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Full Version: [REQ] wpmudev Q&A for wordpress
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it's a nice Q and A plugin for wordpress

not sure if it's already been released somewhere, please share if you have it thanks
(09-20-2013 03:10 PM)jack28791 Wrote: [ -> ]

it's a nice Q and A plugin for wordpress

not sure if it's already been released somewhere, please share if you have it thanks
wht the F*** do u think of yourself u son of bitch just writing anything anywhere about me,,,,,just mind u'r language otherwise i'll kick u'r ass...itz just 2 weeks u have come be in rules or i'll kick u....

and remember u'r a noob and be a noob dont try to be a dad cause tht suits me....

it is a time if i see tht u write anything wrong about me i'll kick u'r ass....
Here it is , right from wpmudev to mirrorcreator:

Don't forget to add +Rep
(09-20-2013 03:23 PM)oopsgeneration88 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-20-2013 03:10 PM)jack28791 Wrote: [ -> ]

it's a nice Q and A plugin for wordpress

not sure if it's already been released somewhere, please share if you have it thanks
wht the F*** do u think of yourself u son of bitch just writing anything anywhere about me,,,,,just mind u'r language otherwise i'll kick u'r ass...itz just 2 weeks u have come be in rules or i'll kick u....

and remember u'r a noob and be a noob dont try to be a dad cause tht suits me....

it is a time if i see tht u write anything wrong about me i'll kick u'r ass....
I've been here two weeks but no one has accused me of scamming

2 people are lying about you?

and watch your mouth, say that to me in person you will be on the floor, 6ft 195lbs, bench 265lbs, come at me bro ;)
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