lol im gonna try this looks intresting thanks for the share amego
idk what i did wrong just couldnt get it to work
Interesting will def give it a try :)
Thanks for sharing. Gaining knowledge bit by bit in this forum. :)
Try This,
View page source on membership login rejection.
Ctrl + F for a search box
Look for link like this: <a href="">Register</a>
Register with
Good Luck.
First provide the screenshot of login page in which you succeed!
First, this thread is old, really old.
Second, any client-side "hacking" can only be successful, if the owner of the site is stupid enough to have no server-side security measures in place. And why would I want anything from a membership site whose owner is that stupid? What kind of useful content could I possibly find there?
someone trying to sell me a $5000 program ( very good program) but i have their url can anyoen help me to crack it?