(02-08-2014 12:17 AM)kalle1 Wrote: [ -> ]Nulled but not decoded. Thankz - 只有解码。和明确的。微笑
Hmm your right ,maybe some one want to see what code is in this script and it's not save to use coded scripts ...
thanks key = Reputation by the way.
This site seems to be a very resourceful WHMCS forum:
Any vouches anybody?
Evryone can use
http://easytoyou.eu/ to decode all files but there is some limit per day, 5 i think.
Have you guys learnt which files are required for nulling?
You must null
more than 1 or 2 files.
Please investigate the following files:
- /dbconnect.php
- /dologin.php
- /index.php
- /login.php
- /upgrade.php
- /install/install.php
- /includes/clientareafunctions.php
- /includes/clientfunctions.php
- /includes/dbfunctions.php
- /includes/functions.php
- /includes/upgradefunctions.php
- /admin/browser.php
- /admin/cron.php
- /admin/dologin.php
- /admin/index.php
- /admin/licenseerror.php
- /admin/login.php
- /admin/systemlicense.php
- /admin/systemupdates.php
Licencing, Call Backs, Branding, Link Backs, etc, etc, etc.
Version 5.7.3 released , any try to null and decod?
In version 5.2.15 is not working properly send links via support ticket.
We send a message with a link example
http://google.pl, and get on webmail or admin panel only "http://" - :(
A little thought and are the results.
Properly working file functions.php for whmcs version 5.2.15 :
I added fix here :
http://pastebin .com/RG84AeDq
Upload this file to /includes directory.
Additionally also works correctly CUSTOM TICKET SUBJECT you can change default [Ticket ID: #4444] Subject ;)
After update this file go to WHMCS ADMIN -> Setup -> Email Template
Example edit template "Support Ticket Opened by Admin" and in subject field enter this :
Ticket name #{$ticket_id} - {$ticket_subject}.
Join ! :)
(07-02-2014 05:36 PM)warhell Wrote: [ -> ]A little thought and are the results.
Properly working file functions.php for whmcs version 5.2.15 :
I added fix here :
http://pastebin .com/RG84AeDq
Upload this file to /includes directory.
Additionally also works correctly CUSTOM TICKET SUBJECT you can change default [Ticket ID: #4444] Subject ;)
After update this file go to WHMCS ADMIN -> Setup -> Email Template
Example edit template "Support Ticket Opened by Admin" and in subject field enter this :
Ticket name #{$ticket_id} - {$ticket_subject}.
Join ! :)
Thank u!
U have a whmcs full decoded?