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Full Version: [GET] [Pre Launch] - I made $171 in 24 hours from scratch... How much will you make?
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Direct Download - ServiceCa$h
Magic Button :

Review or Mirrors are much appreciated. Smile
4DayWeekend Wrote:Reserved for FAQ
Thanks for sharing this! +REP 2 U...
thanks rep+ added

Based on Doodle videos.

Watch tutorials and create 2 Sparkol Videos - 2 hours
Create sales thread in Photoshop - 1.5 hours
Create Wufoo Form + Paypal button - 1 hour
WARRIOR for Hire List offer - 30 mins
Total time - 5 hours.

Starting from scratch. $171 in one day.
i wonder why he moved from doing this service anymore and decided to sell it

i dont think this deserve that much time
exactly. It's for 1-2 persons max.
Nothing to learn. It's a poor product. Btw, thanks chikiri for share
Thanks a lot for share :)
thanx alot
Pages: 1 2
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