THANKS! Great ideas for a book I'm writing.
nice share.. thanks mate.. +rep
links is dead. would appreciate a re-up. thx so much.
this is the guide i used to stop smoking. get the audiobook @ any torrent site. he's principle is all mind control.when you feel the urge to smoke think that you dont need it.something like that.and as far as i can remember, if you live before without smoking, sure you can again. a great guide indeed. 3 years smoke free. never struggle to quit. cold turkey method for me as he suggested.dont quit by replacing it with candy or etc. the important thing here is that i never feel the withdrawal symtoms as others alen said. theres no withdrawal syndrome.its just you who is making it..
Anyone have a mirror for this?
I know this is an old thread, but the mp3 or avi of Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking..would be awsome!
if some1 has PLEASE reup