10-15-2013, 07:30 AM
![[Image: logo.png]](http://www.senuke.com/xcr/images/logo.png)
This is my All-In-One SENuke help thread. If you have troubles using my (or any) cracked SENuke releases, including weird errors, or features you think are not working in SENuke... Then you need to read this thread!
Why was this thread created?
There are a few things that are common for cracked SENuke versions. I am tired of mentioning them every time I release a new cracked version (which is about weekly). Then when I don't mention them, there is ALWAYS someone who asks about it like the problem is brand new... This thread will help those new to using cracked SENuke versions. Even if you have used it for a long time, after a new format or a new PC, you may experience troubles as your whole setup has changed.
This thread will have a link to my last shared cracked SENuke version. So all you have to do is keep this thread bookmarked. No more hunting through the forums trying to find it. I have started to lock the old threads so they can't get bumped above a newer version... However, sometimes after a few days, the thread is off the 1st page of the "Tools and Softwares and Bots" forum. So this thread will provide easy access to my last shared version.
Latest Version: 3.1.47
![[Image: 2mobm9s.png]](http://i41.tinypic.com/2mobm9s.png)
NOTE: Download link takes you to the latest version's thread where you can find the download links.
Why am I still creating a new thread for every version instead of just using this thread?
The main reason is for SEO purposes and making it easy for outsiders to find. Having a thread for a specific version number helps those who are not BBHF users and they search for example "download senuke xcr vx.x.x cracked" on Google. My thread here at BBHF for that specific version may come up on the 1st page of Google. This will help BBHF gain more members as it helps bring search engine traffic by way of cracked senuke versions. It also helps my threads get more views. Win for everyone. This is something that really wouldn't happen as "download senuke cracked" or "senuke cracked" may be harder to rank for. It is simply for increasing exposure and providing more specific content for SEO reasons.
Since BBHF has removed the required "thank to unlock download" feature, I ask that you please give me REP. It helps me stand out as a respected BBHF cracker, and user in general! I am not begging for rep, but it is only fair for my continued effort in providing SENuke to you guys for free!
---------------------------[ HELP / SUPPORT ]---------------------------
Error running SENuke, Error while logging in, or any other error while running SENuke:
The most common error is an "Assembly" error which will then dump a "Stack Trace". You may get this if you DO NOT HAVE the required min .NET Framework, or if you don't have it at all. You do not need to know which version is required to run SENuke! Just download the latest version (currently 4.5) from Microsoft's download center directly. A link is provided here in this support thread.
You could also get this (I assume) if you try to place a different version of SENuke.exe into the SENuke directory. Meaning, if you install SENuke directly from the install/updater. Then download a cracked version and copy ONLY it's included SENuke.exe and place it in your SENuke directory. If the versions are NOT the same, you could get an error. MY versions are "Portable" which means you don't have to run any setup/install file! Just simply extract the included folder, usually named "SENuke-vx.x.x-CYBER" or similar, to your Desktop or wherever you want. Everything is already provided, just go into the folder and run the SENuke exe. YOU MUST EXTRACT THE FOLDER!!!! YOU CAN NOT RUN SENUKE FROM INSIDE THE RAR ARCHIVE!!! Follow my instructions on how to extract SENuke.
Why download the latest framework and not a lower version?
You might as well download the latest version! Just because SENuke doesn't require 4.5 does NOT mean other programs wont. ALL .NET programs require some version of the .NET Framework. Which version depends on the program and programmer, and the resources they need to use in the program! While another version may solve your SENuke assembly errors, another program you try in the future may give you errors because you don't have it's required version. So downloading the latest version will possibly prevent you from having errors with other programs in the future. Instead of downloading it more than once, just get it all done right the first time! They are backwards compatable.. So getting version 4.5 will allow you to run programs that require anything lower than that.. ie: 1.5, 3.0, 3.5, ect..
Link to Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.5 download page: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/...x?id=30653
How to extract and use your Portable SEnuke:
I recommend WinRAR and it can be found from http://www.rarsoft.com. I may provide a license key later, I just dont know where its at on my PC right now... Open the RAR file you downloaded from me. Inside you will see the SENuke folder. Usually it will be named with the version number, and -CYBER at the end of the folder name. Simply click once on THAT folder inside the archive. Then click the "Extract" button at the top of WinRAR. Select your "Desktop" and hit ok/extract.. Now on your Desktop, you should have a new folder named the same as you just saw in the archive. Open the folder. Inside you will see "SENuke" and it will have the senuke logo. Double click it, and SENuke will open. Leave the email as "CyberPunk" and the already entered password. (This is just to clog their logs with logins of "CyberPunk" all the d*** time lol). Once SENuke is open, your good. If you get an error, read this thread more and figure out why.
How do I do "this" or how to "that":
I am not SENuke support, nor am I your SEO consultant or support. I can not help you with how to do things in SEnuke, including how to use it, how to create accounts, ect. I provide the working cracked SENuke versions, it is not my job to teach you how to use SENuke. Google and YouTube will help you there.
I can not create an EMail account:
First thing to know is that the "download pre-created hotmail account (preferred)" option DOES NOT WORK AND NEVER WILL! Ever since the beginning of cracked SENuke versions, this option does not work! If you ask about it, we will ignore you! So if your getting ignored, this is why! The reason it does not work is because it sends your login/password to the SENuke server and IF you dont have a valid account, it WILL NOT send back the email account! We can not hack or trick the server! Either you have a valid login or you don't, and cracked versions will not pass the servers validation check! If you want this feature to work, then go buy SENuke!
Currently, even telling SENuke to create an email account has been a pain in the butt! For about the past month, it fails to create Hotmail and Yahoo accounts. I don't know about AOL as I never tried them. (who the **** uses AOL anymore? lol). Either put your proxy details into your browser, or while connected to your VPN, manually go to Yahoo or Hotmail and create an email account BY HAND! It will take about 1 minute. DONT BE LAZY, that is not hard work! If you are too lazy to do this, then Internet Marketing is not for you! There is software available to create hotmail or yahoo accounts. I do not know which ones to use, I will NOT recommend one.. Just do some googling and find one. However, creating the email by hand isn't too hard. I recommend using CCLeaner to clear your history, cookies, temp files between manually creating email account.. Even between SEnuke projects. Don't forget in CCLeaner to uncheck the "only delete files older than 24 hours" in the options!!!
I assume this is the same for even the PAID customers of SENuke, that its failing to create email accounts. I dont know why they STILL have not fixed this issue! I would be upset if I was a paying customer (not to mention the lower and lower number of URLs it creates anymore...). SENuke is not a very smart software. Each step of the registration process is hard coded. So when a site changes something up, it breaks! Then they have to go back in and update the program to handle that change. Hotmail and Yahoo have probably changed their registration form, and SENuke has still failed to fix the changes. So until they do, creating emails with SENuke will continue to fail! For now, you will have to create them by hand or find a software to do it!
Once you create an email account by hand, you can enter it's info into your projects profile information! On the Email Validation tab, there is a drop down that has Hotmail/Yahoo/AOL options. If you created say a hotmail account, select hotmail, and it will enter the server host for you (which is pop3.live.com) and paste the email and password. The port number is also selected for the desired service (995 for hotmail). Also make sure you entered the same email address on the "Account Details" tab, so when it creates the accounts it uses the correct email setup for the validation process!!! I then close the screen to save the changes (in case of a crash) and re-open it to continue. When you close a screen, it triggers the "Save Settings" command that should ensure your stuff is saved. I do this because sometimes SENuke has crashed while running and not saved my details! Forcing me to start over, or re-enter the email details...
My settings are not saving after closing SENuke:
On the main screen, when you click the "Options" button, those settings DO NOT save! This includes things such as your desired captcha solution and its login info, number of threads, ect. I think these settings are saved on the SENuke server for each user. Since you dont have a legit account, SENuke fails to save/load them and uses the stock default settings. There is no way around this. Either get used to it, or go pay $100-$150/month.
The "User Scripts Portal" does not work:
No, it does not work with cracked version. When you try to open the portal page, it fails to login because you do not have a valid account. You can not use this section of SENuke. If you want it, then go buy it. Nothing we can do about it!
Last Note:
There are things that simply do not work with cracked versions. We can get passed the login screen, security, server checks, ect... However, you can not get past things where ALL of the data needed is stored on a remote server! Your settings profile is stored on SENuke's server. The scripts portal is all stored on their server.. We can not get around it, and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. Using someone elses cracked SENuke isn't going to help you. My cracked versions are the best your going to get!
I think that covers any known errors or features that don't work. These things are asked almost every time I shared a new SENuke version. I am tired of repeating myself.. I am tired of typing the answers over and over and over again... Either you find your way to this thread to get your questions answered, your you continue to be lost.
I advise you guys who have been using my cracked versions, and who KNOW the answers to these questions.. To not waste your time. I will link to this thread with every new version I share.. If someone asks one of the noob questions which I have already answered here, you are free to ignore them! If they can't spend a few seconds to read my original post enough to see I have a link to a support thread.. Then they aren't smart enough to use it anyways. They are too d*** eager to just click the download links without reading... and we simply can not help them.
PS: This thread will remain locked. I do not want people commenting/replying here.
PPS: I would greatly appreciate it if a mod/admin could "sticky" this thread :)
~ Your neighborhood friendly, CyberPunk