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Full Version: [req] Finding hidden files
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Hey everyone,

I would love to contribute since I have been able to test things before buying due to this forum. I know a lot of WSO's are actually not sitting behind wishlist or DAP but are just hidden with things like yoast. Anyone have a tutorial on how to ferret out those files so I could share?
Last person that asked this was a Warrior that wrote a report on methods used by BBF to download files without buying...

But if you search around here and spend little time doing so, you will find posts about this question.
I saw thread about his before....I will post it if i find it!
Thanks. Not doing a WSO on it but it is time for me to contribute instead of lurking and leaching...
If not, if someone has those skills I don't I will provide them the URL. Just tell me who to PM.
I don't think people will tell you that. Lets be HONEST do YOU REALLY THINK PEOPLE GIVE OUT THEIR SECRETS? and Why Would they?
(09-26-2013 10:48 AM)RandomKing Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think people will tell you that. Lets be HONEST do YOU REALLY THINK PEOPLE GIVE OUT THEIR SECRETS? and Why Would they?
Actually, from what I can see on this forum, yes, yes they do. But again, if someone wants to take the site I give them and do it themselves, so be it. I am not trolling for rep, just trying to contribute...
Do not disclose this on any other black hat forums:
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Search for that.
(09-26-2013 10:48 AM)RandomKing Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think people will tell you that. Lets be HONEST do YOU REALLY THINK PEOPLE GIVE OUT THEIR SECRETS? and Why Would they?
good point. I believe the same. I think that's why I keep procrastinating putting ANY WSO into practice. Not only do I not trust they'll work, but I actually have serious doubts that some harm will happen to those who apply them - e.g. getting one's site google-slapped, or paypal account frozen, or privacy compromised, etc etc.

yeah call me paranoid, but don't tell me you guys don't suspect the same just never said it out loud.
This is the FREEBIE section of the forum... you should have posted your request in the REQUEST section...

Anyway, here's some of what you're looking for:
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