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01-01-2015, 04:42 AM
Post: #1
virus check - https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/1c022b...420050893/ LIST: [ ] Метро 2033 (2010).iso 22-Jun-2013 05:28 4.3G [ ] Русификатор GasG.C.C. (Люб. ZoG) [Текст].exe 22-Jun-2013 05:28 1.7M [ ] 3D Инструктор 2.2.7.rar 21-Jun-2013 20:01 483M [DIR] APB Reloaded/ 22-Jun-2013 05:40 - [DIR] ARMA 2/ 22-Jun-2013 05:53 - [ ] AWAmericanNightmare.exe 21-Jun-2013 20:27 121M [ ] Alan.Wakes.American.Nightmare-GOG.iso 21-Jun-2013 20:15 2.6G [ ] Alan Wake.v + 2 DLC.(Microsoft).(2012).Repack.iso 21-Jun-2013 20:11 5.7G [ ] Alawar WarBoxPaperTanks(RUS).exe 21-Jun-2013 20:15 84M [ ] Angry Birds - Antology (2011).rar 21-Jun-2013 20:15 176M [DIR] Antalogy Diablo/ 22-Jun-2013 05:35 - [ ] Antology_AofE_7in1_RePack.iso 21-Jun-2013 20:20 2.8G [ ] AoM_Gold.iso 21-Jun-2013 20:22 1.0G [ ] Assassins Creed-Revelations.iso 21-Jun-2013 20:27 3.4G [ ] Battlefield 2 - Real War.rar 21-Jun-2013 20:35 4.9G [ ] Binary Domain_[R.G.Origami].iso 21-Jun-2013 20:41 3.6G [ ] Black Ops (Multiplayer) (2010) (Rip by Canek77).iso 21-Jun-2013 20:51 5.4G [ ] BlazBlue Calamity Trigger RUS.iso 21-Jun-2013 20:56 3.5G [ ] BloodRayne Dilogy [R.G. Catalyst].rar 21-Jun-2013 21:02 3.3G [ ] Blur [RePack от R.G.Spieler].iso 21-Jun-2013 21:08 3.4G [ ] Botanicula.exe 21-Jun-2013 21:08 15M [ ] C&C Generals [R.G. Mechanics].iso 21-Jun-2013 21:11 1.9G [ ] CORSAIRS_CoAS_REV.3_R.G.ILITA.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:00 2.1G [ ] CSGO [7K].iso 21-Jun-2013 22:04 2.2G [ ] CSI Deadly Intent.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:09 2.7G [ ] Call of Duty MW 2 multyplayer.iso 21-Jun-2013 21:39 4.0G [ ] Cannon fodder 3 repack.iso 21-Jun-2013 21:39 350M [DIR] Carmageddon/ 22-Jun-2013 05:57 - [ ] CasusBelli-(WOD)-v1.2.4.rar 21-Jun-2013 21:49 6.1G [ ] CitiesXL 2012 RePack.iso 21-Jun-2013 21:54 3.0G [DIR] CitiesXL 2012 RePack/ 22-Jun-2013 05:57 - [ ] Confrontation.v 21-Jun-2013 21:56 1.1G [ ] Counter-Strike_1.6_Setup.exe 21-Jun-2013 22:00 317M [ ] Css_models_patch.exe 21-Jun-2013 22:09 165M [ ] Dalnobojshiki_2_vtoroe_izdanie.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:10 578M [ ] Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition (RUS) (RePack) от UltraISO.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:14 2.3G [ ] Darkness II.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:23 5.3G [ ] Deus Ex Human Revolution.rar 21-Jun-2013 22:33 6.3G [DIR] Diablo 3/ 22-Jun-2013 05:57 - [DIR] Dzhamal/ 22-Jun-2013 13:14 - [ ] EarthWorm Jim (1&2).The Whole Can O' Worms.exe 21-Jun-2013 22:36 716M [ ] F3_GOTY.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:48 7.2G [ ] FIFA 12.v + UEFA 2012.Repack.iso 21-Jun-2013 23:30 5.6G [ ] FLATOUT.iso 21-Jun-2013 23:37 4.0G [ ] Fahrenheit.iso 21-Jun-2013 22:50 1.1G [ ] Fakefactory 11 [R.G. Catalyst].iso 21-Jun-2013 23:11 13G [ ] Far Cry 3 Repack by Fenixx (v1.01).iso 21-Jun-2013 23:20 5.0G [ ] Farming Simulator 2013.rar 21-Jun-2013 23:20 471M [DIR] Football manager 2012/ 22-Jun-2013 13:14 - [DIR] GTA 4/ 22-Jun-2013 13:35 - [ ] Gas.Guzzlers.Combat.Carnage.v1.0.retail-THETA.rar 21-Jun-2013 23:41 2.6G [DIR] Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas.2010.PC/ 22-Jun-2013 13:21 - [ ] Grand Theft Auto San Andreas MultiPlayer 0.3e.iso 21-Jun-2013 23:42 384M [ ] HL2.Deathmatch.v23-XBiT.Project.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:20 1.1G [ ] Half-Life Anthology.rar 22-Jun-2013 00:00 2.3G [DIR] Heroes 3/ 22-Jun-2013 13:38 - [ ] Hitman.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:18 1.1G [ ] I Am Alive Repack by Fenixx.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:26 1.0G [DIR] ImperialGlory/ 22-Jun-2013 13:40 - [ ] Insane 2.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:28 942M [ ] Jagged Alliance.Back In Action.v 1.06 + 4 DLC.(Акелла).(2012).Repack.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:30 1.4G [ ] Just Cause 2.v + 9 DLC.(Новый Диск).(2010).Repack.rar 22-Jun-2013 00:32 1.1G [ ] Kingdoms Of Amalur.Reckoning..iso 22-Jun-2013 00:41 5.6G [ ] LIMBO Rus.exe 22-Jun-2013 00:53 82M [ ] Left 4 Dead 2 [RePack].rar 22-Jun-2013 00:52 6.5G [ ] Legend Of Grimrock.v 1.3.6.(Almost Human Games).(2012).Repack.rar 22-Jun-2013 00:53 298M [ ] Lucius.v 1.01.3247.(Lace Mamba Global).(2012).Repack.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:56 1.5G [ ] MK arcade collection.iso 22-Jun-2013 01:39 177M [DIR] MOUNT AND BLADE/ 22-Jun-2013 17:10 - [ ] Machinarium (2009).iso 22-Jun-2013 00:56 380M [ ] Mark.of.the.Ninja.iso 22-Jun-2013 01:05 2.0G [ ] Markninja.crack.rar 22-Jun-2013 01:05 1.4M [ ] Mass Effect 3.iso 22-Jun-2013 01:23 10G [ ] MasterRallye.exe 22-Jun-2013 01:24 364M [DIR] Max_Payne_3_Repack/ 22-Jun-2013 14:02 - [ ] Men of War - Condemned Heroes (2012).iso 22-Jun-2013 01:26 1.4G [ ] Mercenaries 2 World in Flames.rar 22-Jun-2013 01:34 4.7G [ ] Mirror's Edge [RePack].rar 22-Jun-2013 01:39 3.0G [DIR] MisterDi/ 22-Jun-2013 16:58 - [DIR] NFS RUN/ 22-Jun-2013 17:32 - [DIR] Naild/ 22-Jun-2013 17:12 - [ ] Need For Speed.Hot Pursuit.Limited Edition (-) (RUS) [Repack] от Fenixx.iso 22-Jun-2013 01:48 4.0G [ ] Need For Speed Underground 2 mod by GRiME.iso 22-Jun-2013 01:42 1.5G [DIR] Need for Speed Hot Pursuit/ 22-Jun-2013 17:19 - [DIR] Nosferatu - The Wrath Of Malachi/ 22-Jun-2013 17:38 - [DIR] PIRATES_ODYSSEY_TO_EACH_HIS_OWN_R.G.ILITA/ 22-Jun-2013 17:43 - [ ] Port Royale 3 [R.G. Origami] [Lossles Repack].iso 22-Jun-2013 01:58 3.7G [ ] Portal2.iso 22-Jun-2013 02:04 4.0G [ ] Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 от R.G. Element Arts.rar 22-Jun-2013 02:11 4.1G [DIR] Q.U.B.E.v1.0.retail-THETA/ 22-Jun-2013 17:45 - [ ] RON_THRONES.rar 22-Jun-2013 02:41 709M [ ] Rayman Origins [R.G. UniGamers].iso 22-Jun-2013 02:12 476M [ ] Re-Volt.exe 22-Jun-2013 02:12 42M [DIR] Red Alert 2 and Yuri Revenger/ 22-Jun-2013 17:46 - [ ] Resident Evil operation_raccoon_city_.iso 22-Jun-2013 02:19 4.0G [ ] Ridge.Racer.Unbounded.2012.MULTI6.RUS[P].V.iso 22-Jun-2013 02:22 1.5G [ ] Risen 2_[R.G.Origami].iso 22-Jun-2013 02:28 3.6G [DIR] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Addons/ 22-Jun-2013 17:48 - [ ] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Gold Edition.iso 22-Jun-2013 02:49 4.4G [DIR] SCP-087/ 22-Jun-2013 17:55 - [ ] SHANK.2.Repack.iso 22-Jun-2013 02:52 1.2G [DIR] Scarface/ 22-Jun-2013 17:54 - [ ] Shogun 2.rar 22-Jun-2013 03:07 8.7G [ ] Sid Meier s Pirates![RePack].iso 22-Jun-2013 03:08 608M [ ] Sniper Elite 2.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:12 2.8G [ ] Sonic.the.Hedgehog.4.Episode.2-THETA.exe 22-Jun-2013 03:13 298M [DIR] Steam Backup/ 22-Jun-2013 19:17 - [ ] Street Fighter X Tekken.(Capcom).(2012).Repack.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:23 3.7G [DIR] Supreme Commander Anthology/ 22-Jun-2013 20:14 - [DIR] Supreme Commander Trilogy/ 22-Jun-2013 20:34 - [ ] Syndicate + 1 DLC.(Electronic Arts).(2012).Repack.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:31 4.9G [ ] TQIT.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:53 3.4G [DIR] Tabletki/ 22-Jun-2013 20:39 - [DIR] Tekken 5/ 22-Jun-2013 20:53 - [DIR] Test Drive Unlimited 2/ 22-Jun-2013 21:00 - [ ] The.Binding.of.Isaac.Wrath.of.the.Lamb.exe 22-Jun-2013 03:45 43M [ ] The.Walking.Dead-Episode.1.RUS.RePack.R.G.ReCoding.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:45 324M [DIR] The Elder Scrolls IV_Oblivion (Gold Edition)/ 22-Jun-2013 21:12 - [ ] The Saboteur.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:45 2.6G [DIR] The Witcher 2 EE GOG/ 22-Jun-2013 21:18 - [ ] The_Godfather_2.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:47 1.2G [DIR] Torchlight2.steam/ 22-Jun-2013 21:43 - [DIR] Total War Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai_Repack by R.G. UniGamers/ 22-Jun-2013 21:46 - [ ] TrackMania 2 canyon.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:55 1.4G [ ] Trine 2.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:56 530M [ ] Two.Worlds.II.Repack-VITEK.iso 22-Jun-2013 04:02 2.7G [ ] WARP (2012).iso 22-Jun-2013 04:22 571M [ ] Warcraft III.rar 22-Jun-2013 04:20 1.1G [ ] Warlock.Master Of The Arcane..iso 22-Jun-2013 04:21 483M [DIR] WoT/ 22-Jun-2013 23:06 - [ ] WoT_0.7.3_ru_patch.exe 22-Jun-2013 04:33 262M [ ] World in Conflict - Complete Edition (2009).iso 22-Jun-2013 04:31 4.8G [ ] Worms Revolution [Repack] [R.G. Origami].iso 22-Jun-2013 04:32 887M [ ] Xenus 2 Белое золото [RePack от R.G.Spieler].iso 22-Jun-2013 04:43 4.3G [ ] Zeus.iso 22-Jun-2013 04:44 315M [ ] [BestRepack.net]_Batman Arkham City_[R.G. Catalyst].iso 22-Jun-2013 05:04 12G [ ] [BestRepack.net]_Crusader Kings II_[R.G. Catalyst].rar 22-Jun-2013 05:04 343M [ ] [BestRepack.net]_DiRT ShowDown_[R.G. Catalyst].iso 22-Jun-2013 05:10 3.0G [ ] [BestRepack.net]_London 2012. Olympic Games_[R.G. Catalyst].rar 22-Jun-2013 05:14 2.8G [ ] [BestRepack.net]_Stronghold 3_[R.G. Catalyst].iso 22-Jun-2013 05:21 3.8G [DIR] bridge_repack/ 22-Jun-2013 05:54 - [ ] call of duty modern warfare 3.iso 21-Jun-2013 21:32 13G [ ] daemon_star_1995_best_game_all_times.exe 21-Jun-2013 22:09 4.2M [ ] dino_crisis_1_2.rar 21-Jun-2013 22:35 1.0G [ ] gta4 ls.rar 21-Jun-2013 23:56 8.6G [ ] hitman absolution 05.iso 22-Jun-2013 00:17 9.9G [ ] homefront.nrg 22-Jun-2013 00:24 2.5G [ ] mafia2.iso 22-Jun-2013 01:02 3.6G [ ] penumbra.exe 22-Jun-2013 01:50 863M [ ] pesedit.com_2012_patch_3.1+fix.rar 22-Jun-2013 01:51 946M [ ] rld-wees.iso 22-Jun-2013 02:40 7.5G [ ] setup_botanicula_1.0.0.7.exe 22-Jun-2013 02:50 710M [DIR] spec ops line/ 22-Jun-2013 18:01 - [ ] sr-footballmanager2013(2).iso 22-Jun-2013 03:17 2.4G [ ] tdu2.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:40 5.3G [ ] tuning.iso 22-Jun-2013 03:58 890M [DIR] videomania/ 22-Jun-2013 22:22 - [ ] videomania 2012.06.iso 22-Jun-2013 04:16 7.9G [ ] walking.dead.season1.repack..iso 22-Jun-2013 04:18 1.4G [ ] warsow_1.0_setup.exe 22-Jun-2013 04:23 488M [ ] xbp.iso 22-Jun-2013 04:36 1.9G LINK: http://ftp.ellcom.ru/USER/Games/ |
01-01-2015, 05:02 AM
Post: #2
I would really appreciate some comments as to whether these shares are useful or not.
I dont want to waste our time by posting junk - Thanks |
01-01-2015, 12:37 PM
Post: #3
nice one OP!Ill download this games when I get better videocard,thanks...
01-01-2015, 01:11 PM
Post: #4
Thanks atomicwarrior8 for the post.
I've shared MANY links similar to this that have around 100 views but NO posts! MOST of my posts have 50 to 100 (or more) downloads in them... I've also started running the URL through VirusTotal.com to check for viruses. I ALWAYS check my downloads again once I have them on my computer - just to be safe! So I have no clue as to whether they are USEFUL or a waste of time. As long as 1 person gets something from it, then the post IS worthwhile! |
01-01-2015, 01:32 PM
Post: #5
A contribution for gamers, at least for me. I've downloaded a game just for checking and it is providing high speed download. Thanks for this. +5 Rep added
No Ripping of Courses allowed in Udemy Section (Freebies), if you saw any send me PM or report the thread. Thank You.
01-01-2015, 03:41 PM
Post: #6
OMG... Great share but no use for me... thanks for this.. Rep added
01-01-2015, 06:54 PM
Post: #7
Thanks op 5 reps :)
There are many things located in other folders here is link : Code: http://ftp.ellcom.ru/
Feeling Awesome :D
01-04-2015, 03:49 AM
Post: #8
Much Appreciated, Reps added, Thanks
01-04-2015, 08:45 AM
Post: #9
there is some good ones here thanks repped
01-04-2015, 09:13 AM
Post: #10
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