(10-04-2013 09:35 AM)SusanMaier Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Sandra,
i know excactly what you are talking about. He cheated me too. Grabed my clone forest script and than telling me thats its not working and its not open source - bla bla bla. And of course, he did not send me anything. People like him should be banned. They building a fake reputation to gain trust and than cheat on them.
He is just a scammer.
You are right he did also asked me for few scripts, I gave him 2, that what was all I had new, he promised he will share few scripts but never did, now everyone would stop sharing in the open because they know (Liquid) is a freak !.
He is bad for the forum because he has pushed many members away, I for one was invited by many members who adviced me not to trust him and another 2 members, I would easy leave the forum and go to another more mature one, but I made my choice to stand strong and show everyone how such people as (Liquid) are fake.
Look at every thread, he swear at people and act tuff, thinking that everyone can take such impolite action, if he can get away with his ugly words bypassing moderators then he will face everyone here to reject his request, ignore him and NEVER trust or share anything with him.
He has 3 logins under different names, and he is running a nulled scripts website making income from Google Ads, he take every share from here and try to make a black money from it.
Makes you think if someone as (Liquid) pretending he has so much then why he didn't come wish idea to build a good website and sell a clean service ?!.
Has has just made a lie saying he got the Agriya Buysell 1.0.13 from mazgalin to null it, then he says he has it already long time ago,
1) If he has it then why he did take the none-nulled to null it
2) He sayes he had it for very long time ago, false because Agriya Buysell 1.0.13 was just released not long ago.
It is the time (Liquid)
you became standing naked, all of us know you now, you could try to hide and login under a different name, but you are doing nothing than wasting your lifetime playing childish games.
People please think twice before you share anything with
I have nothing personal to him, but I will not let such a big fake (Liquid) destroy our lovely BBHF Forum