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Full Version: [GET] Clone Script v1.0 Nulled By ScriptGates Team with Database of 30000 Videos
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Friend Help me, I'm having problems with the script, i performed all correctly as shown in the guide.


Magic Button :
[Image: tHfMuwr.png]
Please Excuse me,

Thanks so much
super .thanks my friend
anyone get it working?
That message is telling you to re=check all your insertions. Something is missing or entered incorrectly and it cannot find your domain where the script is.
(09-27-2013 01:55 AM)MrNewGerarD Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.

Friend Help me, I'm having problems with the script, i performed all correctly as shown in the guide.


Magic Button :
[Image: tHfMuwr.png]
Please Excuse me,

Thanks so much

That message is telling you to re-check all your insertions. Something
is missing or entered incorrectly and it cannot find your domain where
the script is.

If anyone would like assistance getting this script working, you may PM me for details. FYI: I am very fair, but I am not free.
I also get this error, not working :(
(10-05-2013 06:21 AM)BlackHatter4Life Wrote: [ -> ]I also get this error, not working :(
Then to you I offer this same message: That message is telling you to re-check all your insertions. Something
is missing or entered incorrectly and it cannot find your domain where
the script is.

If anyone would like assistance getting this script working, you may PM me for details. FYI: I am very fair, but I am not free.
2mb script and 30000 videos? Is it possible that db is so small?
2mb script and 30000 videos? Is it possible that db is so small?
the 30k videos must be embedded, thus the small file size.
my questions for this script, is :
Auto video updates?
Fully Customizable?

Or is it literally a Rip?
As there is no sales page.
so after this thread, there will be hundreds more site that have exactly the same content. I wish there is a plugin that will spin all "TITLE" automatically
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