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Full Version: [REQ] Null GeekPress Blogger template
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Same problem with me :)
It's nice working when i first installed but suddenly, for about ten to 15 minute, all media in the template are not working.
[Image: Untitled.png]

I saw this on his website that's scaried me ~.~
wkwkwkw you are right, i get that mssge too :D
the author called me bad guy hehe
almost done will share it to you guys
OK thank dinhtanh :D
thanks for trying. i installed the 1.2 template and it still redirects to the author page and the welcome admin message still pop out. when i compared this to the orignal file. the only thing that got removed is this line.

- Fixed : Item thumbnail display not good in Firefox
----------------------------------------------- */
can you show me your site?

because i tested on my site
there is no problem at all and callback to author site.
the unmodified template and the one you omitted works fine if your not logged on. but if you logged on into blogger and click the "view blog" on the same brower where you're logged on blogger, you see the welcome customer message and if you ignore that message a number of times, the next click on "view blog" will redirect to the creater of the template.
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