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Full Version: [Get] $198 a day the easy way
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Here's some info on how to use youtube to make some pretty good cash.

Add rep or follow strangers around spraying everything they touch with Lysol.
This is interesting, not only for videomarketing, but lots of marketing.
tnx plus 1 rep
why no 199? :(
Tnx anyway!
I've only read athe first few pages of the pdf so far and think this is an excellent WSO (so far)... looks like he closed it down since he suggested the use of Animoto.
He could have just rewrote it, suggesting the use of any other video service. I can post more of a "review" here after checking out the whole thing.
Thanks for the share NORMAL! - rep added with appreciation!
Thanks to Op . . Rep Added!
Thanks for sharing, but this was originally shared in May:-
repped you.thanks for sharing
Thank you ryebaz for finding that for us. I need to work on my search techniques for bbhf. It could have saved me some time. Rep added.
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