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Full Version: [REQ] Responsive Styled Google Maps - Wordpress Plugin
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This is the only wordpress plugin on the market that generates responsive and styled Google Maps!
Please check the live demo to see a lot of shortcode examples and samples of maps you can create.
It works with WordPress versions 3.6.1, 3.6 and 3.5.
That's complete crap that it's the only plugin that makes styled maps.

MapPress is the market leader. It does the same thing and has been around for a few years.
(09-29-2013 05:08 PM)kirstie Wrote: [ -> ]That's complete crap that it's the only plugin that makes styled maps.

MapPress is the market leader. It does the same thing and has been around for a few years.
Thanks for the info Kirstie, mappress also is responsive?
Yep. MapPress is responsive and also lets you easily make "MashUp" maps.
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