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I don't care whether you download them or not, but please have the respect not to criticize without looking at what you are criticizing.

If you took the time to look you would see they are not the same set of files split ad infinitum, but a larger set of files found from other sites. They are not split at all - that is how they are posted (in exactly the same way as those in the original post before somebody combined them). There are also 13.3GB of infographics elements compared to only 2.3GB in the original post. While I can't guarantee there is no overlap, there is definitely at least 11GB of new stuff there.
(09-24-2013 01:48 AM)patelnirpendra Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-24-2013 01:36 AM)sjc999 Wrote: [ -> ]They are not spam, they are links to 100+ infographics packages you can download if you want - or not if you don't. Some may be the same packs, many won't be.
thats ok actually i have downloaded with a link from warclient
never split a file in more than 5-10
(09-24-2013 08:38 AM)sjc999 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't care whether you download them or not, but please have the respect not to criticize without looking at what you are criticizing.

If you took the time to look you would see they are not the same set of files split ad infinitum, but a larger set of files found from other sites. They are not split at all - that is how they are posted (in exactly the same way as those in the original post before somebody combined them). There are also 13.3GB of infographics elements compared to only 2.3GB in the original post. While I can't guarantee there is no overlap, there is definitely at least 11GB of new stuff there.
(09-24-2013 01:48 AM)patelnirpendra Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-24-2013 01:36 AM)sjc999 Wrote: [ -> ]They are not spam, they are links to 100+ infographics packages you can download if you want - or not if you don't. Some may be the same packs, many won't be.
thats ok actually i have downloaded with a link from warclient
never split a file in more than 5-10
hey you have taken it seriously man , i was just a type of requesting. Dont fell bad ++rep for you
OMG !! Thank you for sharing it !! One question guys, how can I edit these ?

yup nice one que

it needs adobe illustrator and AI works only on 64-bit OS

nothing more needed

and the best thing about them is resize to any size.

This time iam busy maybe google it to know more
Welcome Cool Cool +++++repped .... I am using simply debrid with 4 simultaneous dl ... 1400KBS Undecided

Unless someone does before I am done dl, I will post a directory of the unrar'd files so peeps can have option of just dl the package(s) they are interested in

(09-24-2013 08:38 AM)sjc999 Wrote: [ -> ]... a larger set of files found from other sites. They are not split at all - that is how they are posted (in exactly the same way as those in the original post before somebody combined them).... 13.3GB of infographics elements...., there is definitely at least 11GB of new stuff there.
We Go that would be great, reps for a week if you do ;)
yup for that work we go must get around 50-100 reps
@patelnirpendra +10 rep for you! the all in one was fast I download at 3.5MB/S using downthemall.

the download was done in 12 minutes and the files are super awesome!
@sjc999 +20 rep for you - your share was huge!

patelnirpendra shares from set 3 to set 26

sjc999 shares that PLUS a whole lot more!
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