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05-03-2014, 11:38 PM
Post: #21
[Image: vxjr.png]
05-04-2014, 04:21 PM
Post: #22
[Image: y08h.png]


06-03-2014, 04:02 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2014 04:13 AM by villy44.)
Post: #23
(05-03-2014 11:38 PM)LOGMAXER Wrote:  [Image: vxjr.png]

I am using a couple of your provided Softs and all are working fine.

Accept my heartfelt thanks for your time and efforts.

Just want to know, is there a single package in which we can download all the components as specified by you?


And Fellow members, if you find my post useful, Please Reps

Second Thought:

I just updated Silverlight and run program as Admin and its working as stated by OP.

Thanks to OP And Reps

06-21-2014, 01:56 PM
Post: #24
Ok, is anyone else having a problem with something coming up when you try to start Jordy Proxy Changer with this coming up:

"a referral was returned from the server"

At this point, the program does not start. Using Windows 8.1 64bit and 16Gb of memory.
07-31-2014, 04:49 PM
Post: #25
(05-03-2014 11:38 PM)LOGMAXER Wrote:  [Image: vxjr.png]
I found most of the needed files (at least all those that I didnt already have installed), but I was wiped while working on this so I dont have the full name of the actual file in the list. Maybe someone can enhance the list and complete it for the use of the community. Unfortunately I am still searching for that VC100_CRT_x86.dll. I checked all the likely spots in the C drive and doesnt look like it was part of any of the downloads, and I cant locate online
Magic Button :

I also found this as a helpful resource, and I think there are links to the files I didnt have to dl myself

One thing I found really interesting was some vb code to install the redistributals .... I think if someone was really handy with VB they could add in the dl links and have an AIO package to get the job done

Magic Button :

Last updated: 28th July, 2014, 10:48 AMOn my blog post Latest Supported Visual C++ Downloads you a link to the Microsoft site Latest Supported Visual C++ Downloads. Once downloaded, how to install all these updates?

I made a script that installs all the Microsoft C++ Runtime modules. On x86 only the x86 modules are installed. On x64, both x86 and x64 modules are installed.
The list has been populated on June, 14th, 2014. So the list of C++ Runtime modules might – and will be – change.

The folder list should be as follows:

Map PATH-lijst voor volume Data
Het volumenummer is 00690056 A65A:75E4
| install_all_VisualCPlusPlusRuntimes_v100.vbs
+---1.Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
+---2.Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
+---3.Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update
| vcredist_x64.EXE
| vcredist_x86.EXE
+---4.Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
+---5.Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
+---6.Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
+---7.Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
+---8.Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 3
| vcredist_x64.exe
| vcredist_x86.exe
\---9.Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package
The only thing you have to do is to download all the redistributable packages: The code:

Visual Basic

' Install all Microsoft C++ Runtimes
' Created by Willem-Jan Vroom
' Version history:
' 0.0.1
' Initial version
' 1.0.0
' Final version
' ================================================================================​================

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Declare the most variables.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Option Explicit

Dim objShell : set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objLogFileFSO : Set objLogFileFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objProcessEnv : Set objProcessEnv = objShell.Environment("PROCESS")
Dim objWMIService : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Dim fn_objWMIService : Set fn_objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Dim objReg : Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim objLogFile
Dim CurrentDir : CurrentDir = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullname, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullname, "\"))
CurrentDir = Left(CurrentDir,len(CurrentDir)-1)
Dim strcomputerName : strcomputerName = objProcessEnv("COMPUTERNAME")
Dim strLogLocation : strLogLocation = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Logfiles"
Dim strOutputFile : strOutputFile = strLogLocation and "\" and strcomputerName and "_Installation_C++Runtimes_" and Replace(FormatDateTime(Now(), 2),"/","-") and ".log"
Dim strArchitecture : strArchitecture = ""
Dim strCurrentUser : strCurrentUser = ""
Dim strCurrentUserSID : strCurrentUserSID = ""
Dim strOS : strOS = ""
Dim strCommand : strCommand = ""
Dim strLine : strLine = ""
Dim strQuery : strQuery = ""
Dim strCommonDesktop : strCommonDesktop = ""
Dim strArray : strArray = ""
Dim strAppDataFolder : strAppDataFolder = ""
Dim strProcess : strProcess = ""
Dim strValue : strValue = ""
Dim strKeyPath : strKeyPath = ""
Dim strValueName : strValueName = ""
Dim strLogFile
Dim dwValue : dwValue = 0
Dim arrFolderUnsorted : Redim arrFolderUnsorted(0)

Dim arrArguments
Dim arrLanguage
Dim valCounter
Dim valResult
Dim valReturnCode

Dim colProcess, objProcess
Dim valOSBuildNumber
Dim objSubfolder
Dim colItems, objItem, Subfolder
Dim colSoftware, objSoftware
Dim arrValues, strHolder

dim objFolders, objFolder, arrFolders, arrVersions, objVersion

Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForAppending = 8
Const OverWriteFiles = True
const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Create the log location (if not exists)
' Open the logfile.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WriteToLog "- ACTION: script started."
WriteToLog " "

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Detect the current OS.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select Caption,BuildNumber from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objItem in colItems
strOS = objItem.Caption
valOSBuildNumber = objItem.BuildNumber

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Detect the current processor architecture.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if objFSO.FolderExists(objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") and "\SysWOW64\Config") then
strArchitecture = "x64"
strArchitecture = "x86"
end if

WriteToLog("########## Details regarding operating system ##########")
WriteToLog("Found Operating System: " and strOS)
WriteToLog("Found architecture: " and strArchitecture)
WriteToLog("########## End details regarding operating system ##########")
WriteToLog(" ")
WriteToLog("########## Installation ##########")

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' That will avoid a screen that asks for permission to run an application from
' a share or mapped drive.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

objProcessEnv("SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS") = 1

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Start the installation:
' 1. Loop throu all the subfolders, sorted.
' Source:
' http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingg...order.aspx
' 2. Depending on the foldername the correct parameters are passed to the vcredit_xx.exe
' Logging enabled.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' 1: Get all the subfolder of the parent folder.

valCounter = 0
set objFolders = objFSO.GetFolder(CurrentDir)
Set arrFolders = objFolders.SubFolders
For Each objFolder in arrFolders
arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) = objFolder.Name
Redim Preserve arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter+1)
valCounter = valCounter + 1

Redim Preserve arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter-1)
Dim j

' 2: Sort them:

For valCounter = (UBound(arrFolderUnsorted) - 1) to 0 Step -1
For j= 0 to valCounter
If UCase(arrFolderUnsorted(j)) > UCase(arrFolderUnsorted(j+1)) Then
strHolder = arrFolderUnsorted(j+1)
arrFolderUnsorted(j+1) = arrFolderUnsorted(j)
arrFolderUnsorted(j) = strHolder
End If

' 3: Install

For valCounter = 0 to ubound(arrFolderUnsorted) ' I know: the folders are sorted now....

if instr(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),"2005") > 0 Then InstallCPlusPlus2005Runtimes
if instr(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),"2008") > 0 Then InstallCPlusPlus2008Runtimes
if instr(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),"2010") > 0 Then InstallCPlusPlus2010Runtimes
if instr(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),"2012") > 0 Then InstallCPlusPlus2012Runtimes
if instr(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),"2013") > 0 Then InstallCPlusPlus2013Runtimes


WriteToLog("########## End Installation ##########")
WriteToLog("########## Summary of installed C++ Redistributables ##########")
WriteToLog(" ")

Set colSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name LIKE '%Visual C++%' AND (Name LIKE '%Redistributable%' OR Name LIKE '%Runtime%')")
For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
WriteToLog("Name: " and objSoftware.Name)
WriteToLog("Version: " and objSoftware.Version)
WriteToLog(" ")

WriteToLog(" ")
WriteToLog("########## End summary of installed C++ Redistributables ##########")
WriteToLog(" ")

wscript.quit 0

Sub OpenLogFile()

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: OpenLogFile()
' The name of the logfile is mentinoed in the variabele strOutputFile.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If objLogFileFSO.FileExists(strOutputFile) Then
Set objLogFile = objLogFileFSO.OpenTextFile(strOutputFile, ForWriting)
Set objLogFile = objLogFileFSO.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile)
End If

End Sub

Sub CloseLogFile()

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: CloseLogFile()
' Close the log file.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WriteToLog "- ACTION: script ended."
Set objLogfileFSO = Nothing

End Sub

Function WriteToLog(sLogMessage)

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function: WriteToLog(sLogMessage)
' Writes an entry 'sLogMessage' in the logfile.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if instr(sLogMessage, "- ACTION: ") = 0 then sLogMessage = " " and sLogMessage
objLogFile.WriteLine("Time: " and now and " " and sLogMessage)

End Function

Sub CreateFolderStructure(strFolderNameToBeCreated)

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: CreateFolderStructure(strFolderNameToBeCreated)
' Creates the map as mentioned in strFolderNameToBeCreated.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dim arrFoldersTMP : arrFoldersTMP = split (strFolderNameToBeCreated,"\")
Dim strFolder : strFolder = ""
Dim objFolderTMP

For Each objFolderTMP in arrFoldersTMP
strFolder = strFolder and objFolderTMP
If NOT objFSO.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
end If
strFolder = strFolder and "\"

End Sub

Function fnKillProcess(strProcessName)

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function: fnKillProcess(strProcessName)
' Terminates the given processname.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Set colProcess = fn_objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Process")
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If Instr(LCase(objProcess.Name),LCase(strProcessName)) > 0 Then
objShell.Run "TASKKILL /F /T /IM " and objProcess.Name, 0, False
WriteToLog("Terminating application: " and objProcess.Name)
End If

End Function

Sub InstallCPlusPlus2005Runtimes
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: InstallCPlusPlus2005Runtimes
' Installs the C++ 2005 Runtime modules.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for Each objVersion in arrVersions
if instr(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),"MFC") > 0 Then
strLogFile = right(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),len(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter))-2) and " (" and objVersion and ").log"
strCommand = chr(34) and CurrentDir and "\" and arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) and "\vcredist_" and objVersion and ".exe" and chr(34) and " /t:c:\temp /q"
strCommand = strCommand and ":a /c:" and chr(34) and "msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qb! /l*v "
strCommand = strCommand and chr(34) and chr(34) and strLogLocation and "\" and strLogFile and chr(34) and chr(34) and chr(34)
WriteToLog("Running command: " and strCommand)
valResult = objShell.Run(strCommand, 6, True)
WriteToLog("Result: " and valResult)
strCommand = chr(34) and CurrentDir and "\" and arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) and "\vcredist_" and objVersion and ".exe" and chr(34) and " /q"
WriteToLog("Running command: " and strCommand)
valResult = objShell.Run(strCommand, 6, True)
WriteToLog("Result: " and valResult)
end if

End sub

Sub InstallCPlusPlus2008Runtimes
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: InstallCPlusPlus2008Runtimes
' Installs the C++ 2008 Runtime modules.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for Each objVersion in arrVersions
strLogFile = right(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),len(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter))-2) and " (" and objVersion and ").log"
strCommand = chr(34) and CurrentDir and "\" and arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) and "\vcredist_" and objVersion and ".exe" and chr(34) and " /q /l "
strCommand = strCommand and chr(34) and strLogLocation and "\" and strLogFile and chr(34)
WriteToLog("Running command: " and strCommand)
valResult = objShell.Run(strCommand, 6, True)
WriteToLog("Result: " and valResult)

End sub

Sub InstallCPlusPlus2010Runtimes
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: InstallCPlusPlus2010Runtimes
' Installs the C++ 2010 Runtime modules.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for Each objVersion in arrVersions
strLogFile = right(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),len(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter))-2) and " (" and objVersion and ").log"
strCommand = chr(34) and CurrentDir and "\" and arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) and "\vcredist_" and objVersion and ".exe" and chr(34) and " /passive /norestart /log "
strCommand = strCommand and chr(34) and strLogLocation and "\" and strLogFile and chr(34)
WriteToLog("Running command: " and strCommand)
valResult = objShell.Run(strCommand, 6, True)
WriteToLog("Result: " and valResult)

End sub

Sub InstallCPlusPlus2012Runtimes
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: InstallCPlusPlus2012Runtimes
' Installs the C++ 2012 Runtime modules.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for Each objVersion in arrVersions
strLogFile = right(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),len(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter))-2) and " (" and objVersion and ").log"
strCommand = chr(34) and CurrentDir and "\" and arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) and "\vcredist_" and objVersion and ".exe" and chr(34) and " /install /passive /norestart /log "
strCommand = strCommand and chr(34) and strLogLocation and "\" and strLogFile and chr(34)
WriteToLog("Running command: " and strCommand)
valResult = objShell.Run(strCommand, 6, True)
WriteToLog("Result: " and valResult)

End sub

Sub InstallCPlusPlus2013Runtimes
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine: InstallCPlusPlus2013Runtimes
' Installs the C++ 2013 Runtime modules.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for Each objVersion in arrVersions
strLogFile = right(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter),len(arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter))-2) and " (" and objVersion and ").log"
strCommand = chr(34) and CurrentDir and "\" and arrFolderUnsorted(valCounter) and "\vcredist_" and objVersion and ".exe" and chr(34) and " /install /passive /norestart /log "
strCommand = strCommand and chr(34) and strLogLocation and "\" and strLogFile and chr(34)
WriteToLog("Running command: " and strCommand)
valResult = objShell.Run(strCommand, 6, True)
WriteToLog("Result: " and valResult)

End sub

I hope this helps some of you that are struggling to get the J0rdy software working.

Peace and& Be Well,

Free counters!