Secret Offline Page
Keep this a secret people, we are opening within a few weeks (max 2-3).
Just let me know if you want in. The main price will be $7,997 but you can get it at $4,997
Lock yourself in now by sending me a personal message.
You know how to contact me ;)
Cya you soon and yes this will be $100k within your first year after 90 days coaching!
Magic Button :
Super rare expensive courses like this should be shared only to VIP or else this will be gone soon.
Anyway how do i download a premium file like this? My download connection is being cut off.
Any mirrors? Thanks
I am interested on what hype is this.
But I can't download it. Another mirror would be good. Ty.
Link is broken please re-up
This is an "empty" 3 page website frame built on the BIGBANG wordpress theme...
I'm not sure what the OP was doing when he posted this... and if I had to guess, that's why he abandoned it...
wow that seems to be a great course for its value!!
(09-05-2013 05:47 AM) Abdouzr Wrote: [ -> ] wow that seems to be a great course for its value!!
Just because of a price tag of a course it does not mean its as effective. Always do you homework before wasting your hard earned cash.
Reup needed to better file hosting ;)