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Full Version: BJ Mercury - A dynamic Joomla Template by BYJOOMLA
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[Image: mercury-brown_blog.jpg]

BJ Mercury – A free Joomla template from ByJoomla. ByJoomla
provides a more customizable template that comes with many cool features.

Many extensions offered by ByJoomla (including BJ Image
Slider, BJ Photo Gallery and Facebook extensions) are combined together in this
new Joomla template to make it match with users’ multiple purposes:
online-channel for business, organization’swebsite or a personal blog.

Template BJ Mercury Info

  • Name: BJ Mercury
  • Author: BYJOOMLA
  • License: GNU/GPL V3.0
  • Native to: Joomla 1,5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5

    • Template BJ Mercury Feature List

      • Table-less and CSS-based
      • Adjustable layout
      • xHTML and CSS validation
      • Cross browser compatible – Support Chrome, IE7+, Firefox
        2+, Safari, Opera
      • SEO friendly with SEO parameters
      • Flash-Free (easily browsered on mobile devices)
      • Compatible with Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5
      • Many build-in Modules for smarter and more effective
        content presenting
      • Simple CSS-based customization
      • 6 colors

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