria, before giving the niche a thumbs up.

In step 2 of my example, you saw how I used the phrase “50% off” to locate posts that would be potentially be advertisements.

But this is just one of many phrases you can use. Think about all the other types of phrases you’ll only see in product ads:

Just Pay Shipping!
Free Shipping!
Get Yours Here!

If we swapped our "50% off" phrase with one of these other phrases, you’ll find a WHOLE new list of ads to analyse.

QUESTION: "What do I do if I still can’t find 10 ad posts that meet the criteria for my niche?"

If you’ve used all of the phrases I’ve recommended, but still can’t find at least 10 high engaging post ads, do you know what that means?

That niche is a dud.

And you should move onto the next niche on your list and analyse whether or not that one is a winner.

Don't get discouraged that you found a dead niche. Instead, see it as a good thing! You took the time now to do your research, instead of investing your money in a dud.

So now you’ve either found 10 high engagement posts ads for one of your niches on your list, or found none.

Either way, the steps are the same. Go to the next niche on your list, and look for 10 high engagement ad posts. And remember to save any high engagement ads, as you’ll need them for later on.

And again, if it’s a dud - cross it off!

Question: "What if all 5 of my niches are duds?"

Maybe you were unlucky and found that all 5 of your niches were duds. If that's the case, don't panic.

If this does somehow happen to you, go back to your niche of 20 ideas from Step 1.1 and pick another 5 from there. Then start over, using the steps outlined in this phase.
How to pick your winning niche when you have analysed all 5

So you’ve found 5 winning niches. What’s next?

When picking between which niche to claim as your winner, you need to ask yourself these two deal-breaking questions.
1. Are there any niches that stand out to you?

The reality is, you should prioritise niches that excite you.

Not only because it'll be more fun, but it'll be very helpful in keeping you motivated.

On top of this, you’ll also be more in-sync with your buyers. When you understand all the jargon in your niche, you’ll find it easier to pick the right words and phrases to make your customer say “YES”.

However, you might find yourself in a dilemma where you have two niches from your list that you’re really passionate about.

Which leads into the next deal-breaking question . . .
2. Which one has the highest form of engagement?

Let’s say you’re trying to choose between two niches:

Niche A
Niche B.

Perhaps niche A did meet the criteria, but only just. And in actual fact, it was a real challenge for you to find 10 high engaging post ads.

On the other hand, niche B was super easy. It only took a few hours for you to find winning ads for it.

Based on the outcome, this says two things:

The buyers in niche B are more active. Which means they're more willing to purchase product, so more money for you.
The products in niche A just aren’t as exciting. Remember, a niche is only as good as it products. It doesn't matter if it's super popular, if there's no exciting products being sold, its essentially a dud.

So in that case you would choose niche B as your final niche. Always prioritise the one that has the highest engagement, because that's the one that will potentially make you more money.

So go back to both niche's ads, and compare which one received overall the highest engagement.

And the one that has higher engagement, is your winner.

Anyways, that's all for this lesson. Be sure to go follow ALL the steps outlined in this phase. Then when you're ready, meet me in the next phase!

Here are some extra search phrases to use when completing this step:

Posts about “Just Pay Shipping “Niche””
Posts about “50% Off “Niche””
Posts about “75% Off “Niche””
Posts about “Get Yours Here “Niche””
Posts about “Claim Yours Here “Niche””
Posts about “Free Shipping “Niche””
Posts about “Ship Free “Niche””
Posts about “Limited Time “Niche””
Posts about “Limited Stock “Niche””
Posts about “Very Limited Stock “Niche””
Posts about “Limited Supply “Niche””
Posts about “100 Left “Niche””
Posts about “75 Left “Niche””
Posts about “50 Left “Niche””
Posts about “25 Left “Niche””
Posts about “20 Left “Niche””


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[url= http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-Gene...ad]General + Sig Rules for BBHF [Updated FEB 2020] **Must Read**
07-03-2018, 02:30 AM
Post: #5
RE: [REQ] Dropship Club
Thanks for your effort
09-10-2018, 12:14 AM
Post: #6
RE: [REQ] Dropship Club
Anyone has these videos?

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