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Full Version: [ASK] is it better to buy pc or vpn host?
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Hi all.

I want to ask if I could buy cheap pc less than or about the price of vpn in a year is it enough for programs like senuke and scrape box, or I still need the vpn and the pc is in good conditions.
so I'm waiting for your opinions.
It depends on what you are trying to do?

Do you need speed or expansion?

You can get a fast pc and setup your own vps on it.
I think pc is better option
You mean VPS? xD I'd buy a pc tbh.
buy a pc....and then try to buy a vpn !!
But the problem with PC at home is internet speed, If your internet speed is good a PC is better choise, but if your internet speed isn't faster then a VPS a a very good choise. Because VPS internet is too good for example 400 mbps UP/Down.

And you can get a Windows VPS for free (3 months);-)
first thank you all for this I'm not going to do much scrape box and maybe no hands or senuke
the internet speed up to 2 MB.
(10-08-2013 03:24 AM)hibrid0 Wrote: [ -> ]But the problem with PC at home is internet speed, If your internet speed is good a PC is better choise, but if your internet speed isn't faster then a VPS a a very good choise. Because VPS internet is too good for example 400 mbps UP/Down.

And you can get a Windows VPS for free (3 months);-)
hoe to get the free 3 months ?
In my country, my electricity bills are around $40/month for a HP Proliant server.
With those cheap VPS services - $7/moth for Windows 2012 x64 server - 1,5 gb ram, 30 gb hdd, 2-4 cores (I am not sure) and so on....
Actually I have got one VPS Server in USA only for testing purposes - GSA Ranker + No Hands + some youtube stuff installed.
So far so good.
If you are on budget, than go for a VPS.
If you need more HDD space and dynamical IPs (30 GB space is not enough for me, but for some SEO programs it will be) and my local provider has dynamical IPS....
But your case looks like more like a VPS to me.
Try lowendtalk(.)com and find one that satisfy your needs. There are some VPS providers....And if you are willing to create a thread that "you are looking for Windows VPS under $7 for example", they will battle for you as a client. They participate on this "show threads", because they would like to promote their services as cheapest and the best. So you could have a special offer from some reputable cheap (lowcost) VPS provider on very reasonable price...
Hope this will help you out
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