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05-29-2015, 02:37 AM
Post: #1
Heart in a Box 001 (2015)
[Image: 003575ba_medium.jpeg]

When the Man with No Name breaks Emma's heart, she wants to die. But you never die from these things; you just want to. In a moment of weakness, she wishes her broken heart away and a mysterious stranger--who may or may not be totally evil--obliges. But emptiness is even worse than grief, and Emma sets out to collect the seven pieces of her heart spread across the country, a journey that forces her to face her own history and the cost of recapturing it, and leads inevitably to a confrontation with the Man with No Name himself!

http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE :) !!!]/view/C30F908D279D5E6/Heart_in_a_Box_001_%282015%29_%28digital%29_%28Son_of_Ultron-Empire%29.cbr
