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Full Version: [GET] Codecanyon - Google Maps Generator for WordPress
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Please, always remember to include the source of your upload. Like the link to the page on codecanyon (properly coded with the [ hide] tags) so we can have a look at how the script functions....alright???

Awesome collection you got there, mate...+3REP for all your efforts.
(10-17-2013 08:28 PM)The Jumper Wrote: [ -> ]Please, always remember to include the source of your upload. Like the link to the page on codecanyon (properly coded with the [ hide] tags) so we can have a look at how the script functions....alright???

Awesome collection you got there, mate...+3REP for all your efforts.
i always include Demo links sometimes it doesn't work for me you can go and look in past post i include demo links so no reason for you to keep saying on all today posts sometimes it doesn't work
Really cool plugin, thxs
Thank you for the share and +5 Reps added.
Do you have the latest v1.1.1 ...thanks!
really nice plugin thank you !
Thanks but does not work in wp 3.8: (could upgrade to v.1.1.1 ?
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