10-01-2013, 12:06 AM
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![[Image: header2.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/header2.png)
Discover How To Select The RIGHT Products To Sell On Amazon and Learn How to Locate Wholesale Suppliers For Any Item You Want To Sell...
![[Image: amazon2012holiday.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon2012holiday.png)
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
This year 20% of the World Internet Population - that's 1 in 5 Internet Users between the ages of 15 - 85 visited an Amazon site
![[Image: amazon_wholesale_inventory.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_wholesale_inventory.png)
![[Image: scoe_2012.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/scoe_2012.png)
![[Image: 2012_keynote_amazon.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/2012_keynote_amazon.png)
![[Image: az_cover.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/az_cover.jpg)
The Exclusive, New Step-By-Step Online Video Course That Will Show You...
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
The Kind of Products Amazon Wants You to Bring to the Amazon Marketplace
To Niche or Not to Niche
Amazon Rankings
Competing with Amazon
5 Categories of Profitable Products![[Image: action.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action.jpg)
![[Image: amazon_testimonial_sharon.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_testimonial_sharon.png)
The Three Strategies for Product Selection (once you know these three, you'll never need anything else)
A Step-by-Step System for each strategy
Field Trips to Amazon! Look over my shoulder as we go out LIVE to Amazon and find profitable products to sell!
The $300K Product and how they found it (and how you can find one too)
How to find untapped products and niches with potential in any category on Amazon![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
How to know exactly what customers on Amazon are buying
How to never fear competition on Amazon again (including Amazon itself)
How to get a list of hundreds of potential products to sell at your fingertips in 30 days or less!
Action Assignment! This simple assignment will help you easily implement what you've learned in the Module so that you EARN while you LEARN!
![[Image: amazon_testimonial_marlo.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_testimonial_marlo.png)
I want to learn EXACTLY how to find the RIGHT products to sell on Amazon!
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
Requirements for Working With Suppliers
Blowing past the roadblocks to finding good suppliers!
The 3 Industry Resources that put supplier contact information right at your fingertips (NOTE: You will not find this information ANYWHERE else)
How to Save Hundreds of Hours When Locating Suppliers
Save Thousands of Dollars and Connect With the Best Suppliers
How to Work with Wholesale Suppliers
How to test market your products before you commit to a wholesale order
Using Tradeshows, Merchandise Marts and other sourcing events to contact hundreds (or even thousands) of suppliers at a time
How to get supplier information coming directly to you!
Show me how find wholesale suppliers for ANY product!
Building big with the expanded Amazon business model![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
Cross-boarder selling. The world is your Amazon customer
The 7 Hallmarks of Great Sourcing
Action Assignment! This simple assignment will help you easily implement what you've learned in the Module so that you EARN while you LEARN!![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: bonus_product_line.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/bonus_product_line.png)
![[Image: specialbonus_sm1.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/specialbonus_sm1.jpg)
![[Image: 2013_amazon_trends.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/2013_amazon_trends.png)
![[Image: specialbonus_sm2.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/specialbonus_sm2.jpg)
![[Image: specialbonus3.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/specialbonus3.jpg)
![[Image: amazon_testimonial_dale.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_testimonial_dale.png)
I'm In!
Join me today for this Exclusive Step-by-Step Course...
Give me immediate access to the "Sourcing the RIGHT Products Wholesale to Sell on Amazon Course"
This 10 Hour Step-by-Step Video Course Allows You to Study at Your Own Pace. (Each module is approximately 2 hours long. Module 2 "Product Selection" clocks in at 4 hours long!)![[Image: computerred_icon.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/computerred_icon.jpg)
All videos are split into chapters. Watch an entire Module at a time or 1 chapter a day!![[Image: action2.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action2.jpg)
![[Image: computerred_icon.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/computerred_icon.jpg)
![[Image: qa_icon.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonbusiness/images/qa_icon.jpg)
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September 30, 2013
From: The desk of Lisa Suttora, ecommerce strategist
Re: Sourcing the RIGHT Products Wholesale to Sell on Amazon
Dear Online Seller,
It's a fact. Amazon.com is the worlds fastest growing ecommerce marketplace.
And if you sell products online in 2013, you need to have a sales channel on Amazon.
Amazon 3rd party merchants are experiencing record sales...
![[Image: amazon2012holiday.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon2012holiday.png)
And Amazon sales for 3rd party merchants will only continue to grow...
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
Amazon Marketplace sales currently outpace the growth of both ecommerce and eBay
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
Holiday Season 2012: Amazon was THE #1 trafficked online retailer, bypassing all other online retailers by 50%!
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
Amazon sites attract 1 million unique visitors a month, far surpassing any other online retailer on the web
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
![[Image: greenrightarrow.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/greenrightarrow.jpg)
40% of all Amazon retail sales are generated by 3rd party online merchants... and this is growing every quarter
But in order to achieve this kind of success on Amazon, you have to have the right products to sell...
And while it's true that there are many ways to source products to sell on Amazon,..
Sourcing Inventory Through Wholesale Channels Is One Of The Best Avenues for Bringing a Steady Stream of In-Demand Products to the Amazon Marketplace...For the past three years I have been a featured and keynote presenter at the Amazon Sellers Conference on "How to Source the Products Amazon Buyers Want."
During these three-day conferences I've spoken with literally hundreds of Amazon merchants with one question on their mind - how to source in-demand products with high profit margins and low competition.
I also spoken with several Amazon category managers who told me they are hungry for more new inventory in their categories! And they're looking to 3rd party sellers to supply it.![[Image: amazon_wholesale_inventory.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_wholesale_inventory.png)
Right now you have a unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor and bring these products to the Amazon marketplace.
To source and sell products to Amazon's customers - some of the best customers on the web.
But Inventory Sourced From Wholesale Suppliers Must Have the Right Characteristics to Sell Successfully on Amazon.You can't just select any old wholesale product and expect to make money in the Amazon Marketplace.
... Nor can you just finding an existing product that's selling well on Amazon, locate the supplier and place an order.
... Nor can you just finding an existing product that's selling well on Amazon, locate the supplier and place an order.
It takes a bit more moxie and creativity that that!
That's Why I Recently Gave the Keynote Presentation On This Topic at the 2012 Amazon Sellers Conference.![[Image: scoe_2012.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/scoe_2012.png)
![[Image: 2012_keynote_amazon.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/2012_keynote_amazon.png)
"Vast Knowledge and Experience"
I wanted to thank you so very much for your keynote presentation this year.
So many people told me that they were thrilled to see your presentation, and then talk to you face to face and ask you specific questions.
You really made a positive difference with your vast knowledge and experience.
Rhonda Schneider
Since that time, I've been receiving requests from conference attendees, students and clients to to teach a course specifically designed to address sourcing wholesale products to sell on Amazon ever since.
And the wait is finally over...
Announcing the first course of it's kind...
"Sourcing the Right Products Wholesale to Sell on Amazon"The only course designed specifically to help you select and source profitable products through wholesale channels to sell in the Amazon Marketplace.
Whether you're an established seller or just getting started online, "Sourcing Products Wholesale to Sell on Amazon" will take you step-by-step through "A-Z's " of successful Amazon sourcing.
![[Image: az_cover.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/az_cover.jpg)
The Exclusive, New Step-By-Step Online Video Course That Will Show You...
![[Image: Module1_business.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/Module1_business.jpg)
Selling successfully on Amazon is different from selling in any other Marketplace!
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
Understanding the Amazon Business Model (get this wrong and you'll limit your success)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
The BIG difference between running a business on eBay or a website and running a business on Amazon
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
What Amazon customers want to buy
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
The KEY traits of successful Amazon sourcing
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
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![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: action.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action.jpg)
Action Assignment! This simple assignment will help you easily implement what you've learned in the Module so that you EARN while you LEARN!
"My Sales Have Tripled and Tripled Again"
![[Image: amazon_testimonial_sharon.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_testimonial_sharon.png)
UPDATE from Sharon:
I have listened to Module 2 about 4 times now and learn something new every time. I have been focusing on one category to fill out my current line (which did gangbusters this December- yeah yeah yeah) .
Your approach to systematically following the correct steps is invaluable. I was rabbit trailing a lot and this has made me focus.
Now I am realizing that a seven figure annual income is possible in 2013 :)
Sharon Boswell
![[Image: Module2_business.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/Module2_business.jpg)
Learn step-by-step how to identify and select the products with the most potential to sell in the Amazon marketplace.
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
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![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
Where to get ideas for profitable products to sell on Amazon
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
How to find PROFITABLE products that aren't even being sold on Amazon yet
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
How to Amazon's "hidden" data to find ideas for products
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
How to use "reverse product sourcing" to spot the many product gaps in the Amazon marketplace
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
How to find untapped niches to sell in on Amazon
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
How to spot the product trends 6, 12 or 18 months before your competitors!
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: action.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action.jpg)
![[Image: amazon_testimonial_marlo.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/amazon_testimonial_marlo.png)
"A Business Model Without Limitations"
Learning about the Amazon business model has been invaluable.
You've shown me a business model that doesn't have the limitations I've run up against on other sites. I had no idea that this was the way I should be selling on Amazon. I am forever grateful.
Mary Reed
![[Image: Module3_business.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/Module3_business.jpg)
Learn the methods and resources used by seasoned retail trade industry merchandise buyers to locate any wholesale supplier.
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
11 Ways to Locate Wholesale Suppliers
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
Understanding the Supply Chain (where you should buy)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
What to say (and what not to say) to your suppliers
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: action.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action.jpg)
Action Assignment! This simple assignment will help you easily implement what you've learned in the Module so that you EARN while you LEARN!
"Didn't Know About Any of the Tools and Resources You Showed Us Today"
I'm embarrassed to say how much money I've spent on garbage lists of wholesale suppliers. I've been at this a few years and have never heard of the tools and resources you showed us today.
To think that I can get at the same suppliers that the "big guys" do boggles the mind.
I had no idea that a relatively small seller like me could have access to this information. Thanks to you I won't be small for long!
Mark Sullivan
December 2011 Student
![[Image: module4_business.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/module4_business.jpg)
There's more to building a successful business on Amazon than meets the eye!
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
What you need to do on Amazon to scale to a 6 or 7 figure business
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
Creative ways to source and sell products no one else is selling
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
6 Research tools to automate your product selection and sourcing
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
![[Image: action.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action.jpg)
![[Image: icon_r1_c25.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/icon_r1_c25.png)
And more!
![[Image: bonus_product_line.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/bonus_product_line.png)
"Excited About What This Year Will Hold for My Business!"
All I can say about the entire course is WOW! I am extremely excited about what this year will hold for my online business. Thanks for everything Lisa.
Madeline Floyd
![[Image: specialbonus_sm1.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/specialbonus_sm1.jpg)
![[Image: 2013_amazon_trends.png]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/2013_amazon_trends.png)
2013 Amazon Trends Webinar Series!
From Amazon’s new programs and selling opportunities, to new product research techniques and fresh Idea Hotspots, you'll get the latest sourcing and selling trends on Amazon.![[Image: specialbonus_sm2.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/specialbonus_sm2.jpg)
![[Image: q_a.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images//q_a.jpg)
YOUR questions answered on our 3 "Ask Lisa Amazon" LIVE Q&A Coaching Calls!
June, July and August 2013!
June, July and August 2013!
** If you can't attend the LIVE coaching calls, simply submit your questions prior to the calls and listen for your answers on the audio replay.
![[Image: specialbonus3.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/specialbonus3.jpg)
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Lifetime Access to the Course Materials in Amazon Sourcing Classroom Site INCLUDING Any Future Updates!
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"Worth 10 Times the Cost"
This is great content and worth 10 times cost of course.
Clint Steiner - December 2011 Student
If you sell products online in 2013, you can't afford not to have this information!
Join me today for this Exclusive Step-by-Step Course...
![[Image: az_cover2.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/az_cover2.jpg)
The ONLY Course Specifically Dedicated to Sourcing the RIGHT Wholesale Products to Sell on Amazon!
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![[Image: computerred_icon.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/computerred_icon.jpg)
Look over my shoulder as each on-screen demonstration shows you exactly how to determine if a product has profit potential on Amazon, watch me locate products to sell and see exactly how to locate the wholesale supplier
![[Image: computerred_icon.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/computerred_icon.jpg)
![[Image: action2.jpg]](http://lisasuttora.com/amazonsourcing/images/action2.jpg)
Each Module Contains An Action Assignment, So You Can Earn While You Learn
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Lifetime access to the course materials in the private Amazon Sourcing classroom INCLUDING any future updates!
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No two businesses are alike! You'll be able to ask your Amazon sourcing questions on the monthly "Ask Lisa Amazon" Q&A coaching calls"!
Or take advantage of this limited time only 2-Pay Plan...
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Let's grow your business on Amazon in 2013!
Your Partner In Online Selling Success,