09-06-2013, 09:56 PM
09-06-2013, 10:08 PM
(09-06-2013 07:26 AM)Big Tuna Wrote: [ -> ]@ CyberPunkBuyProxies has been the best we have used with VPS / dedicated servers.
I am looking at getting a VPS so I can use your cracked SENuke and No Hands SEO programs, are there any VPS you'd recommend that I can use these cracks on?
The semo-dedicated private proxies are great, never had any issues and if you bind them to the accounts in the softwares, less chance of being deleted.
(09-06-2013 09:56 PM)husamba Wrote: [ -> ]It crash a lot for me :(Have you tried contributing to BBHF yet? It works better when you do :-)
09-06-2013, 10:53 PM
(09-06-2013 06:38 AM)CyberPunk Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, work in framework 4.5. "not work in 4.0".(09-05-2013 09:59 PM)rodrigophp Wrote: [ -> ]Good morning, I do not know what I'm doing wrong for Senuke not work with me. I appreciate any help. Thank you.
+ If you have used any other cracked versions of SENuke, then make sure you DO NOT have anything in your host file blocking SENuke.
+ Make sure you do not have a firewall blocking SENuke from accessing the internet! The error you are receiving is possibly from a failed internet connection.
+ SENuke requires the .NET framework. I suggest you Google the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Client Profile" and install it! It is required to run all .NET programs, which SENuke is a .NET program! I don't think SENuke is framework 4.x, but its backwards compatible so just get the latest "4.5 client profile" and that will take care of ALL .NET apps you come across for a while!

09-07-2013, 02:20 AM
thanks alot dude!
09-07-2013, 03:52 AM
(09-06-2013 02:21 PM)CyberPunk Wrote: [ -> ]If you can't change your IP, then I suggest you find a decent proxy solution. Don't do Private proxies, they are expensive and you dont get very many. Your looking for a VPN provider that has a large pool of proxies that you can connect to. Everytime you connect to the VPN, then you get a new IP and can do an SEO blast.. reconnect, do another.. reconnect, do another... You can find a decent VPN provider for about $10-$30/mo.Thanks for answering. My main reason for getting a VPS was because I don't want to use too much bandwidth at home. I assume that a software like NHS would use a lot if you have it running constantly.
09-07-2013, 03:52 AM
(09-06-2013 10:53 PM)rodrigophp Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, work in framework 4.5. "not work in 4.0".Your reply doesn't make sense... I assume you are saying that for SENuke it worked in 4.5 for you but not 4.0?
Here is the direct download from Microsoft for the .NET Framework 4.5: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/...x?id=30653
There are tons of different versions.. The .NET Framework is BACKWARDS compatible! So if you are running a program that requires 3.0 then this will work also. If you are running a program that runs 3.5, this will work.. If your running one that requires 4.0, this will work...
It makes NO SENSE to download an old version of .NET framework. You will end up running a program that requires 4.0 or 4.5 and you will have errors and problems because you FAILED to get the most up to date version.
Just download the .NET Framework 4.5 and you wont have problems (at least in min requirements) running .NET programs (which SENuke is a .NET program)!
09-07-2013, 06:53 AM
@cyberpunk i run senuke and it just closing randomly, i have to put my proxy list and settings every time. any solution to this? Tnx
09-07-2013, 07:48 AM
* Sorry, wrong thread.
09-07-2013, 03:35 PM
(09-07-2013 06:53 AM)husamba Wrote: [ -> ]@cyberpunk i run senuke and it just closing randomly, i have to put my proxy list and settings every time. any solution to this? TnxAre you sure your not using my last version from a couple days ago? This one here is 3.1.25. Just a couple days ago I cracked 3.1.23. I forgot to null out the Timer in the last version. Instead of fixing it, the new version was out, so I removed the old download link and closed the thread (and noted in the OP why I did so!). I know I didn't forgot this time, so this version should not be closing on it's own. In fact, I ran a full SENuke run last night and it didn't close on me!
Unfortunately, SENuke is running low on it's total number of sites.. Wordpress.com isn't even in this version at all, for example... There was only just over 500 total sites built into this version! I had really good success rates, and I did every module except the PDF and the Google Places.. I probably would have had over 300 URLs if I let the social bookmarking module finish, I stopped it way early and only had 10 URLs..
Final Note: You shouldn't really be using a proxy list with SEnuke. You will normally get really bad success rates, and most of your proxies I bet the site can see your real IP Adress still as over 60% of your IPs probably are Transparent proxies, and they pass the "X_FORWARDED_FOR" header, with your real IP in it! You should be using a good VPN server where you can disconnect and reconnect and get a new IP (they need a large pool of IPs). The #1 way is to use your home connection and change your IP Adress between every SENuke run. Most people can change their own IP, so I recommend you figure out how to do that! (Simple change your MAC Adress on your router, or if your directly connected to your modem, change the MAC on your network card).
09-07-2013, 03:48 PM
(09-07-2013 03:52 AM)Big Tuna Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for answering. My main reason for getting a VPS was because I don't want to use too much bandwidth at home. I assume that a software like NHS would use a lot if you have it running constantly.If you live here in the USA, then consuming bandwidth shouldn't be an issue. However, for some weird reason people in other countries have "limited bandwidth", which is absurd to me. I consume over 50GB every month, and that's without doing a lot of SEO work (harvesting, scraping, ect.)...
I have always ran SENuke off my home connection (except for around 6 months when I had an SEO VPN). I also have always ran Scrapebox, and for a few months xRumer. So to me, running these things off your home internet shouldn't be an issue. Only issue is complaints. You shouldnt get complaints with SENuke. I used public proxies (around 2k) to do my harvesting, and for a while I harvested A LOT!!! Hence why I have over 4mil Scrapebox URLs :) Then 10 private proxies (new ones every other month or so when I felt I had burned them too much) for posting. When using Scrapebox and xRumer you have to use proxies the whole time, just to protect you from getting complaints to your ISP.
Until a few months ago, I was able to change my IP on the fly. I had Comcast for years, and was on their badass 50meg package for the last year. I could change the MAC Adress on my router, then reboot both my router and modem, and get a new IP every time. So I would do a full SENuke run, change my IP, SENuke run, change my IP.. I would knock out 4 or 5 SEO blasts with SENuke in 1 day, changing my IP in between...
So unless you have a bandwidth cap, your home connection is fine... at least for SEnuke. You use your home connection on Sbox and xrumer, that is fine too.. However, you should use private proxies or a VPN service like HideMyAss, and change your IP every so often.