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05-22-2013, 01:46 PM
Post: #1
[GET] Maximum Profit Online Home Business System by Daegan Smith
"Astonishing New Profit-Generating System Puts $51,168.85 Into Your Bank Account Every Month Even If No One Joins Your Home Business!"Yet ... you can discover how the creator of this unique system grew his organization by over 3,967 people in only 14 months WITHOUT ever picking up the phone! Impossible? Continue reading below to find out how ...
Date: Tuesday 4:17 pm From: Daegan H. Smith [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]<img src="http://www.recruitlikecrazy.com/profits/indexaba_files/I.gif" align="left" height="47" width="27" />[/font]f
Just you'd like to own a new and revolutionary business-building system that puts over $14,139.79 per month into your bank account whether or not anyone joins your home business, then don't just scan but read every word on this page! before you say or even think it … let me just admit that I know this may sound like a lot of crap to you. But I've spent over $7,000 of my hard-earned money on systems that don't work so I'm not about to waste your time on hype and hearsay. What's more, I have all the PROOF right here on this page to show you that my system is practical and it works. Here's a recent month's income statement from using this little system, to display the magnitude of income this simple online home business system can and will produce for you . . . ![]() (August 2007 Monthly Income Of $51,168.65 Not Including Print Checks Or Primary Business Commissions.)
So I'm NOT gonna to be telling you about any pie-in-the-sky philosophical theories that sound good on paper but don't work in the real world. (Cross my heart, hope to die … promise.) But before I tell you anymore about my system let me just give you a brief peek into my background ... So ... Who
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]<img src="http://www.recruitlikecrazy.com/profits/indexaba_files/daegan_car.jpg" align="left" height="210" width="190" />[/font]Hi, The Heck Is Daegan Smith? my name is Daegan Smith and I doubt that you've ever heard of me before today. You see, I've been stealthily flying under the radar while developing my system that I share with only a privileged few who are lucky enough to be in my inner circle. Why I say 'lucky'? Because I've been able to save them thousands of dollars plus wasted time in systems that I invested in but didn't work. Knowing what to avoid is sometimes just as important as knowing what to use. I took the 'normal' path after graduating from college to join the corporate workforce as an outside sales rep for a company in Silver Spring, Maryland. The income wasn't bad but I wanted out of the rat race. So I invested my money in any book or system that promised to give me financial freedom. I read books such as "Creating Wealth" and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and attended real estate, affiliate marketing and internet marketing seminars. Then I became infatuated with the idea of starting an online direct sales home business and the sheer power of leverage and the income possibilities. I mean, those commission pay plans look so easy and logical on paper … just get three who each would get three … nothing could be easier! Yeah right! [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The
Big Checks Didn't Just Roll In Overnight ... Far From It [/font] But I wasn't easily discouraged. I was just starting out and didn't expect to reach the stars on my first launch attempt ... but at least the moon. So I invested over $500 per month in buying "top quality red-hot leads", and worked these leads 4 hours per day for 6 months. Now I have a background in sales but I must confess that cold-calling leads really sucked big time. I went on to pay a top home business coach to take me by the hand and teach me his system. I learned a lot about the industry but was still running in the red. Call me a 'bonehead' but I was still losing money and my organization just wasn't growing ... Until I Made An Incredible Discovery ...
Now these days I rake in at least $50,000 a month before anyone even join my network marketing business. And I've even had days where I've pocketed over $20,000 in a single day!! ![]() Instead of calling those 'red
And hot leads' the tables have now turned and my phone is literally ringing off the hook. My 'leads' are now calling ME, eager to discover my secrets and how they could get in on it. let me just assure you that you don't have to be an expert at persuasion or anything even close. Many people see those pictures of top recruiters in their Armani suits in front of Home Business conferences and think they have to be a gifted speaker to recruit those massive downlines. Maybe under the old way of doing things but not with my new Maximum Profit Online Home Business system. Just take a look at the top recruiters in the industry. Do they spend their days doing cold calls? What about those living room presentations? They may teach their downlines to do these things but they've learned a better way. If you want to reach their level of income you also need a better system. You see, I've discovered that one of the biggest problems currently plaguing the Home Business Industry is (drums rolling) . . .
Daegan Smith has a DAILY
Uncensored Online Mulptiple Income Streams tip for you! Daegan's daily tips are MUST reading. Best of all they're free. Sign up now. Enter Your Name: Enter Your Email: (A new window will open with your confirmation) ... MONEY! Let me explain … People are attracted to this industry because of the promise of making a sizable income by just following a "simple duplicable system". It's the dream of having a home business where you don't have to depend on a company's paycheck. The home business industy promises great riches and the hope for a better quality life. The majority of the people who respond to such a message are the ones who are trying to make ends meet in the first place. These prospects are looking for a second source of income without major investment of time and money. After just a few months the money they can invest in leads or other promotions for their business quickly dries up ... and with little return in terms of an commission check to show for it. These disheartened people feel victimized by their upline, their home business organization and the industry as a whole ... and they quit and swear to never try another home business again. And furthermore, they tell everyone they know that the industry is a scam. But what if there were a system that provided more than enough money to promote your Home Business of choice so that you made a HUGE PROFIT even if NO ONE JOINED YOUR COMPANY? In this way you'll always have enough money to invest in growing your business and just share this same system with your recruits and they will also stay with you because they'd be just crazy to leave. Instead of spending out-of-pocket money you'll be spending extra money you're making because of how the system is set up. How so? ... Introducing The Maximum Profit Online Home Business System
With ... my Maximum Profit Home Business system, you're not going to learn any new theories about network marketing. There are already plenty of good information out there about that. But what you'll uncover is my secret techniques and strategies for quickly and easily growing ANY business you're working with almost on autopilot. Here are some screenshots of my online accounts activity as PROOF that the system works ... ![]() ![]() ![]() And listen to this: Because of some recent NEW strategies I've implemented, just take a look below at the jump in FRONT-END income between May and June! And just imagine, this has nothing to do with my primary company! This is BEFORE they even join my organization. ![]() Fast forward to last year, and STILL following the same little system we're discussing right now I did over $404,103.34 and this year we should double that.
(I say over that amount because
the PROOF below doesn't include my second merchant account or commissions sent as checks in the mail, but more that in a few . . . ) ![]() I almost forgot to mention . . .
If You Want Multiple Streams Of Autopilot Income You'll Love This System!
Along with everything else you've seen so far I also regularly receive around 37 checks per month generating an additional $10,000 to $20,000 per month following my little known blueprint, and so will you as soon as you put this simple system to work for you . . .
![]() [Me wearing my favorite "I'm Retired Don't Ask Me To Do A d*** Thing!" shirt holding 37 checks and earning $85,172.47 in one month after discovering the same secrets you're about to discover!]
Check out this downline growth ... ![]() ![]() Here is a recent screenshot of my personal organization. That's a total of 3,967 members in my downline and growing! <img src="http://www.recruitlikecrazy.com/profits/indexaba_files/curvedarrow.gif" align="bottom" height="75" width="150" />
![]() I spent many months perfecting this system by field testing all these strategies through my actual recruiting efforts for my business. (You don't have to join my business for this to work by the way.) And this system works … it works … it works! And best of all it's a no-brainer. Yes, you don't have to be a genius to implement this system. [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Here's some of what you'll uncover in The Maximum Profit Online Home Business System …[/font]
you'll get with my "Maximum Profit Online Home Business System" is three distinct easy to follow, step by step systems for generating profits while at the same time generating free leads. This will attract prospects to you who are willing and excited to give you their money regardless of whether or not they end up joining your organization. I currently use all of these methods so I know that they work. You can just choose one of the methods or use them all for maximum effect. They both work like crazy on their own or for the real knockout punch you can use them together. "Awesome Marketing Tools!"
Thanksagain for making this ebook available, and for being so generous and giving the profit blueprint to us. Your incredible man, you really are. I'm looking forward to taking my business to the next level because of you, your leadership and your awesome marketing tools. To The Top!! Eric Hurczak "I made $351 In Just 2 weeks !"
Dear Daegan,
Thanks for the useful information and all the support every day! I really thought I would have a tough time to become successful in on-line marketing, before I was introduced to your system. It's been 2 weeks since I purchased this book, and so far I've earned $351. And I captured 140 emails to follow up. In addition, I am working closely with 2 people to help their business. You know how excited I am? I am not rich now, but I can see my self making good money on the internet in the future. Thank you so much for everything! I live in New Jersey, but one day, I hope we can meet together. Take care. Best Regards, Yuki Shoji "Packed With Content ..."
Hi Daegan,
I finished your e-book this morning and I got to say that it's very good! You must have had many sleepless nights writing all this knowledge. As soon as I'm all set up, I will forward this to my team, in order to learn from your success. Thanks and talk to you very soon. Fred "Thank God
For You!" I am new to network marketing, and almost zilch on
online marketing. I got in some affiliate's websites and did not get anywhere, because I did not know what I was doing. I dove in without knowing how to swim! Your ebook has so much info that I did not know about and am now reading every day to soak it all in. Daegan, thank you and I thank God for putting you in my path to success. To your success, Mauri Yamaguchi "A Definite Winner !"
The ebook was fabulous by the way! I really thought the
info wasn't going to be that much different from other ebooks, but I was pleasantly surprised with amount of fresh new content that existed on your ebook! I read it ALL within an hour and everything contained was hard-hitting information! I'll certainly promote it in the coming months! The ebook is a definite winner! Sincerely, Beau Penaranda [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If
At You Want To MAXIMIZE Your Profits In Network Marketing Then You Need My Maximum Profit Online Home Business System ![/font] last you'll be able to enjoy your online home business rather than endure it. The strategies found in my Maximum Profit Online Home Business System will have you swimming with the currents of success rather than against them. This could be the complete turn around experience that you've been looking for. Now that I generate consistent monthly profits my downline is growing like crazy and the income keeps flowing into my bank account. You'll be surprised how your whole outlook on life can change when the cash keeps piling up and you know it will continue to do so without you knocking your head against a brick wall or driving up your phone bill … and frustration meter. After you get a hold of this system you'll wonder why you ever wasted your time running a home business the "other" way. But
By How Much Will This Powerful System Cost Me? now you must be thinking because I make so much money using the Maximum Profit Online Home Business system this is gonna to cost you a bundle. In fact, I did a comparative price analysis and realized I could easily get upwards of $497 for the my blueprint and still be under pricing this breakthrough system. Some of my colleagues think I'd be crazy to sell this for anything less. You see, they know the real power of these strategies because they personally use them and know you can recoup that kind of investment in no time flat. So from a Return On Investment (ROI) point of view, $497 will be just a drop in the ocean. It's like selling hundred dollar bills for five bucks! But I don't want a price to come between you and owning this system. So I've drastically cut back on my potential profit (and I can afford to do that now because I make more from USING the system than SELLING it!) and decided to let you have this for just a measly $97 $49.97. No, that's NOT a misprint! But you should grab your copy before I change my mind ... ![]() see, I genuinely want to help you generate the types of profits via network marketing you always dreamed of. I want you to have as much success as I now enjoy (while skipping the frustration) so that's why I'm basically handing this information over to you on a silver platter. What's more, you won't have any excuses not to purchase this guide right now and use the information within it to change the ENTIRE course of your network marketing career the same way this system has changed mine. And thousands of others! You Can't Lose With Our Money Back Guilt-Free NO Risk 60 Day Guarantee And Instant Access to the "Maximum Profit Online Home Business System"... ![]() GUARANTEE:
If my Maximum Profit Online Home Business System is not everything that I say it is and you don't make at least THREE TIMES as much MONEY as you paid for this guide within the next 60 days then I will refund your money with no questions asked. For less than the cost of 10 of those supposedly "red hot" exclusive leads, the Maximum Profit Online Home Business System is yours to own. You'll never find a better deal than this ... so don't waste any time thinking. Just go ahead and get your copy of NOW! But wait, there's even more … What Else Do I Get?
When you get your instantly downaloadable copy of the "Maximum Profit Online Home Business System" today you'll also receive 5 powerful bonues valued at an additional $308 which includes over three hours of additional never before released internet network marketing secrets on physical CD, a powerful report, and exclusive access to my "MLM Undergound" membership . . .
Total Bonus Value: $308
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It If Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than This! [/font] you want to secure your financial future ... if you want to stop wasting your advertising dollars ... if you want to take control of how profitable and easy your home business can be, then this is your opportunity … now is your time. So what are you waiting for? Make this the turning point in your network marketing career. There's no time like the present! Rather than simply reading about it experience this system for yourself. Right NOW while you're still thinking about it get your copy of The Maximum Profit Online Home Business System! To The Top , ![]() Daegan Smith P.S. Will my Maximum Profit Online Home Business Systemmake you wealthy? I have to be frank with you: I don't know how rich you'll get once you read, absorb and begin to use the secrets in this package. I'm selling you a hammer. Whether you build a doghouse or a castle is up to you. My suggestion: Think BIG! Isn't it about time? I wish I could explain to you the feeling of walking into a car dealership and just choosing the car of your dream and paying in hard cash!! "Over 900 leads, 22 signups for my main business and I've made around $2,500 dollars!
I've been using your system for about three months now and I've
already generated over 900 leads, 22 signups for my main business and I've made around $2,500 dollars. What really has me jumping out of my chair though is that I have spent very little in marketing thanks to your training
that you provide. I wish your system was around 2 years ago I would of saved a fortune in wasting marketing efforts. "I Raised $5000 And Doubled My
Team Members To 637 Within 4 Weeks." Daegan's formula Works! This is by far the most complete and usable strategies that I have ever come across. Using the Formula, I now have my very own lead generating machine that are able to sign up new members automatically. 8-12 new members are joining me every single day and I am only 6 months into my business. Thanks Daegan for YOUR leadership and the good you bring to this industry." -Jaz Lai http://www.JazLai.com © Power Prospecting System LLC 2008
-Online Home Business Training- 1924 15th St. Washington DC 20020 Phone: 202-741-9424 Legal Disclaimer: Of course I cannot promise or guarantee that you will make any certain amount of money past the information found on this page. Your results will vary based on personal application of the information found in this product. Every effort has been made to accurately convey the products and services offered here, but based on my personal results and the results of many many happy customers there is more than a good chance that you will be very happy with your results.
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05-22-2013, 04:02 PM
Post: #2
+ REPS added!
05-22-2013, 04:48 PM
Post: #3
wow this is old his payment proofs are from 2005, will it still work in 2013?
05-22-2013, 05:12 PM
Post: #4
RE: | |||
05-22-2013, 07:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2013 07:02 PM by MisterY.)
Post: #5
I'm really not into MLM but downloaded this in case there were any other nuggets of useful info. What this is about: The core of this program is to create your own product showing people how successful you are at MLM. Yes! This book, which is all about how to become successful selling MLM, shows you how to become successful at selling MLM by creating your own product about becoming successful at selling MLM. That about sums up Network Marketing IMO - you're just recruiting people to sell MLM to people who recruit other people to sell MLM who recruit other people... ...ad infinitum. Guess those of you into this Network Marketing lark might like to give this a go. Ignore all the stuff on websites and SEO, however, as it is sadly out of date. But the product creation idea is a goodie. It's always better to sell your own stuff to get people on your list. |
09-27-2013, 01:32 AM
Post: #6
Please re-up. Thanks.
10-18-2013, 01:48 AM
Post: #7
Please re-up
04-13-2014, 02:15 AM
Post: #8
so, can anyone reupload this? i think it would be very useful for this section
05-22-2017, 04:03 PM
Post: #9
RE: [GET] Maximum Profit Online Home Business System by Daegan Smith
Recently re-discovered Jeff Paul stuff, so a re-up of this will be appreciated.