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Full Version: [EXCHANGE] PhpHolidays 2.9.2 nulled for Cloneforest 2.1 open source
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For Instalation and Website front work u online need to editing. this file share by mrqaidi, i am only editing little bit syntax. But just information for administrator file still need find clue



class Eicra_License_Version
    private $_config = null;
    private $_response = null;
    private $_error = null;

    function __construct($adaptar = null) {

    function checkModulesLicense() {        
        return true;    

    function getJQueryVersion() {
        return '1.9.1';    

    function getJQueryUIVersion() {
        return '1.10.2';    

    function getVersion() {
        return '2.9.2';    
    function sendInfo() {        
        return true;    

    function isLicensed() {
        return true;    
    function getLicensedModules() {
        return true;    
    function getArrayResult() {        
        $result = $this->getRawBody();
        if (empty($result)) {            
        return null;        
        return Zend_Json::decode($result);  
    function getRawBody() {  
        $obj = $this->getResultObject();
        if (empty($obj)) {            
        return null;        
        return $obj;  

    function getResultObject() {  
        return $this->_response;

    function verifyLicense() {  
    return true;  

    function go_server_license($licensekey, $localkey = 'nulled') {      
    //$whmcsurl = '';        
    $licensing_secret_key = '';        
    //$check_token =  cjcjgijcbh( difacgebed( 1000000000, 9999999999 ) . $licensekey );        
    $checkdate = date( 'Ymd' );        
    $usersip = (isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR']);        
    $localkeydays = 1191;        
    $allowcheckfaildays = 1181;        
    $localkeyvalid = true;
        if (!$localkey) {            
            $localkey = $localkey ;
            $localdata = $localkey;            
            $md5hash = "ok";
            if ($md5hash == "ok") {
            $localdata = $localdata;                
            $md5hash = $localdata;                
            $localdata = $localdata;                
            $localdata = $localdata;                
            $localkeyresults = $localdata;              
            $originalcheckdate = $localkeyresults['checkdate'];
            if ($md5hash == "ok" ){                    
            $localexpiry = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $localkeydays, date( 'Y' ) ) );        
            if ($localexpiry < $originalcheckdate) {                        
            $localkeyvalid = false;                        
            $results = $localkeyresults;                        
            $validdomains = explode( ',', $results['validdomain'] );
            if (!in_array( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $validdomains )) {                            
            $localkeyvalid = false;                            
            $localkeyresults['status'] = 'Invalid';                            
            $results = array(  );                        
            $validips = explode( ',', $results['validip'] );
            if (!in_array( $usersip, $validips )) {                            
            $localkeyvalid = false;                            
            $localkeyresults['status'] = 'Invalid';                            
            $results = array(  );                        }
            if ($results['validdirectory'] != dirname( __FILE__ )) {                            
            $localkeyvalid = false;                            
            $localkeyresults['status'] = 'Invalid';                            
            $results = array(  );                        

            if ($localkeyvalid) {            
            $postfields['licensekey'] = $licensekey;            
            $postfields['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];            
            $postfields['ip'] = $usersip;            
            //$postfields['dir'] = dirname( __FILE__ );
            if ($check_token) {                
            $postfields['check_token'] = $check_token;            }

            if (!$data) {            
            //    $localexpiry = date(strtotime);                
            //decaaecefe('/<(.*?)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/i', $data, $matches);            
            $results = array(  );
            if ($results['status'] == 'Active') {                
            $results['checkdate'] = $checkdate;                                
            $results['localkey'] = "Active";            
            $results['remotecheck'] = true;        
            $iamok = true;$results['status'] == 'Active';return $results;    }                
            function check_license($licensekey, $localkey = '') {            
                $results['status'] = 'Active';
                return $results;    
            function getProductType() {        
            return '5';    
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