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Full Version: [GET] FREE SOLO AD BLASTER - BLAST TO OVER 8.9 Million Leads
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Whats the syntax for sending the ads?

Is it like.......dear [fname] [lname], or do I just send a generic email (no names )?
Nice share but there Crap iv gone through all if them using different urls and messages and not had 1 single click..
great share < thanx alot ^_^
are serious guys? dont waste your time with this crap this is fake not send anything

here is more craps

op if you bought this trash from fiverr ask refund immediatly you just got scammed this is can be found only it old scam sites everyone know about it
Hey thanks a million!
Why would anybody voluntarily agree to get spammed hahahahaha - come on guys ... don't waste your time with shiny things.
Trash,don't even try
(10-17-2013 04:30 AM)Magna Wrote: [ -> ]There is no need to move this to VIP. This has been around for so many years and over used. I use it daily and never receive more than a few clicks. But when I send the same add to my list I get anywhere from 30% to 40% click thru rates. I still use these blasters, but have never made a sale through them.

if this is real please move this to vip section so it will not be saturated
Don't waste your precious time on this, if u realy need solo ads service, looking look for big player with nice rating or feedback in the field and buy quality clicks from them...
Amazing share. I must say a BIG thank you. Not withstanding the negative reviews. Guys believe in your instinct...Try this and hope for the best.
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