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Full Version: [GET] Bellissima – Responsive WooCommerce Template
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WTF !! You have just downloaded this pack : ! and you upload the themes !
its old pack ! all those themes are updated !
we want the exclusive not the delicate

Ps : i'll post the some reply in all your post :D Delicate x Delicate :D
(10-05-2013 03:10 PM)masta Wrote: [ -> ]WTF !! You have just downloaded this pack : ! and you upload the themes !
its old pack ! all those themes are updated !
we want the exclusive not the delicate

Ps : i'll post the some reply in all your post :D Delicate x Delicate :D
Sorry, masta, but I have also downloaded that pack and the Bellissima theme is NOT part of that pack.
While it may be true of some of his posts, you are not correct about this one.
You should really recheck the thread list and you will see that...
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