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This is a big rip - nearly 3gb.
I've shrunk it to 2gb, and split into 4 parts, each a separate zip. It'll still take a fair while to upload all.
I wasn't able to rip lecture 14 - it won't play for me, so that one's missing.

Part 1 to get you started :-)
Magic Button :!ShZXQALK!PtSqkhaWtZ4n81B7uurlMlfnnusuVXdAaDwufPNEq9M

Part 2:
Magic Button :!PlASQIiZ!ZzzuhA3VGivc-XKlTrrRhDcoiG1k1bqz7TcWIgF8zck

Part 3:
Magic Button :!np51zLpK!SoSelFNz8IhcyNq4M4DpFn8unb9M01UVP-Ws2mkv1JA

Part 4:
Magic Button :!ukB3GYCB!Jta71gc5GASwMKRPeDhKbxIElBw-UQDri3I0ViqLmmo
+1REP, Animal88 - kudos to you!!! One more question - I have already downloaded first 3 parts and when combined in one folder, there's number 14 missing (12-make-a-statement-with-how-you-look-720p-11 followed by 13-adding-value-720p-12) - number in front of the file suggests that there's one file missing, but the number at the end seems to match... Confused ;-)
Yes, number 14 wouldn't play so I couldn't download it. I'll retry again in a day or two and if I can get it I'll upload it.

The shrink software adds the number to the end - just ignore it. The numbers at the beginning are correct order.
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