10-23-2013, 05:29 AM
Pages: 1 2
10-23-2013, 05:39 AM
(10-23-2013 05:07 AM)basuraza Wrote: [ -> ]Davidos, if its FREE as you claim, put the F*UCK*IN' link here to download free for all ;D1st, be polite..
silvery dont complaint and share content as *I DO*
I hate leechers who dont share
2nd, don't tell lie.
3rd, If you share, write what you share honestly, don't tell lies..
4th. I'll share an easy install version in English, working fine edition in a few days. I've some more work on the script.
Don't use bad words. I agree only one thing with you. I don't like leechers who don't share too.
Take care..
11-03-2013, 02:11 PM
yeah chill guys.
for what i know, even the official english version does not comes with 100% english. lots of bug.
you still need to translate some of the lang yourself.
Indeed, this script is basic and is a free copy from onightjar.com
anyway, thanks for taking the time to share. :)
for what i know, even the official english version does not comes with 100% english. lots of bug.
you still need to translate some of the lang yourself.
Indeed, this script is basic and is a free copy from onightjar.com
anyway, thanks for taking the time to share. :)
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