bump for this one ....I 'think' she does good work , yet would like a free look to make sure. thanks
bump this.... Potpie girl is legit. I made my first money online with her One Week Marketing program. In fact, I still have several Squidoo lenses that are ranking on the first page of Google from that program and I made them over 3 years ago. If anyone has access to this a share would be greatly appreciated.
Haven't seen her around in a long time. There was some controversy about her a year or two back, guess she has been under the radar since lol
just read the sales letter and would be nice to be back on the game with that method
(09-30-2013 10:56 AM)ezlivin Wrote: [ -> ]bump this.... Potpie girl is legit. I made my first money online with her One Week Marketing program. In fact, I still have several Squidoo lenses that are ranking on the first page of Google from that program and I made them over 3 years ago. If anyone has access to this a share would be greatly appreciated.
Yes I read the reviews and it seems that is a good method!
Oh Boy !
So MANY F_U_C_K_I_N_G Old Leechers here !!
Anyway Download Link Inside the PICTURE !!

Looks interesting, but a little too expensive without knowing what it's about.. please share.