Thanks...this guy must be the most brain-dead of brain-deads... his home page URL is an open directory of his downloads... ++5reps, just for making me laugh, today:D
(08-30-2013 09:48 AM)cautiontapedmummy Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks...this guy must be the most brain-dead of brain-deads... his home page URL is an open directory of his downloads... ++5reps, just for making me laugh, today:D
No this has already been shared and the site actually existed half an hour ago i don't know what happened now
+Rep for the share. Hope some one find this WSO useful!
Here is the M€di@fir€ mirror:
Magic Button :
Keep in mind that this is my first contribution here on So please be kind and respect my failures as much as the will to contribute to the community.
An interesting read.This is a pretty good download about list-building. The traffic sources that he uses to build his list are the same old methods, which are only really useful for those in the Internet Marketing niche:
1) Solo Ads
2) Warrior Forum Signature
3) Free WSOs
Its basic and the guy says that the bigger your list, the more money.
This is a false claim that noobs make. Its simply not true.
The money is NOT in the list. The money is in the RELATIONSHIP. You can have a list of 100 000 but you can easily outperform the money you make with it from a list of 5000 if you know how to build a relationship.
He tells you to send your list like 5 info emails per week and one offer email per week. Find the offers on your normal platforms.
The solo ad emails are pretty basic that he would send out:
"Hey, this is free. You should check it out" blabla.
He recommends 3 solo ad providers. He claims he uses 2 of them and the 3rd he used for the testimonials.
My guess is that they all paid him to be included, but I could be wrong.
Anyhow... this is as basic as it gets and if you want to learn list building you should choose another course.