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Is there a license key included?
(08-30-2013 06:22 AM)doobeyman Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a license key included?
...WhoUBe specifically asked:
"Can someone crack this ?"
(or null or whatever...)

so, probably no, not yet :)

but have some faith and patience, as this group is AWESOME!
My bad , did not see that at the bottom. I will keep my fingers crossed on the software getting cracked.
will anybody share a license key pls
thanks for this great share, anyone with that key yet?
bump for a key or nulled version...thanks in advance.
The Templates Are HORRIBLE! lol
Yeah those ad templates suck ass! They lived on my hard drive for about 30 seconds before I deleted them!

Anyone that already does FB ads will know those images won't convert. Even the ad copy is embarrasing. Newbies will start using those ad templates and wonder why they aint getting any clicks!

(08-30-2013 10:03 AM)WhoUBe Wrote: [ -> ]The Templates Are HORRIBLE! lol
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