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Full Version: [450$ 19th June - New Code] Learn how to be an Ethical Hacker and Penetration Tester
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thanks pro
+5 Rep added thank you very much
[size=x-large]You will be lucky if you can understand what he is saying, this is just another sub par udemy course [/size]

seems like everyone with a mic and opensource screen cap software is recording something and uploading to udemy, one day someone will create a udemy course for "how to browse porn" for decent learning go to lynda dot com not udemy

I've seen a few udemy courses and wow they are either bad or just barely ok
Hey Jack
Yeah you are probably right but with this one you do not really need to know what he is saying because all he is doing is reading directly of the slides........Sad but true.
So sad but the coupon is not working anymore :(
[quote='emiller' pid='486697' dateline='1382330813']
So sad but the coupon is not working anymore :(
[/quote]Could anyone reup a valid coupon please? Thanks in advance
Yes Please,
Can Anyone Reup A New Coupon Code......:)
[quote='fancymoon' pid='471268' dateline='1380825855']
[url=]Learn The Basics of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing[/url]

[align=center][align=left][color=#ffffff][size=medium]Learn how to be an Ethical Hacker and Penetration Tester from Scratch.[/size][/color][/align][align=left][color=#ffffff][size=medium]
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