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Keeping it VIP to minmize leeching outside BBHF.

Work hard become VIP


Paid $$ to become VIP
OK. I'm not trying to be objectionable, but really don't see this.

I understand why the product owner would care.
I understand the Board Owner would like to sell more VIP memberships.

But, what does it matter to anybody else if this is shared by 50 people or 500 or 5000. I readily concede that there are methods that can quickly become useless if they are widely shared. But this truly is not in that class. Sharing it more widely will not reduce its value to you.
(10-21-2013 02:13 AM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]Keeping it VIP to minmize leeching outside BBHF.

Work hard become VIP


Paid $$ to become VIP
Can someone PM me the link to the download location?

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